Most embarrassing moment ..

We've all had them ...
I went swimming once and forgot my speedos. So I decided to wear my footy shorts.
Dived in off the board. Footy shorts with elasticated waist got left behind and as I raced to the other end :O(
So, what's yours ?
snessy, do you remember THAT incident?
snessy, I'm sure it wasn't... :P
PMSL Smoke - poor MJ!
MJ: I can assure you it wasn't one of my finer moments...
Nope trouble seems to find me :)
smoke, are you asking for trouble? :/
MJ why? doubt anyone would have noticed anything :P
snessy, I would've turned red from embarassment if that happened to me.. :P
snessy, yes, it might tip him over the edge...:O
LOL Nomerci...poor UK has enough drama on his compound, he doesn't need me adding to it, and he'll probably report me too :-(
snessy, don't EVEr do that at Ukeng's compound gym, it might give him a nervous breakdown....;)
@jack no just asked may be u use file instead of finger
Smoke thats what friends are help in times of distress :)
dont know about khanan but if TB was there he'd have come running to hold you from behind :P you'd have been in safe HANDS for sure :p
TB & Khanan: be grateful you weren't there, you may have been put off women for life!
Asif Khan... yeah.... de pointy finger...why?
lol jack did u push it vit ur finger?
you said it:):)
At a family dinner among many guests.. As I got up I farted so loudly that everyone left everything and started looking at me. Few kids repeatedly shouted ‘it is uncle’. I said ‘you did it’ and repeated it many times. Boys got offended and ran away.
I couldn’t have usual conversation with their parents after that. I wasn’t embarrassed though. My guests actually were.
had a loads of embarrassing moments
Most regrettable moment.... not being at snessy's pool when her wardrobe failure struck.
OMG, I've just remembered another really embarrassing moment...I wore a trouser suit to work and for whatever reason I bent down to pick something up off the floor and I felt the seam at the back of my trousers rip open. Luckily this was towards the end of the day but I wrapped my suit jacket round my waist as if it's a cardigan and made my way out of there. Imagine having to walk through Leicester Square to the nearest shop to buy some clothes. I'm not sure what was more embarrassing, ripped trousers or my fashion faux pas!
lol Brit...
You didn't even know how to extinguish that fire... you must be Santa
sensyy..thats so
Is your nickname Banta ? :O)
TB: Years ago, when I was a manchild, i was working at a very famous designer shop - Ravel shoes :O)
During stocktaking, one of the girls was up a ladder checking out some boxes.. I took a fire extinguisher and activated up her skirt.. She went into mild shock.. Had to carry her down, give her coffee and explain my actions to the manager... Not a good day :O(
FS... and then what happened? ... I am sure there is more to the story
No comments :-)
TB... dont ya do that to all new Girls you meet?
Snessy... you must have become a celebrtiy by now in your
This Friday, I was sitting behind a big woman at church. When we stood up to sing hymns, I noticed that her dress was caught in her butt crack, so I was trying to be nice and I pulled it out for her. Then, she turned around and punched me in the eye.
There was pin drop silence in the church!
So I I figured she didn’t want it out, so I pushed it back in...thats when she punched me a second time :(
Oh FS, that sounds like one of my fantasies...
I was on the tube on the way to work and the driver slammed the brakes on, not only did I fall in a gorgeous looking man's lap, I laddered my tights too. Classy, eh?
lol timebandit, you were lucky no fist landed on your face for that... :P
No but that guy had a crush on me since then..but I was too scared to reciprocate ...i was only 17 or 18.. and I was a good
Lol FS, I locked myself out on the terrace like that a few months back here in Doha.. I just stepped out to smoke and even my phone was in my friend's apartment. Luckily it wasn't raining :P
After standing there for about 10 minutes, finally caught a lady's attention and she came and opened the door for me.. She was like, how did you manage to do that :(
FS dont tell me you two ended up getting married! Typical bollywood scene!
TB don't lie...i was using those tactics when i was in diapers! Good way to go around touching the ladies hmmm! Now we know your secret you better change your game plan buddy :p
Long time back..I once got trapped in the terrace of my flat in heavy rain. The door closed in the wind and I couldn’t open it from outside.. I was in the rain for 15 mints.......then a handsome guy came and opened the door for me.. I still dunno why he came to the terrace in that heavy rain.....I was in fully wet with my clothes sticking to my body.. like in bollywood song sequence.... and………………….. so embarrassing....:(
Running up and grabbing a girl I knew around the waist from behind and shouting BOO! She jumped out of her skin then turned around and that's when I discovered I didn't know her after all. Fortunately I was able to quickly apologise sufficiently for no bruising to occur.
