New web feature!!!
By baldrick2dogs •
I recently came across this great new web feature - It's a site called . It must be new cos nobody else on this site is using it yet. Here's how it works ... It's technical name is a "search engine" and you type in a little box what you are looking for and it finds it for you! Amazing eh?!?! You can even narrow down the search to make it more relevent by typing in "Qatar" or even "Doha" and it will find stuff that is actually where we all live.
On the down side though, it could seriously affect this site as nobody would ever ask us stupid questions ever again!
we owe it to you baldrick.. thanks for the link.. :)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Tried it and love it.. I can even find out things about Qatar and even questions aked on QL..
Yesterday I lost my freind in doha.
when I searched in Google i found him very easily ;)
Like Tallg Said
Google???? hold on I'll google it.....
"Did you know that if you type 'google' into "Google" you can break the internet" :o)
Did you Google it first?
I think I've overused Google.. haha
Only if you buy the commercial plugin called WebWife. You are locked into a life long contract and if you cancel they take 1/2 of what you own. Not such a good deal if you ask me ;)
Lost Key is in Perdido Key, Florida
Did you Google it first?
hehehehe.. sarcasm, i like it.. i like it.. :D
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
"you type in a little box what you are looking for and it finds it for you"
I've lost my car keys. Will google find them for me? I can narrow down the search to "my villa", and I've already checked down the back of the sofa and in my wifes apparently bottomless handbag, so no need for it to look there again.