
Yesterday's devastating incident is a call for all the business owners who owns an establishment/building to make sure that safety precautions are present and well functioned, regular check ups for all the safety notifications devices and accessibility exits whenever problem occurs.... THESE THINGS MUST PUT IN A TOP PRIORITY MEASURE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE....
where talking about safety precautions here, if you said that it is an additional cost to the owners, then better yet there's no need for them to operate if they won't consider the safety of their clients/customer... is that making sense or not????
whats happened has happened and theres nothing that can change it.
What we all need to realise is that this life is not fair and cannot be the ultimate reality for our living without a purpose. We all will DIE one day, every single one of us,whether rich or poor, whether through fire or water.
We all need to know the purpose of life before we return to our Lord and are answerable to the one and only God (Allah) for all our deeds on Earth.
We tend to forget death even when daily around 200,000 ppl around the world pass away. We need to know what happens after death,
Therefore i invite all of you to read the Quran and understadn the truth and repent before we are caught for our bad deeds on earth
and my sincere condolences to all the victims of the sad events all around the globe
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How can a government allow them to 'avoid' the cost?
you are suggesting an additional cost for all business owners....this tragic accidents happened because those owners avoided these cost..what could we expect?
Keep on dreaming!