Now armpit test for pilots

Crazy World: Now, armpit test for pilots
A airline has sparked controversy with armpit test as it plans to recruit new pilots who are free of body odour.
Zero-body-odour was the order of the day at the carrier's pilot recruitment test conducted recently, reports Asia One. Recruiters allegedly went close to the hopefuls to sniff their bare armpits.
“I passed everything, but I was doomed by my armpits, which are always a bit whiffy,” one of the applicants who got rejected was quoted by the website.
The company defended it's stand and claimed that the pilots often interact with passengers while on flight and the customers would not appreciate meeting someone who was representing the company with any sort of body odour.
They also claim that body odour is a good indicator of how the pilots handle stress. The airline spokesperson said: "If they can keep their cool in this test, they aren’t going to sweat in the cockpit.”
Strom.. Oh, i love giving surprises to girls.. ;)
strom yes so tht it wont difficult to interact ...:P
@rizks if both r smelly , then no complains atleast to eachother
@tahsinmim ... i think love understanding in imp , but if u cant STAND the smell of the other person how u understand ????
CL u never failed to surprise me .... :-)
PP i think its a good business idea ..isnt ?
yes CL which saloon tahsin wanna join
waxing arm pits ewwwwwwwwww
LOL Strom... good think I wax . :P
really tahsin r u smelly...:(
i can understand how bad u smell thasinmin...:(
if both the partners are smelly den dey shd concentrate on others....:P
when both the partners are smelly, wat to tell then ? :(
Nom LOL .... i usually avoid elevators in malls and try escalators instead.... i personally feel partners should tell their partnars how thy smell ..... n plz unshaved armpits and body odour of men is not SEXY at all ....period
this armpit test should be included in the hiring process of the taxi drivers here.
I got in one once. I didn't know weather to stick my head out the window and put up with the grueling heat or stay in the cool air that smelled like death.
come on, personal hygiene is not hard at all. especially if you're air conditioned all day..
Tahsinmim, thank you for telling me, i shall avoid those maxi cabs. :)
tahsinmim, they stank to the high havens! you think only men stink?
Just look at some women's is VERY oily! and if it is coconut oil and not washed out for days...well, what do you think happens???
No, they did not treat me in any way. they were there and I was..nothing more nothing less...well, and the massive stench, of course.
haha, then they must have treated as if you're an alien to them.. :P
Captain, they were women. Too busy chattering with each other.
LOOOL.. NOM.. Did the guy smiled and winked at you too..?? :P
my point is even malaysians and filipinos have bad smell :(
my dear gene and just i have colleagues from filipines and malaysia and when they are present we get confused who is indian, pakis, srilankans, bangali, malaysian and filipino
after eating raw onions and garlic how can one kiss his/her partner ? :( eeewwwww...
now where is Draccy ?
Fathimah, yes, that and deodorant.Sadly, the use of soap, deodorant and washing powder for clothing does not seem particularly popular with some people.
They seem to think that plain water is enough...People , please do is NOT enough!
Oh, and after eating copious amounts of onions and garlic, it is advisable to brush your teeth(with toothpaste) or chew some gum!
It is not difficult to avoid smelling bad.
LOL...Do I know what you are talking about? I only wish I didn't. One dosen't need expensive lotions and portions to smell good. Basic bodily cleanliness and oral health is all it takes!
No captain, unfortunately I had to smell an elevator.:( Several people with super greasy, stinky hair...(vomit smiley need here). I had to seriously concentrate on not puking.
I mean..don't they smell each other??????
ROFl @ NOMERCI... Some research you've done !! :D
Not only the armpits of some people smell, but also their heads! Because they put coconut oil on it and don't wash it out for several goes rancid very fast! Smells like vomit.
didnt wanted to go there,.but you are on top of it,
need to say that in some cases,.(higher class i think) its not the case
Gene_lv, Partly you are right, in addition some people from Arabs also.
Do you know the reason why these people does'nt know how to use deo? and these people are really immune with the smell and continue ignoring them.
DEo might not be properly introduce to the public in their country. I guess!
alexam, I know some guys with very strong body odour who does not eat spicy food.
Its part of hygiene. Just imagine the smell of one person with a body order inside the bus full of people. The smell is so bad that give one a stomach ache.
It is prevalent among Indians, Pakistani, Bangladesh, Sri Lankan.
The smell is just awful
alexam i agree with you
Tahsimin Cleanliness includes cleaning the body with water, shampoo. soap and drinking 8 glasses a day. Cleanliness also means cleaning the cobwebs in your mind.
OH? I didnt know this notion before..thanks for enlightening us.
Smoke it's just a notion that if you eat spicy or hot foods you tend to sweat more. And that distinctive smell comes from the different types of spices in the foods. Just like what you're thinking that salted dried fish will me us smell like one. Anyway body odour comes from bad habits of being lazy in maitaining cleanliness and non usage of deodorant in armpits. And not changing clothes everyday.
I really like your idea LOL...
what about for cab drivers? no test like this?
What about fried salt fish?
spicy food is good, it:-
a)Protects your stomach lining
b) Keep your heart healthy
c) Help prevent cancer
d) Reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes
e) Replace salt in cooking
its better then eating fried sauce...:)
Alex what does eating spicy food have to do with armpits?
The post says the body odour is a good indicator of how the pilots handle stress. He must keep his cool always in the cockpit. Flying is not easy as we think. It needs concentration and the right decision in a split of a second. And for those who get turned on by the armpit odour is someone immune to the smell that is so nauseating,so awful to others. Thanks GOD we don't eat spicy foods and knows how to keep the armpit free of odour.
so by now u must be having dense forest under ur armpits- smokey ? :(
U stinky little basket...:(
Sahara is a desert..thats what you have on your head..i have amazon :P
But cleanliness and smelling good never killed anyone I'm sure, so the rule seems perfectly legit!
ask brit..he's the one that posted something about this a while back..since that day i dont shave my armpits nor use any deo :)
tats so Yucky u dirty Kat !
and why would a women smell a man's armpit ? :( they hav better things to smell....:)
In all my years of flying, I haven't interacted with the pilot.
A man's armpit smell is a turn on for women :P
By the way not to mentioned nationalities, i heard that armpit odor is mandatory to strenghten the man's masculinity adorable to women.
im sure he must be using a mask or the test must be carried afte appliying deo....lols
i wonder what happened to the examiner
tahsin for cabin crew the armpit test is not a new thing
did you ever stood in a line,.or sit next to a smelly passenger in a airplane or transitbus on the airport (wich is bad,because then people raise there arms to grab the rail :(
next time i'm going to bring a new deoderant roller,. to hand out ;)
Ah...more people who do not know about deodorant.