
Hi, it's me Pilgram, for the umpteenth millionth time I've been blocked from this site for trying to post an article as a Forum Topic. There is nothing bad about the article (it's about animal smuggling in the ME), to my knowledge I'm not putting in too many zero's or what have you, so I have NO idea why I'm being blocked everytime I try to post!
Can you please either tell me what I'm doing wrong or fix this problem?
thats hajmola :)
MM...yeah, just trying to decipher the possibilities...:)
PirateLincoln, what did you do for Oooopsing? :D
So Sad hope you guyz ... recover your account soon.MODS, please reconsider to activate their account ASAP. we will miss them here in QL.We appreciate your consideration.
wheres LP?
I was also blocked for 7 months..:) hehe
I think they are trying hard to block
PL & MM..:)
It's 'blocking day' today.LP
I think you may be on to something HGL!
Animal lobby is working with MODs...they love to be smuggled in and you want to block them...:)
ask Rizku