No Happy Weekend Threads???

By Captain_Lost •
Is it really ttoday.. or do i have the wrong calendar in my computer?? :(
Whats happening.. Why there are no "Happy Weekend" threads on QL today??
Im worried now ... please help !!
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Got my Karak now, so same here.. :)
Got my iphone now me is happy..:)
PP what u mean by that kind ... lols
fea_sad you are one of the sweetest member here and i like u :p can i add you? lol!
hw abt me Monk ??
both of you are my good friends.... :p
not me plsssssssssss :P
worst weekend i will ever have,makes me want to kill someone... :(
its close to pay day thats why no happy this week end...
as mercury moves up, happiness drops down .
People aren’t happy anymore, it seems :)
the bold intials specify the same :(
Oh UK! Are you upset? :-(
Snessy they have made their point I have made mine. Only the ones who want to understand will, I am out of here for now Happy weekend to all
Thanks and Noted your Highness
Lol're everyone's biatch, first wifey demands an iPhone and then the MODs give you a rollicking! Ha ha ;-) X
Sorry cant reinstate the thread as we don't have such facilities yet! Please come again next week and we shall not delete it.
Snessy.. As if I want to know.
I think we should just leave it there after what happened to Whygteknight!
ONE OF US? Now which one are you of the bunch?
Ha ha! UK got told!!
Good morning all :-)
Tinker did you say something? what did I miss?
yes RAK need to purchase an Iphone in Qatar. Most of my I products are brought from the UK.
However she will not wait till we get to the UK in July so I have been asked not return home without an Iphone. This is a sincere request. Please can someone tell the best place to buy an Iphone 4S.
Now with Ipod, Ipad and Iphone already in the household. Looks like my lonely Iphone 4 will get a partner Iphone 4s.
So your help will be much appreciated to make this weekend a happy weekend for the I family..:)
already had one but the effect is vice versa :P
"Don't be glad!"
Pappu, take a chill pill...
UK, apoligies accepted :)
I know you are missing the "I" group you made few months back :)
u r boy and all these days had been fooling us :((
CL was sad coz no one posted thread on happy weekend ..
so i specially wished him Happy weekend ... he had tear in his eyes too after reading my post
Awwww.. fea_sad.. don't be sad .. I'll avenge the Mods for deleting your thread ..
I missed that thread :(
What was it about?
RAK i dedicated thread to CL ..tat Mod deleted dnt knw why ..
CL was soooooo happy but now he is sad n tat y i am also sad :((
RAK of course NOT.. sorry I don't check peoples profiles. So accept my apologises..:)
Now can someone tell where can I buy the cheapest Iphone in Qatar?
fea sad..but why are u sad???
No more happy weekends thread ... :( FEA SAD SAD SAD
UK, Is the username RAK reserved for "BOYS ONLY"
Pappu.. i praised their threads and appreciated their efforts for wishing all Qlers happy weekend..
ohh no it is not so happy bcoz it is end of month
Why did the do that?? grrrrr..
RAK is a girl.. You find out new things every day.
every wekend dey r the one wishing all of us .. one day cant u take pain to wish dem and praise dem about their quality threads posted on every wekends ;D
Happy weekend everyone, Hope by tomorrow we have 52 degree in Qatar :)
Thinking they won't have to take a bath for 2 days & are happy about it and indirectly share this secret within their kith & kin , I am not sure !
Yey.. here comes Fea_SAD to make your weekend HAPPY
LOL tinker.. thats what i thought :D
Khanan.. exactly, where are these beautiful chicas to tell us "happy weekend" every thursday.??
this is abnormal :P
No worry CL .... all are lazy today to post Happy Weekend Thread
Fea_Sad or RAK???
Where are you GALS?? Our weekend alarming bells! ;)
Happy Weekend!!