Perverts pay to watch webcam child sex abuse

I watched this program and felt sick. These perverts need to be caught and harshly dealt with. What is more worrying is the people who allow their children / family to be abused in such a way – just for money.
British paedophiles are paying to watch the abuse of children in the Philippines via webcams, a BBC investigation has found.
In one case, a British man organised the sexual abuse of five children from the same family.
Charities believe tens of thousands of children are victims of the trade.
On Thursday, Britain's National Crime Agency will reveal how it is working with the American, Australian and Philippine police to target abusers.
A BBC team travelled to the slum of Ibabao, near Cebu City in the south of the country.
Local charities call it the "epicentre" of the trade.
Officer Denis Comunay, who regularly patrols the slum, said: "You can get easy money from the cybersex."
He showed us a small house, with a corrugated iron roof.
It was almost empty inside apart from a dirty mattress on the floor and electric sockets hanging from the ceiling.
"Fathers and mothers would bring their children here to show, and would get paid by the owner of the house," he said.
He explained the property owner forced her own children to "perform" for foreigners using a webcam.
Other people in the community who heard there was money to be made then brought their children too.
A recent survey indicated that 80 houses in the area were involved in the trade.
Noemi Truya-Abarientos, who works for the Children's Legal Bureau aiming to provide judicial help for abuse victims, said: "It has become a cottage industry."
She blamed poverty and a breakdown in public morality for the rise in the trade, explaining that local businessmen rented out laptops and USB internet connections, so it was easy for families to start.
Parents use internet chatrooms to find "clients" and receive payment through international money transfers.
They justify what they do by claiming that foreign paedophiles do not actually touch the children.
Noemi said this was a myth. "The client gives the instruction to touch this and touch that.
"They even send sex toys to these children."
Full article:
britexpat is right, poverty is just an excuse. people/ parents could always find a job to support their family whether it is a small income or big.
people tend to involve their selves in this kind of situation because they always thought and believed that its an easy money.
Blaming poverty is just an excuse
and I'd like to add no rehabilitation for paedos who suck off the system and encourage other forms of perversion to thrive.
no paying tax for sickos who have no control over their monstrous minds.
and no crying for paedos should be allowed particularly sick people who have nothing better to do that to analyze why the paedo turned out to be a bleeding paedo.
don't know if anyone read the news recently but there was a serial killer whose lawyer wanted to get him a "painless" death mind. never mind the fact that he had subjected the girl he raped to God alone knows what sort of nightmarish moments of her last living breath and her family. but the fact is that a soft society gone mad should not be allowed.
knocking off poverty for starters so as to curb the already implanted menace would be a great start for those families who haven't been touched by such vile perversions.
not sure what is due for the parents who force their children to commit such acts. rehabilitation of their minds is out of the question.
but rehabilitating those young minds by forcing the perverse parents to give up their children to be adopted by stable families at home or abroad would be the order of the day.
and at the same time, trapping those perverts online and taking legal action against them in their own home countries, naming and shaming them so that their local county councils know that paedo is living 50 blocks away.
everyone should know.
collective action by the countries, their respective legal systems, governments, and the communities is required.
i hope i'm not asking for too much.
Good news:
how do societies produce such perverts?
last year, a sex fetish video of girls killing a puppy went viral in the philippines. it then came to be known that it is already a cottage industry catering to client perverts mostly in europe. i still fail to understand how anyone would get a kick out of seeing a poor cute animal get murdered.
sadly for this issue, i think the justification of parents for cases like this is as mentioned above. the children aren't actually touched physically and if the kids are very young, they would say they are not aware yet that this is abuse and might be at a stage where they can be made to think this is just play. i don't believe it's out of desperation, it's more of the erosion of moral fiber that poverty brings.
but i don't think parents who get their own children into such activities do it on their own. there's gotta be someone or probably a criminal organization who got them started and bought all the equipment they can't afford if they were that poor.
How can we help reduce it? Other than by only reporting to the authorities.
The fault lies wholly with the parents / guardians. They brought the children into this world and are responsible for their physical and mental well being.
Can we completely eradicate this ? NO!
Can we help in reducing it ? Definitely , Yes!
No. I am looking for answers for the survival of not only the family but also the said child itself before I attempt to stop child's abuse. Unless we have answers, how much ever we report IMHO it may stop at one place, one family but will come up somewhere else or by the same people in some other form & shape or at another place or through another people who would exploit their situation. Can we stop it completely, guess Not, because we have no answers to what next?, atleast I dont.
Are you really suggesting that child abuse should be condoned if it brings in money for survival ?
britexpat...agree that we should report. But then we should also see that the family is able to get the minimum requirements to stay alive. Can we guarantee that after snatching this only way for them to have some money. People of many such countries do not have the backing of the Govt. to provide them the basic necessities...they are just left to either fend for themselves or die. Either way they are doomed.
Also encounter this type in Vietnam n Laos... The parents offered their daughter to me, when I told them that I'm married already, they said that their daughter can be my concubine as long as I give her money for their family... this happen to me 4x when I'm still working in those country...
thus, we can't judge parents of very poor family, they will do everything to enable their family to survive...
'' ... breakdown in public morality ....... '' is the root cause for both parties to get involved in it.
Thu, 16.01.2014, 09.46 hrs ...
HGL: The victims are the children. A start would be for us to stand up and report such incidents to the authorities - whether abusers or abused
When a family doesnt have any source of money they tend to find means within themselves. I know of places where parents offer their daughters to men for money treating them as son in law for a few days. Greed also plays its role. It is very difficult or rather impossible to bring an end to these incidents so far poverty and greed are around and dont think both are leaving us too soon.
And what about the parents who allow their children to be abused in such a way ?
all of theses perverts are mentally retarded they should be severely punished and deported to jungle with wild animals