New job agreements would come in conflict with the basic human rights

The new job agreements are being proposed to keep tight control on the migrant workers. The fixed period contract with no exit option would be like keeping the worker for a compulsory fixed minium period of say two years. During that period if he leaves the job, he would not be allowed to take any other job for the remaining period of two years, which a scenaio would result in similar situation that is continuing yesterday, today and tomorrow with no meaningful change on ground.
Equi , For me my employer has my best interest at his heart than political agencies who just come out in newspapers every 2 or 3 years to do some hollow propaganda .......................... Sat , 17.05.2014 , 09.39 hrs
The real stakeholders in this issue are the MIGRANT WORKERS and not the businessmen, and unfortunately the businessmen are still trying to tighten their grip on workers, whereas the workers are not even being consulted.
Businessmen are represented by the Chamber of Commerce and the workers are represented by ---?
Let us wait and see till it is fully implemented. Hope for the best :)
Where is it more easier to land for these workers { from Mumbai , Karachi , Dhaka etc } ......... Abu Dhabi or Adelaide for example ................................................... Sat , 17.05.2014 , 08.39 hrs
Why can't same agencies help these workers to fly out direct from Doha , Dubai , Muscat to Montreal , Canberra , Christchurch , etc ........ ........................................... Sat , 17.05.2014 , 08.36 hrs
Equi, Lol , Amnesty will resolve workers problems seven seas away ! ....... Sat , 17.05.2014 , 08.30 hrs