Pakistani Court
Think we live in a civilised world? Have a read.
Think we live in a civilised world? Have a read.
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Well Pakistan govt. has agreed to provide her security and legal aid.
Court system in Pakistan is much better since few years. Decision of case is based on FIR, witness and proofs not on media report and rumors.Mai got international publicity and I don't think it was easy for court to give this decision if there were enough proofs.
The court system in Pakistan is not that bad. They are hearing full verdict and whatever the proofs are available from both sides, they are deciding accordingly. I believe that court will not do an unfair in this case and specially when a case has such high fame. Even for my self to decide this case i should know full verdict and proofs from both ends. The repute of current judicial system in Pakistan is in front of media which is not that bad. GOD knows better.
WK you are right. Since this incident, she got international publicity, and got noble award. She was an illiterate women but now she can speak well Urdu, English and she posses three-four mobile phones at a time. She got secretaries etc and she is running an NGO.
In this situation, even an international Don cannot dare to touch her.
Well I respect your comments guys.Surely it was a sad incident.But I think the way it was presented to whole of the world,it just damaged the country's reputation and got fame for the victim.Otherwise so many rape cases occur daily in the world and in some places,the ratio is quite higher but how many people are punished for that.For the civilized people,how many innocent people are being killed in different parts of the world and no body cares.Perhaps the civilized people don't know or just close their eyes.For the courts,they give decisions on the proofs otherwise any innocent person can be trapped as well.I appologise for this but fact is fact.Any how it was a sad incident which should not be repeated.
Here is the full verdict.
The absence of DNA evidence and contradictions in witness statements lead to the verdict. Poor police work is the main reason. However, the woman should be applauded for standing up to the perpetrators.
Well Pakistan......... they seem to be so good at interpreting things and the laws as it suits them
i was just talking abt the civilization
I've done some reading on this. The guy who got convicted was the person "appointed" by the council to carry out this heinous act.
The others were identified by the lady who was raped. the supreme court decided that the evidence provided was insufficient and have blamed the prosecution/police for this.
I personaly feel that this is an injustice and they should have been convicted - but the supreme court is the supreme court :o(
How do they know that it was 'council sanctioned'?
Surely that would need to be proven, and if it was a verbal instruction maybe that is why they had a hard time proving it.
Still, to convict 6 of them in the first place there must have been enough evidence the first time; why would that be revoked?
Truly puzzling verdict, one would suspect some dodgy dealings here....
baazigar, ok, get your point.
I would not question the state of the "civilization" per se, but that of ethics.
I think her fame will protect her now, will be too big a scandal if something happens to her.
baazigar, and she will be sent to jail. Crimes are committed everywhere, the difference is that some, even though clearly committed, do not get punished.
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A strange verdict indeed. the supreme court has basically said that there was insufficient evidence against the men and only one has been actually convicted.
Sad day for justice and definitely sends out the wrong message to those who run the Jirgas. ;o(