Hello everybody,
I heard Qatar has gone through a lot of changes. For examples, bars, dance clubs were like a bad dreams for Qatar Dwellers which has turned into a real dream. I haven't been to Qatar for almost 2yrs. I guess I will be surprised if I see new Qatar. I try to be up to dated about Qatar by gulf-times . where I get lots of improvement news about Qatar and more crimes news as well.
I guess people from outside /expatriates have embraced those changes. but about Qatari peoples? Are they happy with those changes? I don't know......... Like I can't tell without experiencing those changes. And I don't want to say anything based on my assumption. But I just want to hear from people from here , are they really enjoying those changes????
Thank You
Developer Genius....
Happy new gregorian calendar year.
Nomerci: don't feed the troll. How funny!
He wants to eliminate others demising and insulting their religious holidays and way of living all done in the name of Islam. And then has balls to say Islam is peace!! YES Islam is peace when nut jobs like you are locked up.
And if you were in my home country wouldn’t think twice before reporting your sad ares to the anti-terrorism squads.
LOL nomercy :)
Good, then practice what it means.
well, each to their own then...but this makes it very clear why there is so much discord in the world...some live, but do not want to let live, peacefully and harmoniously.
Let me intervene a bit here if you allow me. First of all the "Kuffar" meaning someone who doesn't have a religion or believe in God and it was referred to at in the Qura'n as those who used to worship idols. Also the Qura'n stated clearly like this verse"Those who believe, the Jews, Christians and Sabians - any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord. They need not fear, nor shall they grieve."
Also, there was another example from the prophet life where he paid respect to jews like this story, that as a funeral of a Jew passed before Prophet Muhammad as a sign of respect he stood up. In doing this, he showed respect and shared in the feeling of sorrow with Jewish family and community. "Why did you stand up for a Jewish funeral?" he was asked. The Prophet replied: "Is it not a human soul?
In addition, personally I don't see a harm of sharing joy with others, in fact this is what (deen= religion) is all about which is "how you treat others" note that others has no specific religion, also I don't see the reason why I shouldn't respect other religions and be with them during their celebrations, just like when they are with me during my celebrations in Eid or Ramadan.
One last thing, think about it, if God wants it to be all Christians,or all Muslims or Jews, he could right? but there is a reason why it isn't so and that verse is a proof " “If thy Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind one people: but they will not cease to dispute” or this one"mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.”
That's only my opinion of course, I am not trying to enforce it and this thread is not about religion, we can talk about this more
Ohhh dear me
Why can't some people just live and let live.
If both references are valid, and choice is given as to which one to follow, I would prefer Cryptic-writings reference.
ismailerum :Please take your religious junk outside this forum.
If you don’t we will report you to the Mods
Thank you (:
Happy New year my friends ! :)
the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was urging the believers to soften their hearts. The best Islamic attitude is to love one another and greet one another to those whom one knows and those whom one does not know, and this is achieved by words and deeds. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) urged the Muslims to foster love between one another by exchanging gifts and food, and by spreading greetings, and he forbade the opposite, namely forsaking one another, turning away from one another, spying on one another, seeking out information about one another, stirring up trouble and being two faced
The Prophet (P.B.U.H)commanded us to return greetings and made it right of duty .
Ismailerum: speak for your self.
ismailerum said Resolution ...
reduce weight, get settled (marry), buy a honda pilot, be less active on facebook, work hard and keep myself busy in office work...:-)
I am confused, you are willing to share your new years resolutions with everyone, but not wish them a happy new year. And according to your signature, should you be keeping your resolutions for a different calendar date?
QatariRevolutionist: sounds good but how how can we draw a line between both things? (your right/mine) it's seems like a very thin one.
See ismaeilerum, he deliberately uses the word "religion" and that makes him feel he is right to be intolerant. The gregorian calendar is being used worldwide, what's wrong with saying" happy new year"? I've celebrated many Iftars with my muslim brothers and I am not... I call it "acknowledging" others.
Personally the vast majority of Qataris don't like the rapid changes that's happening here, now whether they like it or not, they can't change a thing about it, although if yo read the newspapers or blogs people are pretty mad about what's happening.
For example selling pork and liquor, Qataris say that these two things for instance are only happening for the love of expats and people who do consume pork and liquor.
I guess the argument here, if we are talking about such life style and women clothing, etc .. is that Qatar is still a Muslim country , it's not like we are secular.
From my POV everyone is entitle to do whatever he wants, but then he's responsible for his own consequences, meaning I'm pro the person's choices and freedom, as long as it's not going to endanger me or step into my freedom and liberty.
ismailerum isn't deen a religion ???
