Online Campaign to Boycott QA

Online drive against air fares Sunday, 08 January 2012 02:34
DOHA: A group of Qataris has launched a campaign on local social networking sites against Qatar Airways urging people to boycott the airline due to what they claim is high fares and its reluctance to nationalise jobs.
The campaign titled ‘Boycott Qatar Airways’, waged yesterday, has even been given a logo of a ‘no entry’ traffic sign superimposed on the national carrier’s logo.
This is the second time in recent months that members of the Qatari community are expressing their unhappiness over issues that concern them using social networking sites, the earlier being a drive that was launched against local telecommunication services.
Within a few hours after the launch of the online ‘Boycott Qatar Airways’ campaign the number of its followers reached 500. The professed aims of the campaign are to end the ‘monopoly’ of Qatar Airways by amending Qatar’s civil aviation law, reduce its fares and press the airline to provide more jobs to citizens,
Travel trade sources, however, said that Qatar Airways’ fares are a bit high because its services are ‘five-star.’ Even a commentator who joined the issue with the campaigners decried their drive saying that Qatar Airways is the world’s second best airline and being targeted for the wrong reasons.
The commentator cited the example of a major regional airline saying that it keeps making mistakes but nobody ever objects.
One of the members of the campaign, Abdullah Al Kuwari, told this newspaper that the drive wouldn’t cease unless Qatar’s Civil Aviation law (Number 15 of 2002) is amended to allow competition among the airlines in the country so fares could be reduced for the benefit of the people. Article 104 of the above law suggests that no airline can reduce its fares below the levels specified by Qatar’s Civil Aviation Authority. Al Kuwari said: “So we want the legislation amended.”
According to Al Kuwari, the other demand of the campaign is that Qatar Airways’ ‘monopoly’ should end and it should reduce its fares for all destinations and for everyone, including nationals and expatriates.
“We also want Qatar Airways to employ fellow nationals in key positions and offer discounted tickets to Qatari students travelling for further studies overseas on scholarships.”
Qatar Airways has not raised the salaries of Qatari engineers after the government increased the pay packages of its Qatari employees late last year and does not provide marriage allowance to Qatari engineers, said Al Kuwari.
Asked why they didn’t approach the Consumer Protection Department (CPD) of the Ministry of Business and Trade to complain of ‘high air fares’ of Qatar Airways, Al Kuwari said the CPD is a weak organisation and has no teeth. “When it cannot control the pricing of ordinary consumer items of daily use, how can you expect the CPD to monitor Qatar Airways’ fares,” said Al Kuwari.
Some people joining the campaign said that while Qatar Airways charge very high fares for its direct flights from Doha to any destination in the world, the fares are much lower for Qatar Airways’ flights to the same destinations from other cities.
These tickets are cheaper because a passenger needs to change the flight and wait in transit. “But then such fares should only be slightly cheaper than the fares of direct flights,” say some campaigners.
To recall, the talk of Qatar Airways’ fares being high began in the Qatari community after media reports recently suggested that Qatar’s Civil Aviation Authority (CCA) had asked Emirates to withdraw its promotional campaign from Qatar.
After that a prominent Qatari newspaper columnist, Mariam Al Saad, wrote against Qatar Airways. Immediately after that a famous Qatari lawyer, Yusuf Al Zaman, gave an interview to a local Arabic daily saying that the Civil Aviation Authority was on the wrong side of the Qatari law by not allowing Emirates to launch its promotion for discounted fares for global destinations.
Meanwhile, community sources said in remarks to this newspaper that they wonder why state organisations like the CPD and the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) are silent when a heated debate in the community is raging over the issue of Qatar Airways charging higher fares and allegedly discriminating against nationals.
Community sources said they find it strange why Qatar Airways is silent on the issue despite the debate raging in the community for about two weeks now.
Lawyer Mohsin Thiyab Al Suwaidi, meanwhile, told this newspaper that CAA was legally right in preventing Emirates from launching its promotion here. “To blame Qatar Airways for being behind this move is unjust. The CAA was legally right in its move,” said Al Suwaidi.
I'm so happy to see a grass roots effort by Qatari youth to try to effect change and put a stop to the long standing monopoly of Qatar Airways and expose them for the crooks they really are...if you feel strongly about this issue then please join to show your support and bring more awareness to this campaign by clicking on the following links..!/BoycottQatAir
To add your signature to the petition..
how i wish more airlines fly here...
You will love this site ...
QA have the right to ignore the demands
we have the right to fly with other competitors
that's it
Kindly find my reply to YOUR "great" answers :
( 1 - reduced ticket prices for Qataris, thus we have the right ti enjoy our wealth! such stearotyping about GCCs is affecting our economic and social lives and MUST be changed, thus we are just trying to live as normal "people" who does not have an oil tanks at the backyard, who doesn't drive Mercedes and Billions at their bank account. Breaking the monoply of QA is just a step one of our rights that was "stolen" by such stereotyping!!!
2 - to prevent the provision of alcohol on the plane You have the right to prevent such demand at your country, but remeber this is our country and yet, we still have the right to prevent our Islam and traditions. Expat are highly welcomed, we are very open society in terms of cultures and religon, however, it does not mean that we 'gave up" our Islam for sake of satisfying your unreachable demand :(
3 - to be Arabic is the official language. Well, have every seen American airlines or British or X and Y airlines operating in a foreign language? this is just our case here? Just to inform you, Arabic is the formal language and should be communicated language in all business sectors as listed in the consititution!
4 - Providing incentives and allowances of national staff, the marriage bonus This is something you wont be able to understand it for one reason: we are very lucky citizens that did not strggled very much to gain their rights, cause of our good rulers. It is not as within other parts of the world, where citizens have to fight for every thing, every their oxygen! you can envoy us, but don't have the right to judge such privilge!
5 - that are working to increase princely 60% like other regions of the State I beleive U R the decision maker who decide the best sector for the Qataris, however, such increase was applicable in most private sectors including banking, investment and realestate companies, and QA is not an exception!
6 - that is the involvement of citizens in the management of the company. I hate saying this.. but exapt eventhough they are very loyal & committed to Qatar, one day they will leave1 thus, Qataris MUST take the responsibility of such positions at earlier stage for political and scoial reasons, you might not be to absorb for diferent reasons..again this another RIGHT.. 7 - there will be a reduction of ticket charges for overseas scholarship students and patients I can feel how ANGREY you are from our wealth! other regional and international airlines do offer special discounts for students and special needs, and elderly people:)don't worry, we have done our good home work before identfying our demands:) Again, the decsion to send our kids abroad to study is very personal, your argument is so weak? why are working in Qatar, you should have stayed in your country? isn't it the same argument? sorry for that :(
8 - to respect the citizen It's not funny! I would ask you kindly to respect Qatar and respect Qataris first before sending your heh?
9 - to pray on the plane Yes, we do have the right to pray anywhere at any place in Qatar...Again, kindly keep your judgment for yourself, if they are ironically coming out of no where! Read more:
Thanks, You are not forced to support us :)
Thanks :)
I believe that YOU are the person in the world who knows exactly what are you doing:((((((((((((
The campaign to boycott QA continues to unravel with this latest article from The online campaign has attracted more than 1,000 followers with in excess of 300 users signing an online petition calling on Qatar Airways to address their concerns.“The Qatar Airways management should care and sort this out otherwise its reputation will suffer, that should mean something for them,” said @marzoqi56. @Alnauimi added: “This is the Qatari spring against Qatar Airways. The people demand employment for Qataris, the people demand a reduction in rates, and the abolishment of the monopoly of Qatar Airways.”
