New Rules in Qatar ?

I been receiving this from different sources in my email inbox, does anyone knows wether it is true ?
1) All bars must keep all ligths turned on at all times
2) Women can not wear skirts, tank-tops or cleavage
3) Cloud Nine is being shut down (and potentially Qube)
4) You need to show your ID to enter any bar (and they keep a record of it)
5) If you are not a resident you need to show your original passport
6) Women get fined QR 1400 for driving without covering their shoulders
7) Women get fined QR 6000 for walking around without covering their shoulders
8) You can't make a private party with more than 15 people if there is booze.
It's getting more and more difficult to have a quiet pint in here, let alone a decent piss-up. And IDs and such aside, what's next in the dress rules front? Swimming only allowed fully clothed?
And then there's rumour/rule number 8.
Although most of the soirees around are small, once in a while we love a big humdinger of a party...shift system perhaps..?
I just hope the shop stays open. There are quite a few people I know who will be on the plane pretty quick if no alcohol is allowed at home and the only place to have a drink is somewhere it costs an arm and a leg and you are under more supervision than a convict at visiting hour.
The problem of nobody quite knowing what is legal and what isn't is a serious one, but I suspect it is intentional. Many of us have seen that there is no law that is hard and fast; absolutely everything can be circumvented somehow if you have the connections. Serves to keep the expats on their toes..?
*The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.*
There was an Islamic Summit a few years ago for which the Beverly Hills Compound 1 was erected to accommodate the participants of the Islamic Summit. The alcohol delivery to this compound broke all previous records. This is not a hoax, but a well known fact. What are you all talking about? Everything is possible in Qatar.
" Novita, yes, there USED TO BE QR300 fines, now they are all multiples of 500 + possible increments of 100, so maybe 1400 is 1000+4x100 because the shoulder is 4cm more uncovered than the rule?!? "
----> Very funny Bleu about 4 cms uncovered shoulder :o) And as for me I dont drink and a night club is not my second home. And I always dress up conservatively. The only one who will affect us is number 8 because our life revolve inviting friend to our and going to people's houses.
Bleu, I lived all over the world as well, but we have something in common, which is we are Muslim.
Surely that must impact your opinion to warrent some care for your country?
Its better that they leave the World Cup's to countries whose infrastructure and culture is adept to hosting such events.
The local culture does not want similar scenes like this to happen, nor do they want their youth heading towards the same route.
Being non Muslim I'm not expecting anyone to agree, but at least understand them.
PM made a very valid point in another post when she said "I for one, don't understand why they want to be ALL things. Why not just be what they are and do it well: a small, socially conservative Islamic country, with vast wealth and a high standard of living among the citizenry"
Regardless of the fact that she is Muslim, her understanding of the facts are pure rationale that I'm sure the majority of you all have.
But yes it is confusing when the movers and shakers want to fly when certain birds are flightless and should make the most of what they can do rather than pretend to be and do something else.
Sorry but I've been away for a while,
Novita, yes, there USED TO BE QR300 fines, now they are all multiples of 500 + possible increments of 100, so maybe 1400 is 1000+4x100 because the shoulder is 4cm more uncovered than the rule?!?
Dali, personally, I lived all over the world so I don't care, but most Qataris do. They would say all women should be "covered", all bars should be closed, and alcohol should be banned.
yes i am up UkEng ... yes school walk instead of school suicide mission :o)
Novi.. 7.13am you up already? Getting ready for the school run.. sorry I mean walk to the school..:)
That would be sports in its purest form, novi.
the first booze free world cup will be in Qatar. Interesting ... :o)
I think the next step will be
1. All bars must use stadium lights
2. Women should wear abaya even while taking a shower
3. Cloud nine will become a mosque (potentially qube)
4. You need to show your I.D and in the morning they'll email your family that you paid a visit.
5. If you are not a resident you need to bring your passport, birth certificate & school grades.
6 & 7 are retarded itself.
8. You can't make a private party with booze if there is ANY one else besides you.
I'm listening... Perhaps we'll have beach footy (for brazilian women)
i see the lungi news network is feverishly @ work!...what a load of bollocks!...especially 1 & 8...who comes up with this stuff...seriously...
