Not enough, where is the life sentence?

It's hard to know where to begin, but surely molesting your own daughter because you suspected she had lost her virginity at 5 is a new low. Then again 8 years for torture, sexual abuse and murder is another shame on the justice system in Saudi.
Saudi preacher jailed over daughter's death
By Sebastian Usher
BBC News
Fayhan al-Ghamdi appeared on religious satellite TV channels as a preacher
A Saudi preacher accused of torturing his five-year-old daughter and beating her to death has been sentenced to eight years in prison and 600 lashes.
The case of Fayhan al-Ghamdi made headlines around the world earlier this year when it was suggested that a Saudi court might let him walk free.
Activists began a campaign named after his daughter, "I am Lama", to press the authorities to prevent that happening.
Al-Ghamdi is not recognised as a cleric by the Saudi religious establishment.
Child abuse helpline
The horrific details of the abuse that Lama al-Ghamdi suffered were revealed in medical records from the hospital where she was treated for 10 months before she died.
Her ribs were broken, a fingernail was torn off and her skull crushed. She had been beaten with a cane and electric cables. She had also suffered burns.
The abuse had happened while she was with her father, who was separated from her mother.
Lama's death triggered a Saudi Twitter campaign to criminalise violence against women and children It was reported that al-Ghamdi had suspected his daughter of losing her virginity and had beaten her and molested her in response.
But there is no proof from the Quran or any of the Hadith to support that a father can be spared killing, and in this case also raping and torturing, their daughter/son. So who comes up with these kinda laws and what do they base it on?
As for the blood money, the last I checked the mother refused the blood money and demanded the culprit be put to death. So how did he escape it all? A senseless case that reeks of injustice!
He won't get the death penalty for killing his own child.
Again it’s a matter of difference of opinions amongst the Sharia legislators within the different schools of Islamic jurisprudences.
A father’s life shall not be taken for the murder his child.
he deserves death sentence and the ones who invade n kill innocent also deserve the same . he paid 10 % while the millions killed have received nothing
agree.Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, because it looks to me like you can buy your way out of a death sentence if that's the law to kill ppl for no reason
I got the same feeling -as I mentioned in my earlier post. Perhaps the "blood money" is in exchange for sparing his life.
Having said that, I still believe he deserves the death penalty..
I thought that since he gave his wife some blood money (10% of what she had requested) he is now not able to be sentenced to death.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, because it looks to me like you can buy your way out of a death sentence if that's the law.
I would love to see that father given a death sentence.
I'm totally against it.
However it seems there are plenty of people ql who are happy to defend, or, even worse, just ignore the invasion and innocent killings
I would love to see the US withdraw from foreign conflicts.
I'm totally against it.
In exactly the same way that I think that torturing, raping and murdering a 5 year old girl is totally wrong.
However it seems there are plenty of people in this thread who are happy to defend it, or, even worse, just ignore it.
I totally understand what you are saying now
kill innocent civilians, because somewhere in the world someone else has done something wrong.
Don't forget the torture. It is not enough to kill and rape, he had to torture her as well.
and to think he was going to get away with it until there was a pressure campaign inside Saudi and then international media coverage.
What a shameful place Saudi Arabia is. The king is the guardian of the two holy mosques and the protector of rapists and murderers.
I totally understand what you are saying now.
Rape and murder your daughters, because somewhere in the world someone else has done something wrong.
Omais - compare what he gets in Saudi for raping, abusing and then murdering his daughter with the sentence for some guys who posted a video of dancing naked on a car:
"Four Saudi men accused of dancing naked on the roof of a car and posting a video of the incident online have been sentenced to as many as 2,000 lashes and up to 10 years in prison, and fined thousands of dollars, a newspaper reported this week."
In your honest opinion, which is really worse - killing an innocent 5 year old girl, or dancing naked in public?
Regardless nationality, religion.. or anything else..
This guy would last only 1 day in one of my country jails.. The inmates will "teach" him ..!!
Rapist / Child abusers are "properly" treated in my country jails..
Those are the only cases I fully agree with capital punishment..
600 lashes is not a joke... and 8 yrs.. he will be Technically dead
You are right Fubar.. most of us skipped the very basic but very important foundations. It is our mistake.
what means muslim world do we have christian and hindu world also
If they focused on the LLR, it would also solve a bulk of the labor abuse problems and human rights violations too.
You are right MN.. Muslims should more focus on taqwa than their own prestige.
Until the Muslim world snap out of their (we are the best of people and we are prefect in every way) delusional belief system.
They will continue being the laughing stock of the world.
Jetsetter you missed the government sponsored racism in the saudi legal system then?
As per doctrines, someone from Syria will take over KSA soon or later, hence it is certainly sure that it will not sustain.
I guess it's only going to be a matter of time before serious reforms will have to be made one way or another. I mean this kind of gross injustices cannot go on forever. We hear of positive changes to come but sadly cases like that mentioned in the OP proves things are still far from improving. Truly this news has made me extremely sad and angry.
Fatimah: Now the big question is how long the Muslim world is going to keep quiet seeing corrupted Wahabi govt of Saudi stigmatizing demonizing and lampooning Islam for the Muslim world to call Saudi out on their hijacking of the religion with their barbaric medieval racist’ and pretty much demonic practices?
Hang him.....
yes MN, remember the Indonesian maid accused of killing the child in her care, she was executed. She denied the crime but in Saudi who knows who was right or wrong.
A very very messed up and sickening ruling indeed... This demonic being deserves nothing less than the death penalty. Very sad to hear of this truly appalling excuse for justice. Hope and pray this man gets what he truly deserves!
You know what’s really sickening about this case?
That had this dreadful crime been committed by an expat or a lower class of person, say the maid or the driver, Then they’d have had their head chopped off at the drop of a pen.
Splitt, I don't buy those global warming crap. But lets say if it happens, how many species of penguin would have left?
Little girls have their skulls cracked and their fingernails pulled off and their ribs broken and a broken back and raped and burned and their arm broken by their father all the time, all around the world.
Why is this even a news story?
Yeah ? How many when the planet warms 4 dgs ?
So, here's a fact.
There are 17 species of penguins in the world and only 5 of them lives in a cold climate. Bet some of you don't know that.
Why are you mocking a good and loyal ally of the USA.
I'm racist to racists - FYI.
ok fubar, I reported it.
it was indonesian
It is releveant to Qatar as Qatar has a similar legal system to Saudi.
This man should have been looking at 20 years at least but it's double standards.
Remember the case of the Sri Lankan maid who was executed for the murder of a child, (a murder she denied). So who come a foreigner gets executed for a supposed killing but a Saudi who tortures, rapes and kills a child gets 8 years. Disgusting.
This thread here Stacey. The one from yesterday concerning a matter totally relevant to people living in Qatar.
Fubar, link.. I'll report it too.
n later hijacked to racism
Let's ignore it and go back to the story about the British girl who was mean to her mommy in the UK. Because that's totally relevant to QL.
Double standards?
reported for wasting the forums memory bytes!
We've discussed this before..
Clarifications - He is not a preacher. He appeared on TV because he was a drug addict and had reformed. (obviously not)
He also has to pay the child's mother, his ex-wife, SR 1 million in blood money. (as per her request)
Al Ghamdi’s second wife was sentenced to 10 months in prison and 150 lashes for not reporting the torture inflicted on the child..
Having said all that .. I am appalled , but not surprised at the lenient sentence. Perhaps it is because of the blood money being paid.
This moron inflicted pain and suffering on an innocent child and in my opinion should have got the death penalty. Period.
May the little angel rest in peace..
It is long time, they had been manipulating things for their own stupid temporary glory..