The Passivhaus Project

The Passivhaus Project
The Passivhaus-Baytna project is unique for Qatar and the region, where two identical 225 square metre villas are being built side-by-side in Barwa City to compare the energy use and environmental footprint of each dwelling. A regular villa is being constructed to a one-star Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) standard while the Passivhaus villa, with all the comforts of a modern home, will consume 50 percent less energy and water, resulting in a halving of carbon footprint.
QSTec, Barwa and an array of Qatar's leading companies and scientific organisations are involved in the Passivhaus initiative. The villas will be ready for occupation later this year. Families with similar characteristics will be selected to live in each villa, and their energy use compared over time, to showcase the energy savings and impact between the two houses on our environment.
(Finally got hold of the images... freshly pressed... from my
Still red x's. Seems the firewall at work blocks some or any types of images as I could see the pics yesterday night at home...:)
For the pretty lady and the pretty lada googling from outer space... I hereby teleport my
The setup looks good for a (SOHO) Small Office Home Office, or a Vodafone or Qtel service/office and not fit for a proper house as there is lack of privacy...
If it were to be an office that opens and shuts with the sun... yanni... 7am to say...5pm in summer (7 to 3 in winter)... it would be great... and work with the solar pannels 100% of the time... without any need for Batteries... yanni completely clean...
brit..shhhh..told you not to reveal our living room secrets on QL...grrr
Hold on. That looks like gypsy gal's living room :O)
OK will try from home this evening and see if can see the pics and confirm...couldnt do that yesterday as was busy watching some sports...:)
Its not QL problem....I guess its our and HGL are QLing from outersspace..:)
Yep, cant see the pics still.
Still cant see the pics?
anybody else having same problem? :-(
If only I could see the pics..:(
the images are hi-res... should have resized the images before posting... I cannot edit my thread also... :-(
I would say - "What a waste of time, resource & human energy"
What are they testing?
What Results do they need?
This technology due to its ease and efficiency is already implemented everywhere around you.. at Traffic Signals, Street lights, Road Signs, Road Diversion signs, garden lights, etc..
...and here there are a bunch of people TESTING?
Testing of a technology takes place when people are not sure of its benefits and takes place before its use.
Here its already in use and still they are testing.
consider another year wasted till the results come out... and then another year wasted of "Trained use"... so total 2 yrs wasted?
And till then what?...
I can only see red 'x's...:)
Look at the exterior wall in the second image... such a massive surface left to waste... which could have been Solar paneled... (on both sides - inside and outside!!!) instead of the tiny panels on the roof...
The rooms are well designed... and furniture from