Moderators deleting or changing topics
Well, I am very piss with this story of the moderators deleting or changing the posts...
The Jungle Story was scary, but what the hell.... we see this everyday on the movies.. NOTHING NEW
I don't understand why they have to do this without warnings....
I understand you can delete or modify anything is against the "code" but can anyone tell me what the hell is wrong with the Jungle story?
The lion cubs was almost same magnitude and still there... Is that kinda of preference of the moderators? are they scare of snakes...?
I ask the QL members to give their opinion about, moderations must act with MODERATION...
Last year there were endless trolls, filling up every forum with junk just trying to get a reaction. Sometimes created a useful discussion but more often just nasty and just wanting to upset QL members. I think that's when the moderators became more involved. Also, the guidelines have given the moderators a framework, some like it, some not. I am not bothered except when they step in to a forum that is heated, angry but still interesting and balanced. Otherwise it will become like the UK where everyone is too scared to say what they think in case they offend someone of a different culture or religion. Knoxcollege's post about multiculture offices was an excellent example of being able to discuss these issues, it really made me think. In the UK, it would have been removed.
How are you? Doing anything special for Easter?
I'm still in Dubai, not long now!
are you in Doha yet or still in Dubai?
by the way,happy easter to you
I'd love to be a moderator!
I'd have a field trip, unfortunately, it wouldn't last for long.
I'd be moderated, by the other moderators!
Can I have a job please?
Well the mods may delete whatever they like as it's their site. Perhaps next time you could put the picture as an attachment or put a warning?
our dear moderators removed the pics of my topic Do not fall asleep in the Jungle!!!!!! Or get drunk there either.
did i miss something what was it.