Plane Crash in NY

I was watching as the news just came in. At that time they were saying the plane may have hit a bird.
Here is the article.
And here is the slide show...
How can you tell if a goose has Canadian or American nationality? Sounds like a joke, but it's not.
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
For the former :)
and getting rid of my favourite PM's wife - Mrs Trudeau
Sorry! You are ofcourse correct..
Apparently the birds who flew into the engines were Canadians.. Do I need say anymore ?
Jeeze, britexpat, don't be a scrooge. How often do we get a feel-good story with real heroes and a happy ending? Let's just enjoy it for a day or so.
sitting here in Dubai watching CNN ...
There's genocide in Gaza, food shortages in Chad, people dying everywhere and CNN is covering the Huson River Tragedy....... Priorities..
even if something goes wrong with drainage pipes in NY they will blame Osama Al Qaeda ffor it.
So possibilities could be he might have trained those geese also :D
They may have been trained by Al Qaeda!
Veni, Vedi, Visa! ~ I came, I saw, I shopped!
A flock of Geese were hit by both engines...I am surprised non-one in the US is accusing the geese of being Al-Qaeeda sympathisers!!
Yes, thanks be to God all passengers and crew evacuated safely.