"Nails' are opening a luxry branch

Hey guys,
I'm a member of the 'Nails Qatar' group on facebook and I just wanted to let you in on a little secret.
They've just posted that they're opening a brand new luxury day spa for women and a separate one for men. As far as I know they'll be doing body treatments and what not. Someone said hair as well.
Sounds absolutely amazing. It's supposed to be opening on Salwa road at 'Zai' beside the Nasser Bin Khaled mercedes showroom.
I can't wait. I Love 'Nails'. They're the best nail salon I know and the girls are always soooooo nice to me.
Any way you can get info on the 'Nails Qatar' facebook profile. It's a really good page. They even post special offers and new updates.
Definitely worth a visit.
I don't know about costs or anything.....erm, but normally when I go to nails royal plaza its 137.50 for mani and pedi. I guess it'll be a little more if it's a 'luxury' brnach.
I cant wait.
Yah Darude, they posted on facebook that theres a separate spa for men with a-z treatments including tanning, facial and body treatments. Sounds good.
Any idea of the costs ?
You're a lifesaver.. Bless you.. I have been waiting for them to open for ages. Can I have a full works please. How much do you think it will cost ?
bad promoter
good luck next time
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and do they get discount?