
'Tonight #Doha is crying. Tomorrow Doha is One Community mourning #OneCommunityDoha 5pm at Aspire Park hope @MOI_QatarEn can join us'
Join tomorrow mourning community of Doha at Aspire Park around 5pm to show our soladirty and support to the families that lost there near and dear ones.
Follow #Onecommunitydoha on #twitter for updates and details.
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Forgive me 'cause I didn't go to the vigil or mess today to show support. Forgive me for being coward no to face you, 'cause I wouldn't bare the pain. Forgive me to dare to feel your pain, 'cause in truth I don't know If I'd be strong enough. Please accept my words below and I hope somehow, someday you find the peace you probably are looking for.
Death is nothing. I only spent to the other side of the road. I am me, you are you. What I did was for you, I remain. Give me the name you always gave me, talk to me as you have always done. You continue to live the world of creatures, I'm living Creator of the world. Do not use a solemn tone or sad, keep laughing what made us laugh together. Pray, smile, think of me. Pray for me. That my name is pronounced as always, without emphasis of any kind. Without any trace of shadow or sadness. Life means all what it always meant, the cord was not cut. Because I would be out their thoughts, Now I'm just out their views? I'm not far I'm just across the road ... You got it there, go ahead, life goes on, beautiful, beautiful as ever.
St. Augustine
La muerte no es nada. Yo sólo pasamos al otro lado de la carretera. Yo soy yo, tú eres tú. Lo que hice fue por ti, Me quedo. Dadme el nombre siempre se me dio, hablar conmigo como has hecho siempre. Usted sigue viviendo el mundo de las criaturas, Estoy viviendo Creador del mundo. No utilice un tono solemne o triste, mantenga riendo lo que nos hacía reír juntos. Ora, sonríe, piensa en mí. Ruega por mí. Que mi nombre se pronuncia como siempre, sin énfasis de ninguna clase. Sin ningún rastro de la sombra o la tristeza. La vida significa todo lo que siempre quiso decir, el cable no se cortó. Porque yo estaría fuera sus pensamientos, Ahora sólo estoy fuera sus puntos de vista? No estoy muy Yo sólo soy al cruzar la calle ... Ya lo tienes ahí, seguir adelante, la vida sigue, bella hermosa, como siempre.
San Agustin
my best friend died in dat fire shameega charles she was an amazing person with a beautiful smile but allah yarahma!!!
i love u babyyyyyy!!! and my heart goes out for the childrens families!!
Today should be declared as national day of Mourning.
for who can attend, please do so. Its a small gesture to show our soladrity with the affected families.
very sad news.. In-na-lillahe wa inna ilaihe rajoon...
I will try to attend in-sha-allah
i can't attend. i'll be at work.
Innalillahi wa Innailahi rajioon...rest in peace. May God give strenght to their love ones who were left behind.
No amount of words can take away the pain for those people who lost their loved ones. Just pray for them,,,
as a parent...my heart bleeds for the parents who lost their children in the fire.
My deepest condolences.
What he said.
I cannot be there , but my thoughts and prayers are with you all.