mommy dearest

im still shaken as to what happened to me earlier this day.
the customers ,a mother and daughter came in the shop for a fitting.i look up to the mother since she is reserved and soft spoken.the daughter on the other hand is the exact opposite.
so going back to the story,i checked on them together with my fitting we were coming in the fitting room,i could tell that there was already a heated debate going on between them.
the mother wanted something conservative for the child while the daughter wanted tacky and this went on for some time and then the daughter threw a hissy fit.the reserved mother turned around and without any warning,slapped her daughter on the face.
i moved back and turned away.i left them.i was embarrased to go back inside but at the same time i wanted to ask the mother why.
again,im not parental material,but i could see the mother's protective side and the daughter's rebellion.
what should i have done? was it right for me to not speak at all?
i feel guilty,having not said anything at all.
advice from mothers anybody?
i know,,its a secret between me ,you and the rest of
.uh shoe>>>>
never mind, m not yet a mother:(
.that's all......
cambodian oud is by far the best one ive inhaled.are they selling it here?:)
is that maui wawi that i smell?lol
like a man who performs exorcisms?lol
Just hire a bad things prevention man. He will stop all bad things from happening.
im planning to pour salt on our doorstep entrance tomorrow,ill let you know if itll stop anything bad from happening.
As they say, different ppl have different ways of teaching / disciplining a kid. A regular physical harm is something nobody can stand upto but for some children its important to be stopped at the right time so they do not repeat it again BUT children who havent reached their teen ages could be treated like that occasionally if they continue to throw tantrums or create embarrasing situation for parents but after they enter teenage years they start having some emotional changes in them & smacking / hitting would make them a shattered personality.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
you can't love a child more than their own mother. If a mother can love her child 24 hours a day i think she has a right to break down and do something that ppl looking might find offending, but that does not mean that she loves her child anyless. Having said that I know that there are abusive parents out there who take being parents for granted. But seriously, I have see ppl putting thier noeses into family affairs have caused more harm than anything......shoeaddict you are in a customer service business, and you will see more than you would like to, just do your job...
I feel very uncomfortable witnessing a parent hurting kids physically or kids talking back to parents. Whatever disciplining is...not all can be done in private. I dont like the idea of physically hurting kids but as a child i had some slaps on my butt which makes me understand that what ive done is not acceptable. We should keep our hands away from them. But I'll never know till i become a mother. How long does my patience stretch....
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I am a monther as well my children are all in there teen's but i remember when they were little they get some smacking too, but now they'r grown i just don't do it anymore, i just don't i love them
Nope lets just wait for the bad siblings now :) u know the ones that will poke each other in the eye in public ;p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Interesting that shoeaddict encoutered the bad dad and the bad mom.
It must be some sort of conspiracey lol
yeah tell me about it Stormy..
Dora, i'm glad to know your glad to know i'm gald your amusing to me:) Further more I know you know, you know i know, you know i know you know, They all know I know you know you know i know that you are glad to know i'm glad that you amuse me :) (beat that)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Brit, don't forget we had to walk up hill both ways without any shoes... and, and in a blizzard!
i'll give ye a hrrrrmph for that.
seriously though... maybe she is in ninja training
contradictions hypocrisy and double standards in an internet forum. how unusual!
Im glad that you're glad that I'm glad I amuse you :)
yes Dora i'm glad u amuse me too ;)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
glad we amuse you, smoke....
Ok this is like what the second topic you opened up now about how shocked you are by how a parent reacted to what could possibly be a BRAT kid? Must u poke ur nose into everything, and then come running to QL to whine about it? Now suddenly its ok with everyone if the mother smacked the kid in public, in the other topic you were all against the dad calling his child stupid and comparing? So NOW its ok to understand that every parent have their own way of dealing with their kids? LOL you people crack me up.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
We need to make it a part of the culture everywhere. Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrmph.......Hrrrrrrrrmph..