Hmmm snessy...i hope you get banned by the pool side for life for scaring the kids :P
LOL at the bazookas sness hahaha..... was out very late one night, and got locked out.. had to climb the fence just to get in, oh it was hard work,.. luckily, no one was around the area I would've been mistaken for a burglar,.. :P
ohhh i too had many.
well i was travelling in a bus (in my country) wit my friends after college... i was standin just behind drivers seat .. when he suddenly started the bus i cudnt get support i fell over him, n he applied brake (he was shocked on som1 touching his shoulders) on applying tht brake i fell again lying on the floor...
wen i was too young was wearing salwar , aftr coming from tution class my pants got loose n i cud feel it was about to fall down i somhow ran to my uncles house (was near from my class) offo, tht damn gate was lockd.. i was cursing my uncle WTH was inside to lock ths gate so firmly... i was tryin my best to unlock it... n finally my pant was unlockd .. hahahaha.... thn gate also was opnd.... i ran inside grabbin my pants.. haha... thank GOD there wasnt much crowd, coz it was early mornin...
I think my bazookas might get mistaken for the football Brit...talking of bazookas, the last embarrassing moment I had was just recently. My sister and brother in law came over to visit and we decided to go for a swim, loads of the neighbours were out by the pool too as it was a Friday morning. Oblivious to me my halter neck bikini top came undone and I flashed to everyone by the pool including the security guards and cleaners on the compound.
My first trip to doha about 4 years ago.. on the return flight turned up at 8pm for a 8am flight. Lucky there were seats and they let me on...
it smelled like rotten egg :P
the most embarrassing moment was after peeing i was walking with unzipped pant and my friends were giving me a strange look then i realised that i forgot to unzip LOL
Ok,i won't be shy brit..due to severe stomachache i tried farting in a very dark place,.& since I thought i'm alone,i farted loudly..and heared boisterous laughter afterwards & I realized there were bystanders quietly sitting in the dark..I was so embarrased, I was a kid then & I can't hold it anymore..LOL.
Hi - being fair, blond hair and blue eyes and English - people never expect me to speak Arabic (which I do fluently)
Its always funny when people talk about me in the lift, in the shops, restaurants etc and think i dont know...
Having said that it backfired once when me and an arabic friend were talking about this amazing guy and his body while in the lift only to find out on the 5th floor that he was British - born and bred in bahrain and spoke fluent Arabic too....
No need to mention what was said but he he was a happy bunny and we were 2 really really embarrased ladies.
He left the lift looking and me with a smile and said now I bet you know how whoever talks about you feels when you give them a mouth ful in Arabic....
soniya what to tell..
My brother finding Playboy in my room :(
Skipping school and going to watch an 18+ movie and running into a neighbour there :( (He was more embarrassed than me though)
There are many more, I will post some of them later :(
yeah, once I had to beg for change to be able to go home, I was too young and went too far from home with no money at all, couldn't walk back :S
I actually cried while begging, people were afraid of me i didn't know why, is a crying kid walking alone begging for some change a scary sight :D ?
I heard a man say "Ya fattah ya aleem (Dear God) where the hell did that one come from, so early in the morning"
Oh I've had many of those! Like this time in a mall back in SL I mistakenly opened the fit-on cubicle that my mate was occupying! Yikes...both, the poor gal and I had a time! Or this other occasion that I tripped and fell down a flight of stairs of this mall (again!) that faces the main road! lol..mind you this was pre-hijab so I couldn't blame it on my flowing garments! I'm just glad I can still laugh about em all =D
Not too many .. I have lead a quiet and staid life...
Once, i was broke and unable to get home. i decided to go into one of these seedy 24 hour cimemas to get out of the cold..
Walked in, sat down and realised that the place was showing porno films and there was a lot more going on INSIDE the cinema than on the screen :O(
Going to Heathrow airport instead of Gatwick and missing the flight to US
brit since you're not as shy as the rest of us, please share more of your embarrassing moments
lol snessy, indeed it did.. :P
I got another comment about that video, but I'll keep it to myself for now.. :P
we're looking for a referee at the next QL footy match.. Would you be interested ??
That put a smile on her face...
Quite sad really isn't it..
We are a family on QL, yet we are too shy to share / admit our embarrassing moments :O(
Too embarassing to share..LOL.
my lips are sealed.. :P
Turning up at Heathrow four hours early but a whole day late for a flight :o(
Wk, would u mind telling us atleast ONE such experience? :))
Too many of them :(
Ah chatter, so u have come here?? gud morning...
Infact i have already met MUCH BETTER PERSON than GABBAR long years back...:P
Had to go down to the front desk naked...
She was nice enough to bring key to elevator...
Thank God...
she joined Ql and met Gabbar Singh
Yah brit, i don't have any reason to lie to u...:D
Are you seriously telling me that you've never had an embarrassing moment in your life ?? :O)
too embarrassing to share here!
Hey brit, not faced so far..:))
lol, looks as if she didn't mind at all.. :P