Paul is Dead! Long Live Paul!

BERLIN: Paul the octopus, who shot to fame during this year's football World Cup in South Africa for his flawless record in predicting game outcomes, has died, his aquarium in Germany said on Tuesday.
"Management and staff at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre were devastated to discover that oracle octopus Paul, who achieved global renown during the recent World Cup, had passed away overnight," the aquarium said in a sombre statement.
"Paul amazed the world by correctly predicting the winners of all Germany's World Cup clashes, and then of the final," said Sea Life manager Stefan Porwoll.
"His success made him almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself... We had all naturally grown very fond of him and he will be sorely missed," said Porwoll.
Paul beat the odds during the World Cup by correctly forecasting all eight games he was asked to predict, including Spain's 1-0 win over the Netherlands in the final.
For the prediction, two boxes were lowered into the salty soothsayer's tank, each containing a mussel and a flag of the two opposing teams.
Watched by a myriad of reporters, Paul would head to one box, wrench open the lid and gobble the tasty morsel, with the box he plumped for being deemed the likely winner.
Paul's body is now in cold storage while the aquarium decides "how best to mark his passing."
However, Paul's fans need not despair. The aquarium has already been grooming a successor, to be named Paul like his mentor.
"We may decide to give Paul his own small burial plot within our grounds and erect a modest permanent shrine," said Porwoll.
"While this may seem a curious thing to do for a sea creature, Paul achieved such popularity during his short life that it may be deemed the most appropriate course of action."
lol drmana...paul will be resurrected soon...
Lol Lobot...clever move
this thread should be deleted ASAP...POSTED ALREADY..
oh no !!! :(
i loved that octopus
Autopsy report reveals that the cause of death was Asphyxiation.
as salaam alaikum
astrology, magic, foretelling are such works which are achived with the help of Jinns(whom we r unable to see) and Devils
hence such works always face serious backlashes many a times on all the three parties involved ie. the person who requested for the same, the person who helped in the act or actually did the act and the person who was victimised
look at this another story of a women it is very similar to the above one
there was once a muslim woman who went to a magician (sorcerer, witch) to obtain such an objective that her husband should love only her and no other women
the magician gave her a potion that to be given to her husband so as to make him love only her
however the woman as she stated that the God Almighty had mercy on her and made her first test the potion on her cat.
which she did and lo! her cat strted following her whereever she went always as if it could not live without her.
but eventually it turned out that the cat was getting sick day by day and it died
looking at the horrible condition of her cat she realised how God had saved her from such a big crime and sin and she repented to God
it is a true story one will get such stories from our surrounding itself
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, - of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?” (al-Maidah, 5:90-91)
.. he was sooo famous...
may his highness soul rest in peace.
you're funny in this thread :-))
Remember the various attempts on Paul's life during and after the World Cup? maybe someone couldn't bear to see him alive.
i suspect some of the filipino maintenance crew are planning an all nighter tonight and they need paul on the plate.... adobo....
S*rew you! I was thinking, first John, then George, now Paul... only Ringo left :(
You should clearly put 'the octopus' in the title, some fish who predicts football should not be known on first name basis.
poor soul must have had a nervous breakdown..........and commited suicide by drowning
RIP....hope you are not reborn as an astrologer.
I feel something fishy behind it...
see that coming did he? was not that good after all! :0(
how did the poor octopus died?