ooredoo poor services

I'm still fresh in Doha as I'm only here since june. But i wanted to asked about your experience with the ooredo mobile.internet service because mine is, so far, just a shame. I don't even understand how they can charge you for the poor service that they offer. Did anyone actually got a good service by any chance??
I am waing for my ADSL getting shifted since 1 month... Very bas service ... Shame on you Q-Tel
my case I clear bills on time .......
Mobile internet is fine with me too... you get slow speed in the evenings and its a common thing as the traffic is more that time.
I get good speed and connectivity for the last one year. Few days I had problems, but it is common for all services.
btw; I have changed from USB modem to small wifi device, this helps me with issue of reconnection etc.
What is your issue? Please send an email and follow up with them to resolve it.
happened actually Jo .... ?
satisfied 100 % .....
are too short to form views on anything ......
Ooredoo, Vodafone they are all the same.
it is the worst service in the world probably. i cant imagine the most backward countries in the world having worse service than ooredoo
v r all waiting 4 good service,