Never Be Over Smart
A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked at door, A lady opened it.
Before she could speak, the salesman rushed into the living room & emptied a bag of cow shit on the carpet
Salesman: Madam, if Im unable to clean this up with my new powerful vaccum cleaner in next 10 sec, i'll EAT all this Shiit
Lady: Do U need Chilli Sauce with that shit ?
Lady: Because there's no electricity in house
MORAL: Never Be Over Smart
Brit, did you make sure that the mains are off or the ELCBs not reset lol
This bloke said to me, "Can I come in your house and talk about your carpets?"
I thought "That's all I need, a Je-hoover's witness".
this a good
No respect to elders!
kukquels no..i like dried fish//
do u like chilli sauce sadique?
Some QL user take the advantage to bashing..MOD plis act.
ohhhh ... hehehe
and what has that got to do with the original topic of the thread!
soq? WTH is that?
pilipino is in soq every friday
who is pilipino?
ohh... giv some pickles tooo, with pappad
again please ;D
that salesman is pilipino.
again, ewwwwwwwwwwwww! :P