Need interpreter

By KellysHeroes •
What does this ad mean?
get in touch
By Khaled Khater on Mon, 21/01/2008 - 12:07am
Price: 4 000QR
Mileage: 22 000Km
Contact Number:
for gentil man (the link)
being a gentleman(hopefully that's me), like to apply the principle of "ladies first" and consequently you have all my pre-approvals and consent for your plans
please submit the business plan, budget and timing expectation as well...I will send the requests for the urget meeting of our Board of Directors...
Whatever Makes You Happy...
I did not know about your thread. Anyhow, you are welcome. Propose to sign a protocol for exchanging silly ads :D
I ran out of credits. Caannot call and he is not replying to missed calls
Are you talking about dip-sticks? He will need 2. One for the engine oil and the other for the gear oil
am afraid he has fitted some special odometer that measures forward and reverse "trips"
could it be a tuxedo that has been worn for like 22000 times? Got no idea what people are doing on QL these days :/
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
this new item will definitely enrich my Collection of Silly advertisements.
Whatever Makes You Happy...
lol...hey dad curious eh, call him...and do let us know..:)
morning everyone...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
You could do an Oil test for wear and tear of metals inside the engine compartment.
Normally the shavings of the metal fatigue will show up under the microscope and they could tell if your engine needs to be replaced.
:), :*
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
about selling his girlfriend...but if he is..wonder how he knows the mileage...