It may be part of the culture here and perfectly accepted to discipline the Kids this way.
Maybe she deserved it, how do you know what she said to her mother? Depends how old the daughter was really, I obviously wouldn't condone it for a young child but teenagers and older would probably drive someone to it!
The mother did the right thing.. DISCIPLINE! That's what's needed..
Kids have it too easy nowadays.. When we were little, we used to work a twenty-hour day at the mill for tuppence a month, and when we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle: If we were lucky!
lol Samael, i cannot imagine what she'd get if she did continue the hissy fit....
i'm not a mom ,true it's none of our business if we witness something like this happen, but to all parents out there I don't condemn or tolerate on how you discipline your child in your way but the mere fact here is,I just can't imagine the impact to a child physically,emotionally and psychologically .'nyway parents, what you reap,is what you gained.
Did the kid continue to throw a hissy fit after she got slapped?
Its family matters and leave to them to solve it.They got it spoiled already, why to make it worse by showing that u saw.
It happens...why in world should u feel guilty...
It not like u saw someone hungry and didnt give some food.
i hope i would never have to do that on mine... it would break my heart if it comes to that....
junarc, we all wish the same at times like these, but then most likely response we'll get is, "it's none of our business.."
we all have different ways of disciplining a child true....
well it happened to me before at work..a parent slapped a kid coz the kid is crying so badly and refused doing the medical examination... which i really wish that time that i wasn't's really an awkward situation and i know i can't say a word coz it's none of my business...i just turned around and gave them some moment... but how i wish i said something...
I don't think any person has the right to inflict pain, physically or emotionally on another human being. Especially not parents who are meant to be a childs guide and example through their formative years. However we are human and all imperfect and frustration can sometimes get the better of us.
it just goes to show how different we all are.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
Ouch, in more ways than one! Let this one go, too. If you were to see repeated examples of child abuse then you must, of course, intervene. Let's hope these were one-off incidents.
all parents have differnet ways of discipline.
Who is right and who is wrong.
I was horrified one time at this lovely Indian couple who came to my house. They allowed their son to phone relatives in India and he was allowed to ask them the 'relatives' how many dollars they had.
I would never allow that.
And yet, I have 'allowed' my sons to ask an Aunt, 'why she was getting divorced from a much loved Uncle'.
EVEN or do you think justified?
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
Hmmm did you witness the full arguement between child and mother? Maybe the girl said something rude, or very disrespectful and it was out of impulse.
im just scared and afraid having witnessed the slapping.i understand what mothers go through.i too have a mom,and if i misbehaved, the only discipline i got was a glare.
read your thread a few times.
I think you work in/own a few shops, and you have witnessed 'abuse' against kids, is that right?
Sorry to say it happens.
And we can all get the wrong end of the stick.
Not saying I agree with the word 'stupid'.
I can remember being a knackerd Mum in a supermarket once. I was f8c8ed. My oldest asked, 'can I buy some yoghurts'?
How innocent is that request?
However, I had been up since 4am.
I was knackered.
What did I say, (shout), 'course you can, don't ask me to make your decisions'.
Somebody hearing that, may have thought what a cow. And quite rightly.
To somebody else who had got kids,I seemed an awfully knackerd Mum.
Saying that, I still do not advocate the use of the word stupid nor would I compare.
Of course my abuse is off of a superior level. lol
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.
i call my shop the "telenovela" shop of couture.the father incident happened a few weeks back,this happened just wondering if i pour salt on our entrance incidents like this will stop from happening.
don't know who it was but somebody posted something about a Dad calling their kid stupid and then comparing.
I risk being kicked off here.
Smacked my kids once it did the trick. It was not on the face nor in public.
Would never call my kids stupid or compare them.
I also doubt I would smack my child across the face.
I never wash my dirty linen in public.
But this mother may have had a belly full and you witnessed an unusual event.
My thoughts are my own, but I doubt my Mum would agree with some of them.