" Panadol Extra - Batch No.: 050292".

By azilana7037 •
Today in some of Middle East news papers there was a warning not to purchase
" Panadol Extra - Batch No.: 050292".
This Panadol shipment has been exposed in the heated area at warehouse.
If the person takes one capsule it will affect his kidney and may damage it.
Take care. The original code # is 050208 .
Please share with everyone you know
Got this e-mail this morning. I thought it would best to post it here as an FYI.
Have a nice day, everyone.
As I said, if you really READ the TOPIC, I got this in my e-mail...
It's an FYI (FOR YOUR INFORMATION) thingy which ALL QL members do whenever they get hold/read news that would be beneficial/important for everyone to know.
It's a very useful info. i always use panadol whenever i have headaches. but, i dont think i can distinguish the batch no's...
i take panadol to cure my hang over! after the effect, maybe i can :D
“I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
right why email by HR management of HMC ths notce was suppose to be on the news paper from ministry of health not a dept from hmc and hr dept. silly. AZZI C'MON.
This is a fake post or email you received. It has been going around for almost 3 yrs or more. Please do your research before you post such things and scare people.
If you don't believe me just paste this in google search engine. Panadol Extra - Batch No.: 050292"
It will come up with many results about this hoax.
I received this same thing almost 3 years ago in Bahrain.
Somebody has too much time on their hands and tries to scare people.
Thanks Azzilana....anyways I think one should be always careful while taking OTC drugs especially the pain killers. In Panadol it contains about 65 mg of Caffeine which is also very very harmful if taken frequently.