I am just giving facts based on previous events that Qatar has held like the Asian 2006 games. Things became very relaxed during these games.
I remember watching the beach volley matches with the lovely Asian babes in bikini's at the Aspire.
Every thing possible here..:)
UKEng, was this a dream you had, an aborition an epiphany? Or are you seriously thinking this is their grand plan?
Ha! Rumor I believe it is...
It's ok, i'm banned from the Qube. Yer safe
I am ready for leaving now so if all these rules were inforced I would be on the next flight home!!
Now here is the plot. Qatar is planning to ban every thing by the end of the year. By the middle of next year when the World Cup bid will be in full swing. They are going to relax every thing and then present Qatar as a tolerant and open society.
If they get short listed there shall be more relaxation, and God heaven if they win they are planning to open the country up like Duabi.
So I fully support the Qatar world cup bid, as this will result in more freedom and fun for us expats here..
So no need to panic Flan and no need to leave..:)
What do you guys think?
sounds more like a prison.. :P
They want he whole world to come their shoulder covered to watch the FIFA??? lol
Confused Qatar!!!
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
The last thing we need is SAMAEL and other Scot supporters getting drunk and rowdy in The Qube..
Ban Alcohol NOW!
This is all be done to support the FiFa World Cup 2022 Bid..
Go Qatar Go..:)
so finally qatar's tolerance meter burst,eh?it was bound to happen one day or the other...hmm....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
all lights turned on in a bar????? then it aint a bar ne more its more like a restaurant!!!
man party ppl r really screwed now hehehehe
the country is getting paranoid abt their youth hehehehe
1) All bars must keep all ligths turned on at all times
Yes, at all times...
2) Women can not wear skirts, tank-tops or cleavage
Saw some girls in PALOMA (Intercon) being held at the entrance wearing Skirts/Tanks; i guess these were too short/too revealing (but also saw some other allowed in...UH??)
3) Cloud Nine is being shut down (and potentially Qube)
Cloud Nyn already closed...Qube?? dunno
4) You need to show your ID to enter any bar (and they keep a record of it)
You have to register as a member to enter the premises,
5) If you are not a resident you need to show your original passport
Yes and they will take note of the Visa number, date of entry, Visa validity, etc etc etc
6) Women get fined QR 1400 for driving without covering their shoulders
7) Women get fined QR 6000 for walking around without covering their shoulders
8) You can't make a private party with more than 15 people if there is booze.
As per questions 6, 7 & 8 Have no info whatsoever, but for sure there was a press note some days back in which no alcohol for parties/events was being promoted by the authorities. Of course these were "public" events parties; but who knows, maybe they'll reinforce the statement up to private parties also!!!!OMG!!!
We'll see what happens!!!
PS: I even have heard that PALOMA (Intercon) is going to be left as "Resto" only.
Sounds hoax Novi..
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
If you would understand that Qatar is not a state but merely a playground for the Al Thani family then you would know whom the rules are for. Certainly not for the owners of the playground.
I'm taking a vote.
Hands up all those people who will leave Qatar immediately if these rumoured rules are applied ....
Come on people, there must be more of you !
The thing regarding to catering for expats is this. As Dali says a lot of the locals don't like the idea that alcohol is sold here but most of the ones I know understand its something for the expats and as long as people are not doing in their faces and walking around the streets drunk they don't really care.
However when it comes to regulating it the authorities pretend it isn't really happening. Its like the crazy uncle locked up at home, you take care of him but you never acknowledge to the outside world he exists...
My view is this. I know the rules in Saudi and that is why I never accept any job offers to go there, but Qatar spends millions advertising itself around the world, (QA, QFC, Asian Games, Tennis etc) as this modern friendly place to live work and do business. However the reality on the ground is the place I came to 5 years ago has changed but no one will tell me why or tell me what the rules are.
it's useless unless some arabic & white girls obey it also
i'm flyin to VEGAS lol!
"Double jack & coke! coming up sir!"
8 more reasons for me to leave the country.
Andrew, absolutely right, wgich is why i agreed with him in the post above yours
I'm with Exiled on this one.
It's not a question of 'wanting more' as you put it, Dali, it's simply a desire to know what is legal and what is not.
When the traffic laws changed, there were full page ads in the newspapers and the MOI had some sort of PR campaign.
When the liquour laws changed regarding hotel bars, there was no formal notification. It seems at times as though the hotels themselves aren't entirely sure what the rules are, with some bars checking IDs, some bars not checking IDs, and one bar I can think of that only checks IDs after it's been open for a few hours.
We get told on a daily basis who the Emir sends cables of congratulations to, who the Emir sends letters of condolence to, which draft legislation the Advisory Council discussed...
Would it be too much to ask that we get told which laws actually get passed so that decent, law abiding residents can at least try to abide by them?
I don't want to have a few neighbours around for birthday drinks only to discover I'm breaking the law.....
ExiledSaint...So true, especially if there are fines involved!
you see I have a real problem with guessing in case I get it wrong...
Nania no problem obeying the laws. Where can I read them?
Dear All,
Become decent residents of Qatar and always obey the laws of Qatari Government.
There is no justice!
Bleu...A Qatari Great! Could I ask you just this once to venture beyond your 'politically correct enclosure' and lend us your valued personal opinion about these points?
My Husband wears hot pants and a spangly boob tube and nobody says anything - Where is the justice!!!
Why the outrage over a few of the countries rules...
Who cares if your skirts have to be a few inches longer or you have to wear a t-shirt instead of a tank top.
Now tell me is Anna Wintour going to snub you vougeshness??
Is the world going to stop turning? Are you going to be less of a woman because of it? Does your happiness and core existence depend on it? No No noo!
So with all due respect, suck it up and stop whining.
I mean seriously why is it human nature to always want more? There is an Arabic saying that goes 'kill mamnou marqhoub' which translates to 'all that’s prohibited is craved'.
You must take into consideration that alcohol is a recent import to Qatar, enforced on the less than thrilled majority of Qatari's.
Why can't women just be thankful for what they have and that goes for some of the men as well.
It's not like they've asked you to wear an Abaya like Saudi? Many people here on QL have lived in Saudi and loved it.
Why? Because that was that, limitations pre-drawn and the rational part of the human psyche kicked so everyone makes the most of it.
There is always the option of Dubai or Muscat or Kuwait for next contracts. I assure you I'm not saying this with malice but with a solution seeking choice you all have the power over.
Instead of coming back at me with the wrath of your sharper than razor comments, just think about it...
So stop trying to, or expect Qatar to change into your own culture, just respect theirs and appreciate the things they've tolerated thus far.
But Seriously....Anger over skirt lengths!
Don't you think that women world wide have bigger challenges and points to prove as a unit in society, or in equal opportunity in work, instead of moaning over skirt lengths and sundresses.
You are in Qatar a Muslim country as very welcome guests there's no need to try redecorating its culture.
There was a thread on QL about point 3 actually when it happened. Can't find it, maybe Dracula can come out of his reading mode and help out.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
My latest research on traffic rules shows that the fewer digits the licence plate number has, the less they care about rules (the more they violate the rules). So, why should we care?
Here is an example:
Licence plate number: 136
Violations: 45
Points: 50 (!!)
Total fines: QAR 18.800 and UAE Dirhams 3.000
(Source: the official MOI Website, accessable for everyone)
3,6,7 and 8 not heard
the rest are all correct.... enforcement started about two weeks ago :)
I went to one of the so called "Clubs" here on a Thursday night few months back. Went there on Friday night again and the guy at the door said Sir no entry without your original Passport ( I am on business visa, so no RP). I asked him when did the rule change, I came here last night and you let me go. He said, I only know what my manager told me. Checked the papers of that day, nothing. The internet, nothing. They do keep these changes very secretive..
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
Maybe that is how the police let everyone know about the new rules here, they send an email to a few ladies and tell them its a secret.... before you know it everyone in Doha knows how to behave properly....
