The opportunities are there ....
By Good old joe •
Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
~ Louis E. Boone
The winds of grace are always blowing; all we need to do is raise our sails. - Anonymous
I have been trying since April Last year to get a house from Government Housing Department but eveytime they show me some cheap and maintenance hungry flats and now I cannot take it any more.
Instead of changing them I will go to a new place for a change coz they will not change
IF! :o(
Suppose you are head of dept at your work place, you needs to direct people under you , if you adjust according to them then actually you are not leading so all of you wont reach any where [ target ] but end up in a whirlpool ?
and where exactly you think i copy and paste it from? and DC better get the point critic is easier.
Its a good advice to all and I am really appreciate you for this comment.
Excellent !!!
Master UBC: Behold the master of copy and paste "UBC", has spoken!
Please say that again in max two lines if possible !
Don’t ever let someone tell you that you cant do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people cant do something themselves, they are gonna tell you that you cant do it, you want something go get it.
Remember! its your Boat(life) and you are the sailor (Boss of r life) so at the end of the day no one cares how you get to the other end, all they would see whether you got there or never care what people thinks or say about you, they are people its there job to do so, but whats important is your firmness and determination to get the other end (your dream).
you better have clear objective or goals because sailing in ocean with out knowing direction is the other way of getting lost in nowhere,
Molten Metal : punk it!
Too many people here on QL direct wind !!!
Then, what ? they do with their bank loans money ???
Too many people here on QL direct wind !!!
Then, what ? they do with their bank loans money ???
i might have if i could have oh i should have but i didn't
Good tought!! TFS
Nice bullox!
Nice preaching!
Nice wordings !