The News In GT Qatar Section Today
There was a time when I used to cut and paste (C&P) what I considered interesting news articles on QL on a daily basis. This was to enable even those who had already read these news items either online or in print, to comment on the issues at hand.
These days I don't have the time, or the inclination to continue doing this, especially when C&P of local stories seemed to enrage some QLers when I used to commit this offence.
So when I noticed some articles in the Gulf Times today that I found interesting, I thought I would just post the link to the Qatar news section instead of C&P, and mention the headlines I found interesting along with a short comment:-
1. Third main cause of death in the country
(So what are the 1st and 2nd?)
2. Heart diseases are rising, says study
(No kidding, and why do you think that is?)
3. Qatar on road to becoming a centre of cycling culture
(I had noticed a nice new cycle track extending around the old airport next to the new Wakra link road. What a great idea. I quite fancy popping on some inline skates and giving that a go before it gets too hot.)
4. Mini-marathon to mark first annual Sports Day
Qatar hotels line up events to mark National Sports Day
(What is your company doing on the 14th?)
5. Mall marks anniversary
(This really does need celebrating. I didn't expect it to last this long)
6. 80% of private firms pay wages on time
(Really? I suspect a higher number myself)
7. New Doha airport set to open by the year-end
8. Doha 2020 logo to be unveiled at Rota fun day
(I am looking forward to seeing this)
9. Woman injured
(She was injured so this is not funny)
People gets pissed at anything that moves/talks/types/poos/breathes.
But of course I did amnesia
lol people getting enraged because you shared news...
Did you source back?
tinkerbell10...come again.
Bottomline of such C & P is very simple when talking of frowning Qlers, as I understand...if someone is interested he would have read it just like you and if someone is not interetsed he wouldnt read GT nor basically what is the point in still doing the C&P when you also say you neither have have time nor inclination...just for my understanding as somehow I feel that the thought and actions are not aligned.
Just forgot to add that I found this bit more interesting:
"InterCon Group forays into residence suites"
Have a good day.
No Rizks... it was in the IN BRIEF section which is where you normally find the interesting stuff.
Although this story is not funny, I can't help picturing it in my head with some Benny Hill music in the background and images of him shaking his fist and looking comical while chasing her. I think I may have issues ;)
TB, was point no. 9 posted in 'funnies' section in GT ?