Offside (2006 - Iran)
Directed by Jafar Panahi (In Farsi language)
In Iran, women are not allowed in any sports events.
Hence the plight of several number of girls who attempt to actually watch it live the 2006 Iran vs. Bahrain World Cup Qualifying match.
A wonderful piece of a movie, filled with plenty of simple but satiric humor, from both the stadium guards' conversations with the several girls caught for trying to get in the games in any possible way, to even the 'no toilet facilities for women' scene where one girl needs to pee on an all-men toilet with totally vandalised walls.
Amidst the controversy of this film (banned in Iran), it's a lighthearted and a touching film with a nice ending that doesn't really or totally 'insult' the country's way of living.
I say kudos to the director for making a nice treat of a film.
But only if I have the 'privileges', which I do not have...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Or maybe I might've read your message wrong...
There are no guns nor the township nor the poor people thing in that movie Offside, ace23...and that's the nice part of it. Just the Iranian females trying to get to seethe live footage on a 'for men only' sports event.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Sounds like a very biased movie to me.Like on of those hollywood flicks tht everytime they show africa, they show the township or the poor people, everytime they show the middle-east, people carrying guns etc...for all i know GCC is probably one of the safest places to be...compared to alot of other countries.
Only the Iranian women are not allowed to sports events...but any foreign women, e.g. Japanese from the Iran vs. Japan match, can.
Oops! Giving too much spoilers of the movie. ;-P
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
This is non sense...i mean i've been to iran...its nothing like wht has been mom had no issues using the kinda rubbish is this.
...without hindrances from anyone around while actually shooting the event along the actual stadium footage of the Iran vs. Bahrain qualifying match in Azadi Stadium.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
this seem a good movie, is that the name of the movie?? now that am living in tehran i like to get as much as possible sources to get to know the country culture/customs and tradition.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand