Mobile telephone masts

Since arriving in Doha, i've notice many mobile phone masts randomly located in densely populated areas. I've even seen them on top of shops, building apartments and next door to many compounds. Do people not realise the effect of these masts?
Extensive research in the West has shown that there is a strong link between various cancers and the radiation emitted by these masts. These have also been linked to birth defects, impotence, leukaemia, various health problems.
I live some distance away from any mast, when I first arrived in Doha, I purposely made sure that I found a villa away from any of these masts. My wife is pregnant, I would rather leave Doha than have to live under one of these masts! I think that it is quite irresponsible for these phone companies to place these masts in populated areas!!!
Some funny comments I agree (espe the tin phone :)). I think most things can't be scientifically explained, primarily because of the lack of interest in the subject and a reluctance to spend, perhaps we are still some years away from seeing the real effects..
tallg - for starters, if the bloody mast doesn't get removed....i'll move villa! I completely agree with you wrt to HSE in Qatar. HSE is some way behind the West, but making good ground though.
Since cell phones and cell phone towers are extremely dangerous to others.
I decided to use Nineteen century technology.
I prefer two empty beer cans........
The problem is I think you’re an overeducated, 27-year-old virgin who holds the hands of superstitious old women and promises them eternity.
thank you for enlightening us with ur findings, but please do post the source coz my feeble mind will only agree to a scientifically proven fact :)
lol - I see you've downgraded from "strong link" to "some signs".
Andway, even if there was proof to back up the claims do you really think Qatar would be that bothered? It's not exactly the most health and safety concious country, is it?
And even if you did have a right to challenge these issues (which I'm fairly sure you don't), do you really think they'd take any notice of you?
Good luck with challenging the mast next to your villa, and when that fails, all the best for when you leave Doha.
Back in the UK, residents have been successful with relocating masts located close to their properties. It is a subject quite close to the British publics' heart. Protests on this subject is not uncommon.
Even though there is a distinct lack of detailed research on this subject, there are some signs indicating that cancer can be related attributed to the high radiation frequency.
On the extreme end, where radiation was more severe e.g. Bhopal, Chenoybl.....major health issues were seen much much later after the event. Mobile technology has only really boomed in the last 10-15 yrs old...who knows what the effects of these masts are really doing!
Challenging these issues about the unknown effects is our right, especially if it can affect our children and future generations. Challenging these issues would encourage active research and perhaps more innovation.
The big one. Then shall we be tested for survival.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Only the strong will survive. There are electromagnetic fields created by every current that flows in cables. In the streets, in your house, in your car. The environment is fully 'polluted' with electromagnetic waves from radio, TV, etc. And it produces all kinds of cancer. One source more or less, who really cares. If you want to live really healthy, stop breathing.
You will see many more masts coming up..some from Qtel and most from Vodafone. Many will be camouflaged and some won't. There is a trade off between efficient mass coverage and location of the masts in densely populated areas. However in most cases to get best coverage the masts are located in tall buildings and also in densely populated areas.
Extensive research in the West has shown that there is a strong link between various cancers and the radiation emitted by these masts. These have also been linked to birth defects, impotence, leukaemia, various health problems.
art - please could you provide links to the extensive research that proves mobile phone masts can cause cancer, birth defects, impotence, leukaemia and various health problems?
my answer was in response to art_02.....
dont bluntly blurt out. can take my mobile, if you take the mast that QTEL are building next to my villa! Better yet, we can swap villas (if your's is the same spec as mine that is!)
"mobile companies sell radiation gaurds.... true"
Is it? I've never seen one from Nokia, Sony, Motorola, but I have seen them as 'accessories' and very much doubt their ability to do anything but cash in on irrational fears.
mobile companies sell radiation gaurds.... true
huge diesel engine car companies sell hybrid cars .... true
cigarette companies sponsor health awareness against smoking... true isnt it?
nobody will hear your cries about your own health.. you need to take care of yourselves..
Dear Art. Perhaps it is time you took the lead and started a movement against the use of all microwave technology. To start with, you can gift your cell phone to me.
ngourlay, you have been warned. Don't stand in the sun!
Please keep the discussion to the subject rather than make sneer comments about somebody you don't even know.
The fact that there is no "scientific evidence" against mobile phones or masts doesn't really prove anything, as most of the research is being carried out by the industry (with a vested interest in the status quo), the government (who gain revenue from mobile operators) or at snail-pace by academics. Some of us can actually feel pain even when putting mobiles to our ears, let alone next to a mast! If they're perfectly safe, how come the mobile companies can also sell us "radiation guards"? Frankly the only thing more annoying than mobile phones and masts are the hypocrites who won't allow masts to be built near their homes but make constant use of the mobiles themselves. How we've been convinced that we can't live without these things is beyond me. Get rid of them, I say.
Your comment about the sun doesn't stand, since on a hot/sunny day one is more likely to take cover from the direct radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is penetrative.
[removed by mod - please do not make personal attacks]
Energy from a point source reduces in proportion to the cube of the distance. If you use a mobile phone, you're going to blast your head with much more radiation than you'll ever receive at ground level from a phone mast.
There are no studies that indicate dangers from masts. Just scare stories, and politicians running scared, blabbing about the precautionary principle.
If you stand outside on a cloudy day, you're receiving more radiation from the sun than you would do from a year's exposure to a mobile mast.
And why the sudden panic? Why is it only mobile phone masts that are a danger? We've been living with radio masts for 50 years, and no one's been complaining about leukemia from them. You see, it's the "microwave" word that scares people. Like microwave ovens. Slowly cooking you. I can feel it. They're sending me messages. ALIENS!!!
Ngourlay...there are also plenty of studies that indicate that there is a strong link? I certainly would not want to take the risk and live under one, especially if my wife was pregnant.
Telephone mast = Cell towers, unless you stand right in front of them for a long time, then the exposure will cook you from the inside out.
There is more imminent danger in driving with a cell phone glue to your ear and drifting from lane to lane or slowing down in middle of the passing lane.
The problem is I think you’re an overeducated, 27-year-old virgin who holds the hands of superstitious old women and promises them eternity.
They use church towers in Europe, fake palm trees in Dubai and here apparently mosque minarets (until recently)
"let's slip out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini" Mae West
and that amount, baldrick, should be deducted from the rent. Voila!
MD - Q-tel pay rent to place their mast on other peoples buildings!
Did you know that until recently Q-tel use minarets for their transmitters as they were deemed high enough?
Art, do you or your wife own a cell phone? there is a 'known link' between these and cancer too:
The landlord should lower the rent near a phone mast because the place is 'radiation polluted'. Unfortunately they would say 'huh'? What are you talking about?"
pray do tell us the horrifying effects of these masts, and how we can avoid the cancerous illuminati signals by wearing tinfoil hats.
[there is no link to ill-health, according to many, many studies]
If they didn't put them where they do, imagine the complaints they'd get from people not getting a signal!