***need comments on partime internet jobs as advertised here by some QL members***

hi all fellow QLer's!
im really interested with this PARTIME INTERNET JOBS posted by some fellow QL members here in which they say that they earn thousand of dollars in days or weeks,but then im afraid of risking to pay 50USD bcoz maybe its just a scam so as to get access to my credit card.i know 50USD is not that much,still i worked hard for it.
i message these people who posted those PARTIME INTERNET JOBS for some feedback if it really does work but i got no reply.
thats why im posting my query so as to hear comments from you guys before i sign up to this partime internet job... hope you can all advice me about this....
thank you so much and god speed....
thank you so much,guys for all the views you shared... at least nothing wasw taken from me bcoz i asked advices and comments from you 1st....
again,thank you so much!!!
if you think an offer is too good to be true, it possibly is..
Dont you ever fall prey for such stuff. it has SCAM written right across its forehead. Dont ever send money to people who have advertised in dollars. Q gave you sound advice.
This work from home thingie looks tempting.
They have a very sexy introduction and very tempting offer.
Then when you hit the bait, they ask you to attend online training or buy training material. In other words, you have to pay some money.
After paying the money, you have to wait and wait and wait and wait then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz then you become . In the other life, you would know where did your money go.
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
please have a look at how to avoid scams here : http://www.qatarliving.com/guidelines/avoidingscams
above each advert there is a big yellow block that says only deal with people in Qatar and not with anyone advertising in dollars.
if you come across such adverts that are scams please use the contact form (http://www.qatarliving.com/contact) to report it so it can be removed
To these scamsters, this way they suck in millions from innocent guys Beware........................
stay outta reach of these spams
if they "earn thousand of dollars in days or weeks", why the H**L do they need YOU and hundreds of others to share this Gold Mine with them???
They earn only in one way: if someone FOOLISH like yourself got hooked up and pay them these miserable 50 bucks!
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
All waste of time, better keep away from these spams :O)
If it sounds to good tobe true???
Don't even read it...
No one is gonna give you anything in this life free...
Well, maybe you get some loving from caring person...
But that about it
You can't teach experience...
Keep away from such unrealestic part time offers. It is fake always....
Stay away from such things man 50 bucks or even 10 bucks doesnt matter, just work hard and enjoy rather then feed some scammer.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot