Olympic chiefs to add new sports

The silly season has started.. :o)
OK.. I can understand Rugby Sevens, but GOLF????? And as for Softball .. Don't even get me started...
Seven sports are bidding for inclusion at the 2016 Olympics . Golf and rugby sevens look to be favourites to be added to the Olympic programme in time for the 2016 Games.
But softball and squash both have hopes of gaining the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee's executive board on Thursday.
A seven-sport shortlist, also including baseball, karate and roller sports, will be trimmed to "no more than four".
A final decision on the two new sports will not be rubber-stamped until an IOC meeting in Copenhagen in October.
"I read and heard that golf and rugby were the favourites, but I've heard some reservations as well," said board member Denis Oswald. "It's pretty open and difficult to predict."
I think Olympic sports should only include individual sports.. Not team sports.
I hate golf but I think adding it is something great. It is the one sport older people can safely practice and it is not a bad idea to have older Olympians, which could be a good migration pro athletes can undergo after their retirement in their sport and not feel useless after being 35 :)
adding a sport which meets the following criteria:
1. Involves more than one player
2. Involves lot of excitement
3. Is popular and played by the majority
4. Is healthy and pleasant to watch
If these basics are met...I guess any sport would be worth inclusion ...lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I couldnt take men with shaved chests , nose clips and sequined Speedos...
Hold on... Haven't you got nose clips and sequined Speedos ???
One interesting thing I noticed today is that they're also going to decided if Women's Boxing is allowed at the Olympics. It's the only Olympic sport where women aren't allowed to compete.
Interestingly, men aren't allowed to compete in Synchronised Swimming, and there are no plans to let them.
That damn Russian Knickersov Tosstoffalot will probably win the Gold..
Ok, just checking my smutty humour wasn't going amiss :)
Well in Canada "tossing the salad" does mean something that I don't think I should write on QL.
Does the verb "toss" have the same meaning around the world as it does in the UK?
As in, "you tosser" is an insult.
Thanks Gypsy! I was sat here for a full 5 minutes thinking up tossing related activities! It shouldn't have taken that long because tossing is one of my favourite past times.
Here's a novel sports idea... It's called Fridays..
A team of 15 labourers tries to enter a large building through a number of doors manned by officious looking men.
The team to do so in the shortest time gets the Gold Medal..
You forgot salad tossing tallg.
I am for badminton to be in.
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Why take badminton and grass hockey out? The Olympics is the pinnacle for both those sports.
ice hockey rocks! grass hockey and polo ... no for me.
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
for me,
OUT: badminton, football, grass hockey, tennis
IN : rugby rugby rugby!!!
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
Now Dwarf Tossing seems fun, but the bloody Aussies would excel :O(
They could add the 'Sport' tossing, with the following 'disciplines';
Tossing the Caber
Dwarf Tossing
Pancake Tossing
Coin Tossing
Pizza Tossing
No baseball, No hockey, No Rugby- My Vote
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
I think Tossing the Caber should be added.
brit, some women sneeked into the stadia nevertheless, wearing beards and such things (early terrorists?).
I assume Ice Hockey is in the Winter Olympics. And it's certainly not "a game to some selected country", Richierich. I'm no ice hockey fanboy, but I can think of quite a few countries who play it.
Oh. Well be more specific. The only sport good enough to use the singular word Hockey is Ice Hockey.
We're talking "Field Hockey", not the silly sport played in the coldest of countries..
No way in hell. Hockey is the best sport in the world.
Hockey should removed its a game to some selected country.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
I agree.. Some aspects are a farce because its a multi billion dollar industry..
By the way, did you know that the original Olypians competed in the nude ..
See my comment above re: baseball.
At the recent Rugby 7s World Cup there were 24 teams competing, and many more tried to qualify.
24 teams compete in the World Series (a series of 8 tournaments played around the world each year.)
Would there be enough rugby teams to compete? How widely is that played outside of the UK and those countries related. Is cricket in the Olympics?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
"Sports may not depend primarily on mechanical propulsion"
What about Formula 1 then?
For those who want to pick what should and shouldn't be an Olympic sport, here's a list of the current Summer Olympic sports (the 'sports' are then broken down into 'disciplines - e.g. Diving is a discipline of Aquatics);
Canoe / kayak
Modern pentathlon
Table tennis
From our friend Wikipedia;
A sport or discipline is included in the Olympic program if the IOC determines that it is widely practiced around the world, that is, the number of countries that compete in a given sport is the indicator of the sport's prevalence.
The IOC's requirements reflect participation in the Olympic Games as well — more stringent toward men (as they are represented in higher numbers) and Summer sports (as more nations compete in the Summer Olympics).
Sports may not depend primarily on mechanical propulsion, though there were power-boating events in the early days of the Olympics.
And regarding baseball/softball;
The most recent change occurred on July 11, 2005, when the IOC voted to drop baseball and softball from the Olympic program for 2012, a decision that was reaffirmed on February 9, 2006.
Softball and baseball are two of seven sports, including golf, rugby, squash, karate and roller sports, that will be considered at the 2009 Olympic Congress in Copenhagen for two openings on the schedule for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
Olympics are a farce (like they used to be 400 BC). The winners take price money, citizenship and so on. And they dope like hell. It's a business! Citius, fortius, altius. How is that possible without dopes? There are physical and mental limits which can only be overcome with drugs. I don't like the Olympics anymore. And I don't care which sport gets into the Olympics and which not.
If you admit baseball it will be hard to say no to softball.
For my money, the Olympics has too many sports, and should consider removing some, rather than adding more.
Table tennis?
Where does it say that The Olympics is about excelling on a personal level?
Billard, snooker or nine ball should be on the list.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
The Olympics is about international competition and bringing people together in the "spirit" of sport.
Olympics is about excelling on a personal level.
I can understand say Fencing at individual level, but how can you have a Fencing Team Gold ?
No way. Some of the team sports are the most popular and bring the biggest crowds and highest ratings, there's no way they can get rid of them.
In fact, to qualify it further, you should only have sports that you can break a record for - fastest longest, highest etc.
Yup. The Japanese do really well in the Olympics at baseball.
Baseball should probably be there, because the pinnacle of baseball is the "world" series which only incorporates American teams, so the Olympics gives the other teams a chance.
Yes, tennis should go, because a tennis player would prefer to win a Grand Slam over an Olympic medal.
Hmmm. Well I would like to see more baseball. I enjoyed watching that in the last few Olympics.
I believe it was an "exhibition" sport for a fixed period.
I would tend to go with Baldrick regarding team sports...and I would get rid of Tennis..
Baseball? Isn't baseball already an Olympic sport?
Rugby 7s, Rugby 7s, Rugby 7s
In my opinion, a sport should only be included in the Olympics if winning an Olympic gold would be considered the pinnacle of that sport. So, for example, football shouldn't be in because all players would rather win the World Cup.
From Wiki:
The Olympic motto is the hendiatris Citius, Altius, Fortius, which is Latin for "Swifter, Higher, Stronger".
IMHO, if it fits into this motto it should be acceptable.
I hold reservation on team sports though, with the single exception of 4x100m relay.