Answering a question on the
cancellation of the recent
promotion of Emirates airlines
in Qatar, the Civil Aviation Authority
(QCAA) chairman Abdul
Aziz al-Nuaimi pointed out that
according to the air transport
agreement between Qatar and
the UAE, the airline should have
submitted a request prior to
announcing the promotion.
“Consequently, the promotion
campaign and the discounts
were stopped and the company
was asked to submit a request
so they would be able to
proceed with their campaign
upon approval. However, the
airline withdrew the off er and
did not submit a request,” said
Source: Gulf Times
Sure wish I'm a Qatari :)
Sorry for the hijack...
Seems to me that this whole issue is being hijacked by many and various interest groups. They certainly don't seem to be speaking as one voice.
If they want more Qataris, and they want those Qataris to have a 60% pay rise, and they want subsidised airfares etc, then this can only result in higher, not lower, overall fares.
Or do they want lower fares in general? If so, how will the airline maintain its proud 5-star ranking?
Or do they just want more competition, and let the market for fares operate without restriction?
It will be interesting to see how (or just if) it all plays out.
One thing for Sure Locals won't clean the Plane's Latrine...
There are Qatari Pilots, but only a handful of them, when it comes to Aircraft Engineers, or you can say Trainee Engineer, they do work on the Aircraft but are paid more then the Experienced Engineer from the Third World Country, Qataris have a Special Quota when it comes to QA or i suppose any of the Organization...
Furbar , also their below stated stance...
One of the members of the campaign, Abdullah Al Kuwari, told this newspaper that the drive wouldn’t cease unless Qatar’s Civil Aviation law (Number 15 of 2002) is amended to allow competition among the airlines in the country so fares could be reduced for the benefit of the people. Article 104 of the above law suggests that no airline can reduce its fares below the levels specified by Qatar’s Civil Aviation Authority. Al Kuwari said: “So we want the legislation amended.”
Read more:
"Within a few hours after the launch of the online ‘Boycott Qatar Airways’ campaign the number of its followers reached 500. The professed aims of the campaign are to end the ‘monopoly’ of Qatar Airways by amending Qatar’s civil aviation law, reduce its fares and press the airline to provide more jobs to citizens,
Read more:
Also the Civil Aviation Law is pasted below, where it does not mention the provission for any other airline to operate other than that being sanctioned by QCAA
I can see where you are coming from Polkadots, when you say:
"The objective to stop monopoly of QA and deregulate the aviation sector is in the best interest of every one and I totally agree with it."
But if you visit the website and read the petition they clearly state 9 different objectives.
No where among them is there any mention made of ending the monopoly or deregulating the aviation sector.
But second on their list of demands is to ban alcohol.
I'm having trouble understanding how you can say you totally agree with it, when what you want (deregulation) isn't what they want, and what they want (no more alcohol) isn't what you want.
What am I missing?
BTW - like you I would happily sign a petition seeking to deregulate the aviation sector here. You only have to wonder why there are however many daily direct flights to London and Manchester, to take one example, on Qatar Airways, yet no other carrier offers those same flights directly. Are they not allowed, or have they chosen not to?
Oh S_ISALE , MUST I really? O.K,....
QDC-QA-Loosing precious revenue.
Doha 2022-What now?
Resident Expats-Now needs to get creative 'a la Saudi.
Nationals-More trips to the neighbors’ .
why is the call to stop sale of alcohol and pork not in the best interest of anyone?
The objective to stop monopoly of QA and deregulate the aviation sector is in the best interest of every one and I totally agree with it. So is giving discounted tickets to the Qatari students, this has got nothing to with the current economic position of a country but a privilege rightfully due to be enjoyed by it’s citizens. So also is the call for Qatarisation and pay increase for Qatari Employees. When the whole country went for 60%to 120%increment for nationals what’s holding the 5- star national carrier back? Giving training to High school kids and training the youth for potential employment at QA are two different things with the latter being more required.
Except for the call to stop the sale of Alcohol and Pork, which is not in the best interest for anyone concerned, I agree with this campaign and I congratulate the Qatari youth for waking up at least now![QA has had the monopoly since the beginning]I wish them all success.
With Qataris making up to only 6% of the total labor force, I can’t see how can this be a prime demand of the campaign! The least expected from QA ( or any airline in that matter) is to recruit highly skilled & experienced staff in the field, after all we are talking about people lives & time.
The objective of this campaign as being expressed by Qatari Writer Mariam Al saad is to curb the monopoly & deregulate the aviation sector
very well said Kubar.. i so totally agree.
And if one notice it...most of the people working (as in doing the dirty work) to keep this 5-star airline operating are TCNs...aka THIRD COUNTRY NATIONALS.
I'm yet to see a local get down on their knees (except in praying)and do MANUAL LABOR or clean a plane's latrine :)
My point is...I emphatize with the campaign as MONOPOLY is not a good thing. In my country, it used to be one telephone company monopolized the industry, used to one airline monopolize the industry and the commercial industry are monopolized by selected weren't good...
If the campaign is for the GOOD OF ALL...irregardless of nationality, social standing and the race...this boycott would get an overwhelming support from ALL.
Attitude like: "I dont care what the non-Qataris' thought/opinions" is not nice...bcoz its just alienating those who actually contributes to the industry...directly or indirectly.
Sorry... my views...I doesnt really matter anyways... :P
Exactly Azlina. The petition isn't about bringing about a change to benefit ALL. It's about how best to make Qataris, already the richest people in the world, even richer.
They boast about how they are so rich, then they moan about expensive airfare. They moan that they weren't given a 60% pay increase. They moan that their ticket price goes toward paying for an expat to drink alcohol. They moan that students can't afford to pay for air tickets.
They boast they have a "5 star airline" and then complain that they can't afford it. They seem to have 5 star taste but only a 1 star budget.
It's almost as if they aren't rich at all.
It's almost as if all the money in this country is going elsewhere, and that locals are suffering and having trouble affording such simple things as paying for an airfare.
It's all about talking you guys qataris and you guys about Qatar Airways. Say that is not that 5-star service they think they sell. Not at all. It has gone down. Who cares if they sell alcohol or not, anyway if you take any other airline you will find alcohol. And also to reach the countries you reach like the US or Europe you will find alcohol. Boycott because they make us pay expensive tickets when there is no other choise because there is a monopoly. Focus on the real reasons for boycott. Maybe you cannot boycott always, but there will be times in which you have a choice.
As per you and us and the usual controversy, there are lazy qataries who do nothing (and they are paid to do nothing) and those who work; there are also lazy expats or people taking advantage, but there is a huge amount of them working hard and actually building this country on low wages, so please be greatful. But there is one thing to say: if you want wealth, Qatar needs expats because of the little number of the local population, because many Qataris will not dirty their hands, because they lack experience. There is a bonding in this country by qataries and non qataris. Otherwise if locals don't want wealth then there is no need for technology parks or sport events or cultural centers. Then you keep the camels and continuing being nomads. As per those who think that expats spend their days drinking alcohol all day long, you have a misconcept.
Please, bring the conversation to an upper level.
So if QA give a handful of Qatari staff Qatari nationals a pay rise is that going to be enough to make them ignore the supply of free alcohol onboard to passengers?
Or make them ignore the huge prices paid by Qataris?
Or the lack of prayer rooms?
Can Qataris really just be bought off so cheaply by a handful of riyals that would be loose change to a global carrier like Qatar Airways?
Are Qataris really so shallow as to just accept some money to make them shut up about deeper ideological issues like alcohol and pork being sold by Qatar Airways?
Qatar Airways are Hiring Qatari Nationals, be it as Pilots, Aircraft Engineers, Recently Promoted couple of Engineers to Managers, don't know about the Raise of the Salaries as yet, couple of week back heard that Salaries for the Qatari nationals would be raised very soon...
