One and a half days Weekend Breaks

I’ve been here in Doha for so long now. I’ve been here for more than 100, not years but days of course. Multiply that number by 24 means I am here for 2,400 hours plus plus plus 45 minutes typing/doing this thread. Too long ago right, Wrong? Hmmm, though you won't thinks so anyway (I am serious here people).Those hours are well spent, really. Aside from earning my desired salary at the end of the month (but believed me it is never enough) and eating those endless chicken meats and eggs and beefs and shawarma, and those scary land cruisers with (add your adjective here: __________) drivers and being shooed away by the police in Souq waqif because it's family day,Doha is never a bore (Thanks God there is QL).
Before my thoughts gone astray, let me dissect the 2400 hours and minutes I have spent here in Doha. I just hope reading this thread may somehow add up to your err... “well spent hours in Doha”, Really. (I’m serious here people).
2400 hours spent on the following acts:
Sleeping hours spent 750 hours
Working hour spent (flat-office vice-versa) 1200 hours
Weekends/plays and foreplays 180 hours
Others acts (including sinful) 270 hours
Total: 2400 hours
Base on the above data, notice how little are the hours spent on weekends and plays. Notice also how big the hours are spent on works. Where's fairness here? I insist an additional weekend breaks not just on Fridays if possible make Thursdays a half day work so that my Other acts (sinful) will be added to the plays thus, I will sin no more. What a brilliant suggestion (smirk). But on the other hand, what are the possibilities if the Qatar government encourage companies on the said format (to those who can afford not to work another 5 hours) economic wise. Hmmm, what do you think qlers?
LOL. MCA, I dont mean to be rude or something. but if you can read and understand what I mean clearly the words - "those who can afford not to work another 5 hours". Certainly I can afford.But you, you don't get my bleeping point. please read again brother. and dont tell me to go back to my at home in Doha.
"give the man a half of a fish, you'll feed him for a day. teach the man how to catch fish, be sure to let him sign a franchise clause."
You are in a desert buddy....desert!
At least now there is satellite TV...which was not the case a few years ago...
Wake up!
some companies have terrible scheds! its up to u dondi, you can always make a change to your routine...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
remember the reason why you came here in the first place??? to count??? of course not!!!! You have to earn money for you and your family...If that is the way of your thinking better leave the country and go back to your hometown...Am not being rude here, am just telling a reality...a FACT....
.work hard, party harder, lol.......
get a grip mate we are all in the same boat. Welcome to ex-pat life.
We work hard we hopefully play hard.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
dont forget to include to your 2400 hours your QUIET TIME with GOD to offset the time that you devote to your
yawwnn !!!
i work only 5 days a week, 2 days off is good enough for me... :D