Please do not use your Cell Phone near the Fuel Tanker or inside any Fuel Station !

Good Afternoon QLers !!
Please note that Cell-phones CAN BE a source of ignition. In this case the employee was trying to use his cell phone's illuminated screen as a source of light - as it was dark by the dome area on top of the truck.
PLEASE inform all your friends and loved ones that gasoline itself is not the problem, it is the vapors emitted that caused what you are going to see in this video. That said, standing "a bit away" from the pump might still not be enough (based on the amount of fumes emitted), so PLEASE no cell-phones around the pump areas in gas stations OR any area in the Refineries...
Please inform others and safe lifes.....
Since I am not able to upload this video on QL, I have uploaded on my personal page on Google.
Click the link below to see the video:
Could you develop brain tumors due too excessive use of cell phones while driving in Doha?
I need to ask my guppies for a second opinion on that matter.
My guppies informed me:
1- The use of a Cell phone while driving, is already an influential factor in Doha car accidents. No need for RF emissions to affect their brains. Is already embedded in their mutated DNA all those insane drivers.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. Solomon Chapte
For more information on this topic follow this link.
1-Center for the Study of Wireless Electromagnetic Compatibility (CSWEC)
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. Solomon Chapte
many times have you seen people filling up with the engine running?
It was a common sight at one time.........despite the signs.
charan ,,, if this story is of stone age then why today still we see signs of mobile/ car engine switched off on every fuel stations around the world?
It is unlikely that a Mobile Phone can cause Sparks to ignite Petrol fumes, and Static Electricity is much more likely to cause a spark to ignite fumes, BUT generaly one should always be on the Safe side, and one should use only equipment made Areas where Hydrocarbons can be located(Hazardous Areas as per Hazardous Area Classification standards like IP 15, IEC 79-10 or Ansi 500). Since people don't have IS phones we should not use them . We should follow the same precautions as in all Oil and Gas plants in the world, where gas fumes migh be present. In oil and Gas plants all electrical equipment has to be specially made not to create any sparks( IS or EX proof equipment)
What do you think might happen if for example and you drop a mobile next to the pump while filling, loosing the battery - would anyone dare to try ?
I guess not, this might generate the spark you need to ignite Petrol fumes.
I think we all should go back to stone age to prevent hazards like this
All is does is create confusion. Next you will post the story of the girl who died of cancer after refilling a water bottle with tap water. The chemicals seeped out and killed the girl....
mobile & gas...
In India driving with a Mobile switched on is an offence. (Its a different thing that cops dont usually charge you unless they find you using it while driving).
(You have to keep your mobile switched off while driving)
There we go again plastic is the root of all evil - I had to laugh when I read that. lol.
However, in my opinion warnings should be adhered to - it might just be one who is wearing his plastic jump suit and the whole station will go up on fire.
saw this on a Science show like Mythbusters.
It turns out it's static shock not the mobile phone. They even took 50 mobiles and called them simultaneously in a room full of fumes and petrol and nothing happened.
And the FIRST case that it happened to turned out the guy was wearing some plastic type track suit, and no doubt caused static.
I think the warning to turn off your mobile at the gas station originates from when mobiles first came on the scene and had components that could potentially cause an ignition. Today's mobiles no longer have these components.
And I don't think it's possible for the mobile signal in the air to ignite the fuel vapor.
In the UK the petrol pumps are designed in such away that you have to keep the pump lever pressed in, so you can't walk away and leave it refueling as you can here in Qatar. I believe this greatly reduces the chance of static electricity causing an ignition.
Thanks for putting this in perspective although my firm belief is to preserve life instead of just taking any kind of chances where others may suffer consequences for their (inconsquent) actions.
It is muchbetter to be safe than sorry. On the other hand there has been a great deal of improvement with traffic, speeding mobile phones etc. considering that this was a cowboy state (as far as these things are concerned) not to long ago.
As I have said previously it is a long way from a riding a camel to driving a car.!!!lol
phones ,,, the difference between both of them is that mobile phones gets radiations thru the Air where the chance if fuel vapors are very high...
Incase of vehicle they are tested and are 99% risk free. But still it is advise able to keep the engine off while fueling. Only risk involved is the when the ignition is trigger it passes the current to the Dynamo which could be a risky too but since it is inside the vehicle and chance of fuel vapors going there is very low.
Better to be on safe side always :)
Hi Canarybird,
The purpose of my comment was to provide readers with more information on the subject. I wasn't telling people they should go ahead and use their mobiles at the petrol station, on the contrary I thought I had made it quite clear that my opinion was that it was better to be safe than sorry and turn off your mobile.
btw, I mentioned static electricity because it is believed that is normally the cause of an ignition. The static electricity is not caused by the mobile.
they tried it several times over and over and no ignition.
Mis-Cat - I think you're right, cos according to the reference in my last comment Mythbusters tried to cause an ignitinion with a mobile but were unable to;
"According to some experts there is a danger that using a mobile phone near gas pumps could touch off an explosion, but not only have we found no real-life instances of such an explosion occurring, we don't know anyone who has demonstrated experimentally that it's even possible (including the folks at The Discovery Channel's Mythbusters program)."
I protest against your comment, and most probably because when I use the petrol station I see these things and hope to God that nothing will happen and as we all know static electricity has been know to set a telephone on fire next to your ear let alone set a petrol station on fire.
How can you be so inconsequent in your opinion and even if it never happened the slight possibility to allow it to happen is dangerous.
There are signs and it is not a matter of obliging and switch of your engine is the same thing - these are the kind of people who put other peoples lives at risk.
"Polit to Oblige" is not a condition if they are endangering someones life!!!!!
Already bust this one
While it is probably good practice not to use your mobile at gas stations, it is commonly accepted that the risk of a mobile being the source of ignition is very small and in most cases the presence of a mobile phone at an explosion is merely coincidental. Static electricity is often the actual source of ignition, among other things.
There's more info here.
That said, I can't believe anyone has business that is so important that making or answering a call can't wait until they've left the petrol station, so it's probably better to be safe than sorry. And of course, if there's a sign saying "switch off your mobile" it is only polite to oblige (though this is unlikely in Qatar if the ignorance of "no smoking" signs in cafes/restaurants is anything to go by).
i think is wise and better thing to do you turn off your engine too. for safety sake.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
ah, canary beat me to it :)
---Life is Fragile, Handle With Prayer---
LOL... DaaaaaaaaaaRuuuuuuuuuuuDeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
a question: what about the car itself? here i find people have their vehicle ignition on while re-fueling. never seen that back home!
---Life is Fragile, Handle With Prayer---
The other thing is that when in the Petrol station you should also turn off the engine but very few do this as this can also cause fire.
Good post and good to let people be informed.
Somebody posted this before, not intirely about mobile phones, it's got something to do with the electric shock i think ( can't remember )
But thanx for posting this new info always help...
i will try to practice this on some one's Volvo :D
Speed,thanks for posting this and hope people take this lesson and practise it.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
In my country although we are 3rd world country we have policy that everyone should turn off all mobile phone while they are in gas/fuel station and this is from way back for the same reason as you explained above.
Here people do not realised this and still using mobile phone while fill up the gas/fuel.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand