A Must Sport for the 2012 Olympics..

The mobile throwing world championships.
Men, women, children and a dog from seven different countries, as far afield as Japan and Hawaii, took part in the annual mobile phone throwing world championships, this year held in Narva, in eastern Estonia on Saturday
Usually staged in Finland, the competition was held in Narva, close to the Russian border.
The 27 frustrated mobile phone users competed in two different heats.
"This is the funniest competition in the world," said a Japanese spectator.
First up was traditional style with traditional over the shoulder throwing, where the length of the throw mattered. The world record of 94.97 metres is currently held by Finnish window-maker Mikko Lampi.
This year the longest throw came from the Estonian Timmo Lilium who managed 85 metres, while the women's competition was won by Valeria Kadorova, also from Estonia, who threw 41 metres.
The reason for the crushing Estonian victory was lots and lots of training. "I trained in the local stadium with my training partner Jevgenyij Szmirnof Kuusalo, about every day five a clock we went to the stadium and threw mobile phones and that's the way we trained," Lilium said.
Then there was the freestyle heat, where aesthetics and creative choreography were being assessed. This year, the only competitor in this heat was - a dog.
The world's first mobile throwing world championships took place in 2000 in Savonlinna in Finland, home to Nokia, the world's largest mobile handset maker.
The organisers said they saw the need for such a competition since many handsets, especially the older models, would wind up at the bottom of lakes,
perhaps thrown in there by frustrated owners.
Posted to: Tech News
brit - we could also have mass soccer based around "1-and-in" or "World Cup" rules. Ah, school days, happy times.
And of course the desert is the ideal place for a mass game of British Bulldog.
absolutely ill not join for that whatever... there in my phone where my specials ones resides... hihihi..
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
lol.. we can have the "rudest remark" category...
Why don't we have a "silly sports" get together for QL..
Perhaps we could have Brits against the world (including yanks) at mass soccer in the desert. 50 people on each side..
Any other suggestions are welcome..
lol... i would certainly not join that contest right now, as i value my mobile phone so much.. maybe when i get bored with my phone, i'll sign up for it... har har har...
You can add this one as well; http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1836069,00.html