Paying for his grandfathers misdeeds

Hosni Mubarak's grandson suspended from school
The grandson of Egyptian former president has been suspended from school for his "prolonged absence."
Egyptian media said that the decision was taken after the school sent two letters to Omar's family in Cairo and Sharm Al Shaikh warning them that the absence rate of Omar Ala Hosni Mubarak had exceeded permissible levels.
According to the report, Omar did not go to school since January 25 when the anti-Mubarak protests were launched in Egypt.
The reports said that the mother wanted to explain to the school the critical situation that Omar was going through after his grandfather was toppled and sent to prison alongside his father Ala and uncle Jamal, Al Akhbar said.
It was obvious the boy had issues but again not all schools are as you supportive and caring. From what I hear from Egyptians themselves schools in Egypt are very strict as far as academics go. So they might have done the same to any other kid too. Of course they may very well have simply wanted him out but again they got themselves a valid reason in any case.
The fact his Grandfather was ousted and it was in the news all over the world should have been enough for the school to know the kid had major upheavals in his life - same with Omar’s mother.
A good school is not just about Education - it is (or should be) a place where the whole family are supported and any 'problems' the family have should be looked at in a non - judgemental way.
Omar’s family had been through a trauma (politics aside); Omar has nothing to do with his Grandfathers politics - he is simply a child that has missed a chunk of school because of circumstances beyond his control.
The school (all schools do this) sent out a letter regarding his absence – his absence quite normal I would think if ones Grandfather had just been kicked out of the country he once governed.
I suspect Omar is now being looked after somewhere else and will be receiving an education – but the school IMHO did not want him- like most Private Schools – him being there was ‘bad for business’.
Allahu alam .Judging purely by the facts stated in the article it doesn't seem like he was unfairly suspended. Any school has rules and some are more stricter than others as far as kids getting absent without an explanation goes. and they had been warned after all so the parents should have done then what they had to do to prevent the school taking such a measure.Note they said the mother "wanted to explain" well she should have pronto at least after receiving the first letter.
They just did not want Omar in the school - simple as that.
If Omar was off on long term sick - he would have been supported with either school work sent home or perhaps his parents encouraged to home-school.
He has been 'punished' and it is unfair. I agree the mother should have sorted something out for Omar - but the school should have been more supportive instead of just letters home.
Why did the mother not leave with him? You can't keep a kid out of school for so, why would she put the poor soul through all this?
He's paying for his truancy. If he doesn't attend school, he'll be suspended. Anyone would.
Well, if he has been absent this long, he won't be able to follow the lessons.
I think the parents should have made arrangements for a private teacher, for various reasons...the child will have a very hard time if he goes to school in Egypt now.
Feel sorry for the poor kid, it is not his fault .
It would probably be best if the parents move to another country where he can then go to school.