My interesting house "guest"

Whilst sat on my sofa and surfing the net whilst partially listening to Sky News...from the corner of my eye, I noticed something quickly move on the wall and then suddenly stop.
As it caught my attention, I got up and hit the lights to check out what it was.
To my amazement, it quickly dived behind my curtains. I grabbed my phone and immediately called the Night-watchman over. With humour, he explained that it was just a common house lizard, a gecko.
As I write this very message, Im sure that its still behind my curtains. Hope it stays there too., for good. Its already my 12th day here in Qatar, and things are getting ever more by day.
Time to change my boxers.
WTH am I doing here?..
lately, so not being to observant... I did wonder what had become of the "egotistical" womaniser....
Now I know;-p
Xena :) Pretty obvious though!
Good spot;-p
Molten that is brilliant you have enlightened me again with your wisdom. I will seek more from you in due course.
Male peacock tail feathers say a bunch of 5 tied together is the proven tool to 'freeze' the house lizards specially for the apprentices like 'palmer' .
You need to locate the lizard stopped or crawling on floor / wall / ceiling just bring the 'fan' side over the body of the 'enemy' .. the creature would just drop down & 'freeze'[ standstill ] like in a state of unconciousness for few seconds .. then what remained is the pick & drop out.
The creature is not harmed in this way.
Now some would ask about the peacock feathers availability ..
if kept in house, generally works as insects repellent ..
Palmer...nearest hardware store? Good luck with finding Bull...:P
My wife tricked me she said wasnt much insects here as its too hot. Looks like she wanted the job badly hmm Blow torch
What the hell did you just say spiders as well as all those other things your joking arent you? Think it might be time for blow torch nip to my nearest hardware store im going to have to get medIeval. are a guy....rofl!!!!! What you gonna do when the roaches and ants...and maybe camel spiders start to invade?? Call your wife to come from work and take care of it??? :P
Molten, you guys i did it managed to get it out of the house er erm er well not exactly i didnt do it that lady of the house came home and trapped it and took it out. I dare not look at it other wise id breakout in scaredy rash
A word of caution : Avoid getting hurt by sharp corners of table /chair / bed / grill etc.
It is a great relief after the operation is over know.
grab the broom and start sweeping, clear the carpets away, move the furniture, Have a child scream out the lizard's every move. I often grab a container that has a lid and trap it inside to remove it from the villa back out into "the wild" All that or I call my sons friend (age 12) who catches it with his bare hands.
PS Adopting a cat may be a good idea for you.
Seriously, you need a stick with long hairs on it / bottle brush type / a mop etc. Begin the operation :
Be patient / locate the culprit / make space for the battle / get help from your wife / child just for tracking the enemy / then start the offensive with electrifying speed / drop the enemy down on floor / sweep towards outer door [ which should be open in time ] vigourously / you can do it , I believe .
I have done it ..
don't last very long in my house.... with 8 pairs of dog eyes willing it to fall off the wall, and a Husky so quick, how she doesn't knock out half her teeth when she hits the wall to grab'em, the poor little things don't stand a chance:'-(
Your not going to believe this i landed in dohaaaa yes i did it. Well your probably thinking wow great news fantastic woopie dooo. Well that wasnt what i was reallyhere to mention a couple of hours after landing my daughter found a lizard gecko monster what ever its called in our villa. Arghhhhh nooo help no one has answeredthe question how do you get them out. We need your helpyour guidance andyour thoughts at this moment in time. Yeh im a wimp wus but ive got a 18 month old and dont want it near him. The girls are scared wehad to close the door and batten down the hatches. I almost said "there's a storm coming mister wayne" but at this moment i dont know a wayne. So that was out of the question. Forgive mefor making a joke out of it earlier in this forum but its come back on me.helllllllp
"Its already my 12th day" ... should be changed to "Its already my 12th BIRTHDAY" :P
i bet you will enjoy the roaches then.....
I like lizards.. such cute creatures..
and I have heard they bring luck, although I'm not much into the superstitions
Britexpat - good point, ha ha ha.
alex100 - I first visited Doha in mid-Aug 2010 for a 2 week holiday. At the hotel where I was staying, a member of staff suggested to use Qatar Living as a point of reference. She also mentioned how active forum community is etc, so i signed up.
Just by complete coincidence, I relocated here 2 weeks ago.
Just out of Curiosity, your profile says you are a member of QL for more than 2 years though you say you have been to Qatart for only 12 days?
Any way, as others said, you will get used to these, they are common on the hot weather areas.
Should have changed boxers first and then called the night watchman over ..
they are harmless and we have lots back!
It's about the boxers: yellow in the front and brown in the back!
marycatherine - I met up with a college eariler this afternoon who suggested that I should get a pet kitten. I'm far happier with my gecko.
nomerci - it was a complete and utter surprise.
Dracula - Those were certainly the colours.
lexicode - Bedbugs are common here? Yuck!!!!!
The monk - Its now become my new pet.
Oh come on Palmer!!! Afraid of a dragonfly and a gecko? What are you, a woos? haha! Thought more of you than that so hope you were joking...
Gecko's are amazing little creatures - we raised 3 generations of them in our home in Brisbane Australia as well as 4 generations of possums. The geckos eat anything that you might be bothered with as a human like mozzies (that will now start coming around seeing as the weather here is not as hot), those nasty little blighters called midges that are miniscule to see and bite you with a bite that feels like you've been bitten by a monster and lots of other insects both inside and outside your home.
Nothing whatsoever to be afraid of mate! There are very few of my "normal" Australian creatures here in Doha and to my amazement yesterday, I actually rescued a small brown grasshopper from an inside window outside to my franjipani plant - not seen one in 2 years so there are not so many creatures here - particularly ones that BITE! lol - unless you go out in the desert I believe!
your buddy for the!
You mean the gecko was there because you didn't change your boxers?
It's not Qatar Airways...It's only a helicopter.
what is good flying insects so big i dont need to use qatar airways to fly around
it,s good don,t worry
also ive just been told there is this flying insect like a dragon fly is this true and if it is im not coming to qatar yikes
nomerci what i better get my wife to capture it with her pantyhose
This is a challenge for you.
If you are able to find it & drive it out of your house [ take 1 week ] then consider your self still a youngman.
Lucky you, it was not a bedbug which is more common in Qatar than that poor house lizard.
"Time to change my boxers."
Remember: yellow in the front and brown in the back!
What's the problem with a little lizard? Why on earth would you be afraid of it?
whaaaaaat the....arghhhh did you just say in qatar there are lizards in houses. i better bring out my spiderman suit.
Don't worry, it will eat any insects in your apartment. Otherwise, it will leave. It won't hurt you at all.