Nomerci, you beat me to the punch!
Still waiting for an answer :)
ismailerum, I just read the quote on the bottom of your , because you are Muslim, you do not wish non Muslims a Happy New Year?
Hmm, I am not Muslim, I wish Muslims always a happy eid!
Do you not think what you do is very rude???
He is on vacation at the moment. And I can vouch for him (as can many other QLers). But the question still remains, why do you think he is lying about his nationality? And I am addressing that question to you.
Yes he is, and why do you ask?
Well said amnesia
now that is what i want to hear! thanks amnesia for your stimulating answer! more power to you!
[img_assist|nid=27705|title=|desc=rock on!|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I'm Qatari and I think the developments are great.
Bring on more I say!!
I Love Qatar -
I ve got your SOS
Don't worry nouf we will be back soon
Have a nice time all the time !
NOUF......I just want u to know that Alexia is looking for you every Where..
She has missed that post you made
I m repeating she has missed that post you made
Please Do something for your side
Have a nice time all the time !
Alexa......we get it OK....100% spot need to force feed
But actually I agree with Alexa ( 100 % ;-) )'ve hit the nail on the head buddy.....
Kinda reminds me of Affirmation by Savage Garden....Hmmmm....I wonder....
And thats MY 2 cents worth...
" I have a mind that ticks like a Clock, and like a clock it regularly goes Cuckoo "
nouf84---- i really wish you were the true ruler of this world
Gosh i love reading Nouf84's posts, so blunt but oh so true!
Thats my $.02
If you were the ruler of the world (together with me of course ;) ) what would you change in Qatar/Qatari people?
It's alright. I've been to better places, but I've been to worse. The bars suck, but at least we can drink and it's not so crowded as Dubai. It'll do for the time being I guess till I save up enough money to move somewhere else.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
We're enjoying it as much as you're enjoying it...hehehehe...I guess we all know the answer to that question...hehe
Since you are staying in different country, you need to respect the rules and regulations here. Same like you I also missed alot...
Adjusments in alcohol consumtion, life style => you need to get everything done by yourself and sometime nobody help you, if there is help it will take forever to come. You will learn to drive more carefully because so many maniac out there drive like lunatic, with language barrier when come cross with local like the police, in medical admission office, driving course, local market, even in business environment.
For me as a women cannot wear any revealing clothes or show too much skin when in public. I have to behave all the time. While in my country I can laugh so hard and jump around if I am happy and no one will stare or look at me strangely. I can dance like maniac when in the pub/clubs but definately not here in Doha/Qatar. Thats just little bit from my side point of view the way I make my adjustments living here.
I m tryng to explore the new qatar myself.. Whats so new abt it? I dunt find any difference between this and dubai or any other place even like Bahrain except for the hosting of events like the Grand Prix and moto Gp or for hosting of the Asian Games...
You sound like so desperate .................... actually my pissed off.................. I liked the way you expressed your love towards your home country(i guess)............ you used so many nice metaphors to show your affection........thats good.........I like metaphors..........but I think you should not be so negative about the country. not only you but also no body should be negative about any country..........WE should be always optimistic. Ohh I forgot...........actually i forgot to say that unfortunately i am also straight forward to don;t be mad if you found anything harsh to you.......
First I will start with a little proverb(not sure it's proverb, but i use it most of the time) that........."if you see anything through red glass, everything will be appearing red to you and if you see in yellow glass then everything will be yellow to you /////////////////////"
I guess I dont need to explain this vision matter..........
Don't know what to say about your diamond box metaphor. but i advice you not to waste the diamond box then..............
Ya you might be right at your point of view, you might have some bad experience from those uncivilized people. but you know every country is so fortunate to have those uncivilized people. And no body can change those people unless they change themselves. but there are good peoples too..... don't judge everybody based on some people...........
I don't know why people hate Qatar so much..... so far i read so much things about qatar, that I made the same question to everybody....."why do u think Qatar is not a good place to live???? Is that for those sudden changes or something else or .................
Alexa sounds like she is not enjoying Qatar at all.............. ........
But I guess I didnt understand about Alexa's enjoy part........... U didn;t enjoy those changes or didn;t like staying in qatar...???
About Milla.....what kind of adjustment i have to make to enjoy my stay in qatar...............
Thank you
Developer Genius
is not too bad after all. soonest you settling in and make friends life in qatar is not bad at all. you just have to make some adjustments and keep your spirit high that you are not here forever. so enjoy the ride.