Mystery of the blast

If reports are true that the explosion was caused by a match to light the oven, how can there be no damage to the kitchen? How can the gas cylinders remain not only intact, but also relatively full? How could the girls have lit a match in the kitchen when bloody footprints clearly show they climbed up the basement stairs and out the front door, bypassing the kitchen altogether, leaving a blood trail as proof.
Any Intelligent guess as to what might have caused this?
Read nomerci's comment at 10:20 PM.. Kids were sniffing gas to get high and then......
Ok, I've obviously missed the earlier excitement.
WK, can you please PM me the solving of the mystery? The suspense is killin' me!!
Khattak, play PM PM with WK to solve the mystery. I can't tell you as Nomerci has already deleted the thread :-)
Khattak I know.. I will tell you later in private ;)
drmana..... Its still unsolved for me :(
looks like a job for Gil Grissom and his team...
Khattak, Mystery solved, thanks to Nomerci. :-)
Yup, so it seems..;)
drmana, here is the link
hmmmm, so I was right to find the story of gas blast in kitchen somehow fishy.
World is really perfect in this part of the world :-)
nomerci, sniffing Gas? Can you give me some more hints? Or better the link to another site :-)
Drmana, I just read about it on another site. Apparently those kids had been sniffing gas....and one thing led to another.
That is probably why nobody is saying anything about such things simply don't happen in Dubai.;)
yv2r, r u a detective?? lol
if there is any kind of Brusies,nail cut injuries on the body and also asertain if there is any atempt of rape and molestation on the victims.
Forensic expert should be able to give correct info.
Police must try to get some clues left by the culprits.
I feel may be couple of people attacked the Girls and ransacked the room and must used some material causing some small explosion material,culprits must have draged the girls on the staircase and some of the must have been bleeding on their head which must have been marks on the walls.
If it was gas leak,first Kitchen must have caught fire,all things in kitchen are neat.
As per the scene of Crime we need some finger print expert to get some impressions and match with the victims.
Balastic expert to know the material used in the explosion.
Thanks, that was a brilliant answer :-)
try to get a professional detector.
pur girls!!! hope the mystery will b solvd soon... & wishin the gals 2 b alrte
I am not 'critizising' you, Dr. But an assumption of methane building up in the basement could easily be turned into 'evidence' if there would have been some measurements done.
Thats really a tragic incident..Feel sorry for girls but ALAS i m unable to put ne of my guesses...Let the police or the investigating staff to do their jobs..Just pray that all injured girls should get well soon..
Too many assumptions... Let's hope the girls pull through..
LP, thats why I said guess........I just found the story too fishy. Hence wanted to know views of others. Don't comment/criticize on my language, I am not at all good in English.
I don't see any 'evidence' in the article, just assumptions and guessing, including eyewitnesses. That's far from being 'evidence.'
The ones provided in the article. An intelligent guess would be more correct than educated maybe :-)
An 'educated' guess? Based on which evidence?
It was publicized as a blast from gas cylinder. But based on the scenario, it seems highly unlikely.
Can anyone give an educated guess for the cause of this blast?