Maybe they should put a big sign at the airport. Money wanted, foreigners no, but if you must come please don't do anything we don't like but just to make it interesting for everyone we will constantly change the rules but not tell you what they are.... won't that be fun!
Apologies Novita, I got so focused on the rules that i forgot the first two lines.
I pity the ladies in here, hope it's really hoax.
Just ignore it. Probably a hoax. Why not check with The Qube ?
Just wait Novita, Let the other regulars who frequent bars come, they will verify it is true, sadly :(
These rules are in effect for a while now. Cloud Nine closed 2 months back if I remember correctly.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
but how you solve the "shown shoulders?"
don't tell me : prevent men off driving :P
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
phoenix, I told you I received this on my inbox. So I would like to ask anybody knows the validity of this? As ES said ... if the paper never mentioned anything means this is rumour afterall ?
it is easy and we use it in syria
timerssss on traffics and khalas "finish"
but there is no cameras there so everybody start from 5 seconds before
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
OS, they should find a solution for accidents on blinking traffic light before turning to red, people are terrified ;)
and Yes Novita, We Demand Your Proof on the Above.
Sincerely yours:)
lol phoenix
i think to avoid car accidents that is all .
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
If they want to change the rules then fine its their country but they should post it somewhere like in the paper, otherwise we should take this as all not true????
This is against freedom and against all single males in qatar :S I love shoulders:( where should i put my head then :(
Scarlett i dont see anything bad in it... in my point of view.... some facts about me to justify my view..
1) Bars should be dark... but since i dont visit bars in doha... it dont matter to me.
2) Women look beautiful even in other types of clothes... and since i am not women... i m ignoring their comfort factor.
3) Cloud 9 is the worst club u can think of in my view so i never visited twice their anyways.
4) though i dont go to bars.. even if i did.. i dont plan to rob, kill or rape someone so if they kept a record i wouldnt mind.
5) though i m a resident... even if i wasnt... i would need my passport in any case to prove my ID .. not only in doha... but in other countries where they could dare to ask me to show it.
6) Women who drive that i know closely would not drive without covering their shoulders ... so i think... its even good.. will reduce the accidents in the roads and the unnecessary staring of the driver next lane...delaying movement in traffic..etc.. so its good.
7) Again the women dress code . please refer point 2
8) I dont booze in any ordinary party... so now.. i can enjoy booze free parties... that is... heheh.. if ... the people i party with .... actually... obliged.
i hope u now understand my point of view...ur opinion is urs to behold.
then if it is true , you shouldn't
especially #7 outchhh
it is really one shot in the head if i have to pay it
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
yes i am one_shot ... :)
thank God i don't drink , and i am not women ;)
but novita , why you are afraid?
are you doing most of them? :P
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
they used to have 300 speeding fine bleu .... many moon ago...
I don't think we ever had any QR1400 fines, so it's probably all false. It could be believable at QR1500 or 2000, a nice round number.
why is it all good?
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
2) Not sure about the skirt part but the tank top is true...but not sure once you ENTER the club if they enforce.
3) yep, not sure about Qube...
4) Yes, absolutely true...been there, done that
5) don't know...have a resident's visa
6) good grief I hope NOT!! I drive to the beach in a sun dress!!
7) ok, this one makes sense as you are out in public in a Muslim country.
8) how silly is this one????
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
hmmmm.... its all good....
1. No idea
2. No idea/ I hope its true
3. No idea/ I hope it will happen
4. Its true( they ask my driver license ).I dont knw if they keep it for record
5. Yes, i'm not a resident.I was in qatar for a tourist visa(7days). Im glad i carry my passport on that time
6. No idea/ hope it will be enforce
7. No idea/ hope it will be enforce
8. I dont knw
I have heard all those of things... As for number 6, I know of people who it has actually happened to, and getting fined 1500. Cloud Nyn has been shut down already. They take ID everywhere now, and no dark areas allowed in bars, must be all lit...
No CoMmEntSsss
sounds like a load of old cobblers to me!!! The rumour mill is at it again!
Not sure about 6,7 and 8 but rest are all true.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity. - Albert Einstein
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