Plea to a fellow QL person

Please do not take this wrongly, but can the members of the "Urdu Group - For Urdu, Hindi, and Punjabi speakers" use their own language in the title of the posts.
I keep clicking on an english title, only to find out that the content and responses are in Urdu or punjab.
If you can respond in that language, then surely you can also post in that language.
It would make things so much easier.
hahahaha mangal is pajju? :P
Always glad to make things easier! Thanks to Harry99 for bringing this up. And now I would like to have fries with this!
thanks .. its appreciated :O)
Xena, I completely understand and I also agree that it is irritating. I too would like to see group posts appearing differently. Khattak proposed a very good solution to this. Having this in place will save us from a lot of inconvenience.
If we go on to change how people post 'subject lines' for the group posts, it is practically impossible. It is like changing people's habits. It is not just about the subject line but the way they use words in everyday conversation.
Urdu has borrowed thousands of words from English language. When talking in Urdu we use these words and do not even feel that we are speaking words of a foreign language. Urdu substitutes of some common English words are becoming uncommon and obsolete.
From now on, I'll post the words 'Urdu group' in subject line where the title of the post is in English and the contents are in other language.
we are not complaining about the fact the the replies are in those languages...
The problem is that when the topic headline is posted in English, if its interesting most people will click on it, the topic can then be in English, but mostly whatever language is spoken in that group - I for one never check if its listed as Forum or Stories - so only realise its a group topic once I have opened it, and don't understand a word.
We are just asking that the thread headline reflect the language the topic is going to be in:-)
Harry99, I understand your concern. If you are living in Qatar you should know that Indians and Pakistanis communicate in Urdu, Hindi and English. English is one of the main languages that we use in our daily life, even at home. Urdu group is of Indians and Pakistanis mainly and they communicate in the languages they use outside the virtual world. Why does it bother others so much? And why you expect people to act differently than the norm?
No group on QL has committed to use one particular language nor there are any guidelines from QL administration that groups should not post in English language. QL rules clearly define the use of English language on the main forum. However, you can use any language on the groups including English. If there are any QL guidelines in regards to posting on groups, I and other group members will gladly follow.
Thats not a serious issue but irritating indeed. I once requested the Admin/MODs to add one more column to the recent posts mentioning the group where the thread is posted. No matter what's the language of the content of thread...but the title should be in the relevant language atleast.
Hijack :O(
i got a suggestion, like after the english title, they just need to put their group. For example, Title: THE PERFECT POST- Urdu group (Punjab, Filex or any group for this matter)...
i got NOC that m not Pajju :) lol
mangal_pandey yani ....., I was on read only mode for sometime and was thinking on your posts and comments.
i keel u
Who is mangal_pandey? Is it the new id of pajju?
I was just asking for a little courtesy and consideration, but you are ofcourse correct. Thanks anyway.
Must admit, I too find it irritating..
Kairali group and Romanian group are best. The Filex do a good job most of the time..
It would be good if they could do as requested :O)
QL Kairali Group too
postings too....
Many times have had the same issues.