Photography Project, dead line is approaching

Glimpses: Photography Project
The success of the two volumes in the Qatar Narratives series demonstrates that there is a lively and active literary community in Qatar. There are also readers who hope to engage in thinking about local themes and subjects as they impact their lives directly. The GLIMPSES project is an expansion on the previous essay anthologies to include photography as a means of expressing one’s views on society and culture. The photo essay will allow contributors to compose a series of images dealing with the theme of change in Qatar; either how life was in the past, how life is now, or a contrast of both, as found in the QATAR: THEN AND NOW volume .
Submissions are open!
• About the Project:
Accepted work will be published in a coffee table book in November 2009 and each contributor will receive two complimentary copies as compensation. At this time there is no monetary compensation for writers. Priority will be given to previously-unpublished work and copyrights revert to author after publication. Any photograph selected will include a photographer credit.
Mission Goal:
- The goal of this project is to initiate a dialogue and exchange between communities around the issue of change in Qatar. It also aims to raise awareness of the rapid change.
- Artists are meant to capture their own personal interpretation of change. This project is designed as a space for artists and readers to interact around the theme. Each artist could choose his/her own theme of change; thus all photos submitted should be in harmony.
• Theme:
This theme is of particular importance as the country continues to grow, expand, and develop on a rapid pace. The theme is inspired by the book “Qatar Narratives: Then and Now”. It is about showing the difference or change in Qatar between the past and the present. Both men and women’s perspectives on the incredible pace of change taking place in Qatar should be represented. The book is available at : .
Project Details:
A short essay of 200 words should be written next to each photo. The essay could be a poem, description or anything the artist feels that it expresses what’s in the photo. If the Artist does not know what to write, the editor could help.
Suggested Themes:
▫ People: faces, profiles, dress
▫ Objects: architecture, household objects, jewelry
▫ Landscape: city, desert, sea
There must be a unity between the 5 images although they do not all necessarily have to be of one category.
• Submissions Guidelines:
Minimum photos submitted are 5
File and must be in .jpeg or .tiff format.
High-quality scans of non-digital photographs are acceptable. Digital photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible 10-12 megapixels.
Finalists will be asked to submit their photos on CD.
• Deadline:
- Please be sure to include the biography attached with your work. Please note that a submission is not considered complete if it does not include with biography.
- Email submissions by September 15and the final copies will be submitted by CD
All work should be submitted to : [email protected]
For more information, and a sample of the participants pictures check out the Facbook group :
I must have missed this post the first time around, but thanks for highlighting it here.
I put time and effort into my work and also feel some kind of financial reward should be forthcoming for commercial use of my shots.
To the OP - feel free to click the picture below and select any pictures you would like to use and make me an offer. It doesn't have to be a lot, but let's be fair to each other.
I just came across this post, and I feel there's something wrong with the proposition to photographers. I am a photographer who would never accept what you are offering above, for the simple reason that a lot of photographers are not aware of here; "Photo Usage Rights".
You are asking the photog to give you rights for unlimited use of their images in your book (commercial product), with no compensation (sorry, but a couple of book copies do not count in my book). So, you will be making money from selling your book, and the contributing photographers won't ! doesn't sound fair. I would consider if it was a charity project, for example, and it was something that i feel passionate about supporting. But a commercial product, it shouldn't be like that.
I am not trying to rain on your parade and wish you all the best with your book project, but what bothers me -and a lot of pro photographers out there- is the devaluation of the photography industry, when other photogs (or so called photographers) start offering their work for free, it hurts the industry. It also hurts quality of the work being offered.
Like you expect to sell your book and money out of it, we do the same of our work.
there are many photographers here, for sure they are preparing now and taking shots. how i wish i can participate, i only use my mobile when taking photographs. hehehehe
goodluck everyone!
hey people, dont we have any photographers here?
[email protected]