One for the Qataris: a tale of arrogance and kindness

Last week some colleagues and myself were driving back from a failed attempt to see Safwany's apartments. When we reached the intersection of Al Muntazah and C Ring we saw a van that had been involved in accident, stranded right in the middle of the intersection. No other vehicle appearad to be involved. The driver, who I think was an Arab (though could have been European) was standing on the cement divide between the main lanes and the turn lane presumably waiting for the police. A cleaner (Indian, I think)wearing his blue overalls and carrying a broom and pan rode by on his bike. The driver shouted at him to seep the glass and debris off the road. The cleaner reluctantly did this as cars swerved to avoid him and honked their horns aggressively at him. The cleaner was clearly terrified of being run down.
While this was going on, a Qatari drove up into the turn lane and observing this, started shouting to the driver of the van who was still standing on the divide and shouting at the cleaner. The Qatari then beckoned for the cleaner to come to his car. He spoke a few words to the cleaner and then handed him a role of Riyal notes.
This was probably just one of many incidents of Qatari kindness that happen everyday and are never reported.
Maybe should take a look at some of these incidents as well.
I don't think you should generalized Qatari especially talking about their kids. All kids in any nationality can be difficult and rude as well, but come to think when they grow up they will learn to behave and become responsible and civilized like their adults. Have you been in Saudi? If not! you shouldn't go there.
Do unto others, what you want to do unto you!!!
[email protected]
Some months ago when I was still driving a rented sedan, I parked my car to the left from Jarir bookstore. At that time they still didn't fix the asphalt and my front left wheel fell into a huge pothole, so there was no way for me to get out of it without someone's help.
A Qatari on a huge landcruiser stopped (he was looking for a parking place as well), and helped me to pull my car out of the pothole. Very nice gentleman.
Apart from the title. Other than that, everything I read in that website is actually true.
Not that I find it hilarous, like some other would. It's actually quite sad.
And lets face it, sometimes qatar sucks a little. Or rather, some of the things that happen in qatar suck big time, and there is nothing wrong with talking about it or discussing it in a public website. I don't understand how this could offend anyone.
it depends what you guys are clearing, if its a one off its a different story, we used to clear 7 trucks a week, since the economy is booming we upgraded to almost 30 trucks a week, just a few days back we cleared 12 40 ton trailers for one of our Big customers apart from the regular trucks, which totalled up to 30 trailers for 2 days .. trust me .. the customs hated our clearance staff that day... but hey .. we got thru :)))
We cleared our own freight at Salwa and had no problems.
Our rep wasn't there and a Qatari who seemed to be hanging about offered us a cup of tea. We accepted and he turned out to be Director of the customs post. Drivers were bringing in samples to clear their loads and he gave our kids a packet of crisps each from the samples.
They automaticall handed them round. After that we could do no wrong, the freight was cleared within 10 mins and was delivered within the hour to our house. The driver (a Brit) couldn't believe it as it normally took 4 days to clear.
I love this story. Qataris are some of the nicest people out of all the countries I've lived in. I agree that there are a few that ruin it. It's nice to be reminded of the great people that live here!
han19, we deal with customs every single day and see them day and night out, you really dont want to know what goes around here .. its the part no one in doha gets to see it except ppl who deal and work with them.. but then hey look at the bright side and i totally agree with you things are changing and yeah .. prolly we`d have some smiling and helpful officials around the city who can speak "English" or master the sign language :)))
talking about my last trip to Madinat khalifa police station to renew my license i found women at every counter.. smiling ones .. or atleast the one who attended me .. :)) for some weird reason i thot she found me cute .. and i ran before i could end up in trouble at a police station ... weird !! haha
maverick the officials at customs and other high offices have changed too. change is not easy. you are trying to tame the untamed and it takes time.
arabs are by nature hospitable and helpful people and i have experienced this many times.there are always good and bad in everything.
we love discussing the bad.
in fact i had to visit one of the ministry offices recently and although i noticed the lady officials were gruff but they answered my questions and pointed me to the right office, they were not rude. previously they used to be downright rude, you could not appraoch them again. they are dealing with hundreds of applicants daily, i think they are trying their best to be polite and humble, but sometimes its just not easy to do so, i guess.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
I am not going against Qataris, just that kinda used to their lifestyle .. they kind of dont give a crap to Asians, that was prolly many years ago, but then hey they are changing... but one Place i doubt seeing some smiling faces or helping nature is probably the Police stations or Customs ! dang those ppl ! :)))
it really frustrates the hell outta one !
I've seen in Bidda park how Qatari ladies handed Subway take away and drinks to the park keepers, it was a sight that melted my heart.
It's just a handful of qatari rude and arrogant kids that give a bad name to the rest. Qataris, most of the ones I have come accross are kind, polite and very pleasant.
think positive and positive things will happen to you, to us and to this country
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
It's nice to finally see someone talking nice about this country and it's people for a change!
However, since this is a nice thread, only three comments in 5 hours! If that was a complaint, we would've seen a very long chain of responses!!
I think qataris are the friendliest of all GCC citizens, they are polite, helpfull, honest and most important they have great values and they cherrish a freindship, try to be a friend with one and you will all see what i am talking about.
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
I am very pleased to see that the values mentioned and demonstrated by the experiences of HONEY and RICHARD123 are alive and well in this country. We do see more of the negative acknowledged and spoken about than the positive.
it happened to me once when i had flat tire, i stop in the highway and tried to change my tire alone, i was scared to death cause there is so many car passing very speedy, but in 5 minutes there was 3 or 4 cars stop behind me and help me to change my tires, they all qatari...they were so intelligent and respectful. Not even trying to seduced me! And they also guide me untill 5 km at least, to make sure i have no problem with my car! thanks guyss...