New Number Plates - Airport Parking

I think the Parking Barricades scanners are not updated to read the new number plates.
It has happened with me twice at the Arrivals Terminals that I had to press the parking ticket button 5-6 times and finally it came out with a ticket with unrecognized number.
And yes, sometimes it did work for me at first time.
Cab driver by any chance?
It has happened only at the Airport, never @ CityCenter and also never with the old number plates...
are the roads uneven or bouncy there?
really? I dont see how the car cant be steady when its parked at the button, its not like theres a lot of place to move around. Its not like the op has gone there for the first time either that he does not know how to operate the machine. Perhaps there is some truth in it if he has posted the ticket here as proof.
I work at the airport and there is nothing like what you say. The proof attached by you doesnt serve the purpose. The reason why there is no plate number on the ticket is you do not keep the car steady when you press for the ticket at the entrance of the parking. When you are trying to press the button just ensure ur car is steady. Halt you vehicle for atleast a second before you raise your hand to press the button. Do not move the vehicle once you press the button. Next time you are at the airport try what i have said and see the change.
No.... that may mean you have to take your car for a wash and get rid of that dirt from your number plate??!!
Fascinating. I really hope we meet at a party one day Geeka. I'm sure the time will just fly by.