MODs are blind ??...Rival advt in Questions !
By the-birdie •
It seems someone has put a question in the Questions section, which clearly an advertisement for a rival website, challenging QL.
Howcome MODs are blind to allow such advertisment in the Questions section ?
The question heading was somewhat like "a place outside solar system"....!!!!
the admin knows who to ban and who not to ban. so you dont need to bother yourself.
Do not create topics or posts that criticise, bully or insult any Israeli members, and do not flame (e.g. provoke other Israeli or Jews member into arguments) do anything to other people.
also is people's active participation in the site what would give it some life.
In the end QL RULES!!!!
on the first glance, i felt so. sorry for the confusion
The "other" Website is no rival at all. Mandi and I am still on QL and hundred thousands of others.
I don't see a problem with giving the website address for an informational site about Qatar.