.. Plan farther than tomorrow ..

By Molten Metal •
Hello Everybody,
Plan well in advance to realize your goals ....
Have a clear vision on how to execute your efforts to reach your targets ......
MM ...... ..... Fri, 28.02.2014 , 08.32 hrs ...
That's like taking right decision at the right time ... Allah bless the couple .... !
Mon, 03.03.2014 , 06.24 hrs ...
I planned in advance and got a caring wife and hence achieved my goal...ALhamdollilah
So nice of you all for your valuable inputs .... as always ... !
Sun, 02.03.2014 , 11.34 hrs ...
He keeps us amused with his short & sweet message.
Pirate,thanks for the 'wise' suggestion.....Lols.As for the other things I agree fully.Molten's posts are worth reading for their impregnable messages with their indepth meanings.
Enjoy your day.Cheers....
@MM Sir : Well said,,,,,if there were Oscar's on QL for the enthusiastic & inspirational thoughts,,,,,i wud hav voted for U, U & only ***U*** :)
@Silvermist : dont fear, drink Johnnie Walker,,,,,,,live present moments & appreciate it :D
The future is the home of our deepest fears, and our wildest hopes.
But one thing is certain: When it finally reveals itself, the future is never the way we imagined
So let's hope for the best and be greatful for friends, family, and all the lovely people around us who try to inspire us in their own way and be thankful and happy to just be alive…
So I'm making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises.......
Thanks for the thought.
Good quote MM.
Ab, I feel it's about having a long term view , beyound tomorrow - farther - far ahead -
"Farther" or "Further"?