Need help
By hunterxhunter •
There is someone here with me at work and does provide my personal information to His friend in the philippines and I read his email when I get home they are planning to do something on me and he provides all the details to his friend and what I've read on his email is that he will provide his friend my flight schedule and they will wait in the airport to do harm me.
What will I do? what case I will file with him in the CIDG? Is he going to jail? I have the copy of all his messages from his friend in the Philippines.
Bit of a drama.....
instead of wasting time trying to coax him off information, get the local cops to intervene. Trust me, they can forcefully get access to all his mails and data and can advise their counterparts in the Philippines to pick up his accomplices.
I've submitted his evaluation every 3 months with the management to send him back home but the company refuses coz they are saving money to hire for his replacement even his not competent for the job... He is the type of person that even he is alone; his laughing without a reason...
Since that the project is finished and I have already completed my two years contract; I've decided to go home and not to accept for the other job offer of the company anymore coz my interest and skills is not fitted for the position; but here is the crazy man planning for me to do harm or maybe they are planning to kidnap me ( as what is indicated in the emails I've read stated like dis " para paglabas nya maabangan na at maisakay na kaagad; provide us the complete details of his flight for us to know " )..
Can anybody give me the contact number of the Philippine Embassy here in Doha and the location; please?
Im trying to lure him off for me to get a lot of evidence and a copy of mails from the both party. After 1 wik I'l report him to the CIDG.
He is my staff and he is the black sheep of the department; actually he is a crazy man...
Thanks but my contract is already finished!...
What is he cause of this problem, just before you go out the airport go to Airport Police and if you can change your flight you must do it.
Then once you reach home you have to go to barangay and blotter that guy.
And give information to your family so that they will be aware. And if they are really insisting for this gor NBI or try to go to with the inbesdtigador.
And before your flight got to Atty . Adiong Consular of Qatar to give you more adivse and this person can be punishable here or adise him to go home in Manila.
filipino mafioso? Thought they were all pansies!
Don't go then. Safety first.
hire a hit man..
1. Change your flight plans. Do it yourself, and discretely directly with the airline office. Do not disclose the change in the itinerary this time. Ideally if it is a possibility change the airport or get a connecting flight (requiring you to not leave the secure airport zone) to a local airport where you can drive back home.
2. Go to the Police station in Qatar and report this matter. A threat to life is a very serious matter. If the person is still working at the same place as you are, he needs to be fired and receive immediate psychiatric assistance and be confined to a place where he can cause the least harm.
The police station will be able to provide you with the best possible advise which may involve visiting your embassy and reporting the matter so that they can arrange to provide you assistance / protection when you disembark.
3. Step 2 will put this person on notice and should you receive any harm on arrival, through your vacation and return, you will have provided the police with an advance intimation on the threat. He will now have to be your 'insurance' to not let anything happen to you.
4. When all the above is done, give your management a copy of the emails so that they may act accordingly.