Hello Novita,I just wanted to apoligize that I did not make to the ladies meeting today.I had to go to police to do finger prints for residency and it took forever to get back.I was up at 5,and I usually get up at 7:30 so I was so dead.I will try to make it next time.I was looking at forum and saw that there will be a meeting for coffee at the Hyatt plaza on Wednesday,20th of September at 10 ap,I sure can make that one.Would you come to that one?I would love to chat!Sorry about today!
Hi Irina, you just arrived but you already so busy. As for me my day notmally : Sam started school at 7.30am, finish at 12.55 Then Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday he have tae kwon do class in Ramada. And on Monday he have gym club. The only time its free is Wednesday. We can try to arrange for meet up on wednesday in your compound for 1 or 2 hrs. I promise Sam will be good with your kids :P.
Can i have your e-mail please, or maybe you can send me e-mail to [email protected] to make a further arrangement.
Hello Novita,I just received email from ConocoPhillips network that the wifes will have meeting in Alfrardan Garden 2,on Thursday at 9:30,exactly the tima I was going to have coffee with you all at the Hyatt plazza,so I now I cannot come.I would really would like to mett and chat with you.Do you want to meet for the coffee with me one evening?Or if you want we can take kids swimming at our pool in Alzahoor ,anytime is good for me,I work with your schedule.Let me know if you like the idea.
lol ... you can talk about your car with my friend. She is from Malta and drive Prado too. :-) I really looking forward to see you. I did not really feel comfortable last time in the birthday party because of the pool incidents. :-(
I absolutely love it!So nice, but I am scared to death to drive it,just want to look at it.I finally got my Qatary license today,so I am legal.I told my hubby if we got me an old crappy car I would never reck it but the new one,I don't know about it.See you Thursday!
Just wondering how is your new car?
great, c u ... looking forward meeting you :-)
Thanks Novita!I will be there around 9:30.See you!
In Hyatt PLaza starbucks, 9am onwards (i normally run off around 11am) for next coffee with the girls.
Butterfly and Xihuitl, if you can get up early you are more than welcome to meet us. :-)
No, they just turned 3,American school takes kids from age 4,so they will go next year.I enrolled them at Sunbeam first,then moved to Little Angels,they are brand new and got awesome facility and kids equipment, toys etc.Twins are seem to like it.
okee dokee, will do that. :-)
btw, which school your twins going? Are they going to American School wth Jake?
Ok,let me know when is the next one.I skip Hyatt plaza then.Thanks!
Dont worry about the coffee morning. There will be plenty of other coffee coming. :-) I will let u know.
And as for, i don't come to their coffee anymore. I boycott their site. I used to be one of their diehard, but not anymore. lol.