May be after this Campaign, QA raises the salaries of the Qatari Nationals...
Well let's just see if any or all of the following happen:
* Qatar Airways nationalise a meaningful segment of their workfoce, including "key positions";
* Qatar Airways, via QDC, STOP selling pork;
* Qatar Airways, via QDC and Qatar Duty Free, stop selling alcohol in Doha, in hotels, in the airport and providing it on board;
* Qatar Airways lowers fares;
* Qatar Airways provides cheaper/free tickets to students and old people and sick people etc;
* Qatar Airways provides nationals with a 60% pay rise;
* Qatar Airways adds prayer rooms to aircraft, and/or
* QCAA allows foreign airlines to set their own prices.
What would it mean if Qatar Airways don't bother with any of the above?
Yes we don't care because we are not expecting your support anyway!
Regarding 2022 ,from my understanding
If we won because of allowing drinking, then why the rest didn't won over us, since they are selling wines everywhere!
Sport is all about being healthy in a fun way!
and being healthy is the opposite of drinking !
so don't mix and match honey
I also know that you will drink too much if its for free, which can cause excessive alcohol drinking and leads to health problems, and believe it or not we care about your health!
For your information: we won the bid because we are qualified and not because of your vote dear!
For you who said that the Qatari population is small , I totally agree and that's why we are calling for Qatarization !
And this small number gives us the motivation to stand up for each other as if we are one big family!
YES “to the above whomever!!!! “
By the way we have a life and homes , and it’s right here in our country , go get a life in urs loool “ clearly a very touchy subject to you guys “
Actually this is very interesting , I’m supporting mashals word and adding some of my own..
If I were to be given discounts in your own country that you as a national is not granted , then you can state your opinion .
we don’t really care about anyone who doesn’t care about this country and if your some poor person coming here to get extra cash that your country is not given u so you should ether support us or shut up ;) .
if you don’t like the way we work or live or our laws or opinion , then we will book you a one way ticket to ur country (No Qatar airways :P) so that you can go home and have as much alcohol as you want there and end up as homeless loool
And finally yes , however doesn’t support us is just an added number to the population , rest assured we will QATARIZE ur jobs one by one and send you home :P
Peace out loooool
the above & "below" whomever!!
Its Qataris campaign and its also for those who share with us the love of this country, the language and the religion.
The campaign started after the Qatar airways monopoly.
Keep your opinions for your selves, for the records: no one cares anyway!
I do understand your feelings toward us, its all because of our wealth.
Yes, we are wealthy and for this we are thankful to GOD and we don't want GOD to be upset on us because of you being drank on our planes!
And yes we want the nationals to take over the administrative jobs, because from our experience, lots of you stole millions depending on those positions!
You know what , I don't want to waste more time on replying back to the least important people to us !!
Dear readers excuse my language since I'm a polite person, but some of them drag me to use their slang language!
For those of you with some free time to spare read and learn "something that QA is already supporting..."
Your campaign will be futile...
Haven't anyone checked Qatar's population statistics?
85% of the population are Qataris....NOT!!! :P
to the above whomever!!!!! ------- GET A LIFE
I dont remember anyone complaining when Qatar won the 2022 BID ( When alcohol was promised to be served on the "ground" to all fans n visitors) not really sure how anybody's "GOD" wud feel differently if it was served in the air.......
Infact if you check the archives u all were overjoyed... at least for the first couples of weeks before the scandal broke out........
I am sure there are a lot of well educated & qualified Qatari working in QA; anyone else interested please feel free to skip ur daily round of chai n sheesha n drive down for an interview
im sure u will feel differently abt the monopoly when the NDIA opens up..... incase u havn't noticed the current DIA infrastructure cant handle anymore competition...
are you ppl gettin paid by sum airline in the EU... cos they stopped crying a long tym back
'Keep your opinions for your self'
That's not how the world works anymore.
If you say no one cares what we say then why are you so adamant that we should keep quiet? That makes no logical sense.
go with fubar people.....thats the call!!
The twitter campaign does not address the QA monopoly situation at all, which is the most important point, as a break up of such practices and an opening up to market forces would encourage lower fares, more local employment and greater transparency and accountability.
It seems this twitter campaign just wants to ringfence special privileges for locals for purely selfish reasons.
It's laughably immature.
At first i was very flattered by the series of Mariam Al Saad articles exposing QA monopoly and the support of some media & political figures.
Both Qataris & Expatriates were affected by the revoking of Emirates offer & the QA high prices, not only Qataris.
I think the twitter campaign is hijacked by a group of youngsters
Unless the campaign correct its path and make its demands clear & realistic, no prominent figures would participate
ok, the prices ARE ridiculously high , most of all within the Gulf.
About the staff , i can't believe a Country like this can't hire at least .... semi-experienced cabin crew (they r better than Alitalia staff anyway :D )and why not hire citizens in additions to what they hire? .... is it maybe because a muslim woman can't travel unchaperoned oh please give me a break this is 2012 plus is a job, not travelling for pleasure, even Gulf Air hires Baharaini women as cabin crew . Alcohol is not an issue for me coz i am Muslim, and i personally do not care if there is or there isn't , about being allowed to pray on board , i have never been stopped from it ....
Troll alert hahahahah dont feed the mutha ......troll hahaha
It is this type of attitude tht turns ppl against u, it is call freedom of speech....nd sure u have been to america a couple of who owns vodafone????
Fubar makes some great points - very clear. There is of course the opposite view but on these issues, Im on the Fubar page - 6 hours to the Uk without a couple of large VaT's - the very thought!!!!!!
Now here is some1 tht makes sense, why should I sign something tht clearly once again does not hold my interests at heart.....U GO FUBAR.....U SAID IT RITE...IT IS NOT ABT ALL THE PPL IN QATAR....only the selected few so let them stand up and b heard.
Good luck to them.
clearly these people have no idea on what they are demanding :/
fly with P.I.A no more boycotts
I'm not signing it - I don't support their demands:
1 - reduced ticket prices for Qataris
Why? Aren't Qataris the "richest people in the world". Why should they get cheaper fares than the expats? And only weeks ago they were complaining that Qataris have to pay more. Double standard much?
2 - to prevent the provision of alcohol on the plane
I don't support this for obvious reasons.
3 - to be Arabic is the official language.
Meh. This doesn't bother me. I am not so xenophobic as to chose an airline based on a language.
4 - Providing incentives and allowances of national staff, the marriage bonus
Jeez, how many more incentives and perks and allowances do nationals need to convince them to go to work?
5 - that are working to increase princely 60% like other regions of the State
If they want the 60% pay increase offered to public sector employees, I suggest they join the public sector.
6 - that is the involvement of citizens in the management of the company.
I think the problem is too many citizens being involved in management.
7 - there will be a reduction of ticket charges for overseas scholarship students and patients
Why? Anyone rich enough to send their kids abroad to study can afford an air ticket, otherwise they would be studying here in Doha.
8 - to respect the citizen
9 - to pray on the plane
You can pray on the plane. Unless you mean ripping out portions of seats to create a prayer room???
Say what?
I need to hear from the noisy "few" Qlers! Its time to be counted!
Who will be brave enough to sign a petition against Qatar Airways in a country with no explicit or implied right to free speech?
It's kind of funny to see Qataris getting upset about something. Maybe they should buy some shares, nominate to be on the board or use some other democratic mechanism to elicit a change.
Oh wait a minute. This is Qatar where everything is run by one family.
Flor, you going to give them any?
really interesting. Now is the time for the proof. Will they accept any names?
You can cheat all people for some time and some people for all time, but not all people for all time.
This should be interesting