No Pickups for expatriates. What about guns?

By ArizonaArnie •
Howdy y'all. Jusr arrived here in Qatar and I want to buy a Pickup truck. I want a Ford150 but I have been told that expats can't buy commercial vehicles and that Pickups are considered commercial. Is this true? What can I do about it?
Also where can I find a good gun store? They wouldn't let me bring my guns here so I have to buy some. I want a Winchester 30/30 and a couple of hand guns preferably automatics. Anyone know where I can get them?
Do you think this is the wild west of Arizona?
Give me a break!
and yes, I have guns in America for which they are lock-up in a safe in my local commercial storage warehouse back in the USA..
Get a grip on what you are saying.
Don't come to Doha acting like Mr. freddie Kruger or some Psychopath killer.
I would hate to see or hear an American get his butt whip AND LASH OUT to death in the gallows of Doha.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. Solomon Chapte
Oryx, you rock.
Getting a licence to buy alcohol is crazy enough. Buying guns? Forget it..
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
The art of folding paper
like making planes or any shape
art of folding paper into birds... Japanese style...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Funniest topic I have read in a long time.
I'm still giggling. Lol about bearing arms.
What the hell is origami?
Just to clarify, I'm an expat and I've got a 4wd pick up truck which is registered in my name. It's allowed for expats to buy 4 door pick ups but not the 2 door ones apparently - weird I know.
to add injury to an already tarnished national reputation but I can envisage someone going out and shooting birds that turn out to be prize falcons..................darn, got it wrong again!
have you ever been out of Doha? There are camels all over the desert and surrounding towns...
Come with me out to our farm past Villagio... I can show you a camp of them...;-)
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
You won't see them because they are all driving 4Xwheel drives around Doha lol.
I am wondering!!!!!!!! wat u could do with a gun here in the desert....after spenting an year I have never seen even a camel...
Automatic gun to shoot rabbits and birds? That is real passion for hunting.
Do you take C4 when you go fishing? :)
I've been there twice and it was like ghost town. Does anybody have a reliable phone number to make reservation? I really need to shoot something.
Gun ??
this is not USA.
for hunting camel ?
or bird ?
if you cannot take it, leave it !!
but can you imagine the lawsuits? People who lose arms in accidents or who are born without them. They would all be suing the government for the contravention of their constitutional rights. It would never fly! Check out the driving thread. It really rocks.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Hmmm, I wonder if there is anyway to start convincing Americans that the 2nd Amendment doesn't mean the right to own weapons, but instead is quite litteral, so the "right to bear arms" acutally just means the right to have two arms attached to your body.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
I am all in favor of changing the constitution as far as the right to bear arms is concerned. Also there are places in America where guns are banned. Washington DC for example. Problem is, this obsession with guns is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that its very hard to shift.
Slowly, the resistance to the insanity of the country being armed and alarmed is growing but I doubt it will change sufficiently in my lifetime. Hope I am wrong.
I was being disingenuous when I was blaming the Brits. But you know me, I like to blame the Brits for everything.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
So are you saying that your consitition is atavistic because it hasn't been updated to reflect changes?
:) but its good to blame the Brits....we can take it... we get fortitude from Marmite!
Back in the 80's there was a great southern band called Lynard Skynard who had some good songs. One of their hits was Saturday Night Death Special and a plea to throw all of the guns in America into the Ocean. Apart from the environmental impact it sounds like great advice.
Take away the guns from America and there would emerge a very much better society.
Oryx, the British have to take some of the blame for the US constitution. If you guys weren't so busy trying to kick our butts, the founding fathers wouldn't have put the right to bear arms into the constitution.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
CB - and please add to that comments... and 'dont have the brain'
brainless spuds with weapons of death... and what happens - esp when mixed with drugs.
Sorry in a million years I will never 'appreciate' the consitution of the USofA and 'the right to bear arms'
No way can i see it as a right.
All guns should be banned. People tend to get trigger happy knowing they have the power.
even BB-Guns are banned in Qatar :P
Well there is the non-erudite comment for the day: 'better than shooting people'
Yes you can go horse riding.... very nice hobby lots of opportunities here.
There are all sorts of sports going on here from kite surfing to scuba diving to cricket.
Okay I get it. You guys don't like hunting. Guess I can do without shooting and hunting. What about horseback riding? Can I do that here without offending everybody? What else is there to do here? Don't seem like much. Not yet ready for knitting or origami.
Shooting Rabbits and birds ... it is actually illegal!
Can't you take up a new hobby that doesn't involve
a) guns
b) death
I don't know...knitting? or origami or something?
You come to a new country and b4 u get here u want to shoot the wildlife!
Didn’t mean to offend you….Of course it is much safer than US for sure, we don’t have school shooting or day light looting. Traffic accidents you cannot help it with a gun and regarding rape its isolated case not as common as in US. Guess this is your first job in the middle east.
you cant have guns here. but yes you can join the shooting club here which is in Duhail. shoot the flying saucers. i am too bad at that last time i went my score was 0/20 damn wind :/
I think we've flushed a troll. Quick someone shoot it.
"How come I can pick my ears but not my nose? Who made up that rule anyway? How come you say that's the way it is, that's just the way it goes, maybe you should decide for yourself what you can do and what you can say." Ani Difranco
I was talking to some locals here who go hunting in the desert. They shoot rabbits and birds and dub (big lizards). They told me where to get guns but I couldn't understand their accents.
So Gypsy Gal this is a very safe place is it? Not according to this web site it ain't. I been reading about rapes, traffic deaths and all kinds of stuff and you say its very safe. Wake up yourself.
I think he was sent here by the Russian Mafia who captured cowboy Joe many years aago and now sent him to us because they want mix caviar and cowboys - the caviar in exchange for guns and we will have holds ups in the caviar souk lol.
Wake up you are in Qatar not in US. You dont need a gun here for self potection. This is a very safe place. You can buy gun from ToysRus.
You need to settle with a SUV Trucks are not allowed for expats, but we do see expats driving ford/GMC/hummer pickups..wonder how?
Oh no thats all we need.....another village exporting its idiot to Qatar... this time it is...........
Where on earth do you think you are coming to?
This is not cowboy country boy and I thank God that no one can buy guns here - better safe than sorry
just curious what did you want to do with the guns? there isnt any game hunting here?
Welcome to Qatar and to QL. Buying a pick up won't be possible for you as you rightly mentioned that it's considered a commercial vehicle. You can buy a second hand one if you are keen on it. Maybe you can post in the QL Classified section. Guns - I dont think you can buy them here at all. Atleast I'am not aware.If you are looking at buying guns for security purpose;I'am sure you don't need them here.We dont have a problem with crime and violence.Doha is a small peaceful town where you will not find the goings on as in some other countries. Rest assured,this is a safe place.
Have a pleasant stay!
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
I reckon you could possibly lease the pick up on a long term contract from the numerous "rent a cars"
Guns - well thats entirely a different ball game, maybe some one with experience on the subject could help.
where do you think you are coming.
Guns are not allowed here if got caught find ur self behind bars and deported.
yes pickup only you can buy on ur sponsor name not on ur name.
The rule about Pickups has been changed, I knoe several Expats that have bought them so that shouldn't be a problem, But for Guns forget it- it's not allowed for you to buy a gun.