Missed calls

Hello Qlers,
I am facing a strange problem since last 4 days. I have actually two cell numbers. One I use for local calls and next for calling back to my home country. I never give my second number to anyone here. Only my hubby knows that number and thats it.
But strangely, since last four days I am receiving continuous missed calls in second number. For first 2 days,it was from one single local mobile number. I never bothered to reply back as I did not know that number. But yesterday, after receiving 6 missed calls in a span of 4 hrs starting from very early in morning, it got on my nerves. So I called back and asked who was it and why was he calling. He apologized and said that it was a mistake as he was actually calling his friend. I said ok and hanged up. But the missed call did stop. It came again from same number and now since today morning from 4 other different numbers as well, all local mobile numbers. They just give a ring and stop.
I am so fed up that I have turned off my cell since morning now.
Anyone else here ever faced similar problem? Any idea why this is happening?
Thanks everyone for the replies. I think I should be more patient. I do not want to report this, at least not now. It was just annoying to get so many missed calls continuously. Lets see how long this goes on. Hope the info provided by Abusaif would help me get rid of this problem.
If it continues, then i think u should call qtel and suspend the number....i suggest u should go for a new number instead of approaching police...anywys its only miscals.
If it is my say, I would prefer a best planned defense to an offense as this shall prevents further/future offenses.
Take it easy and enjoy the lovely evening..
share those nos with us, we will call them 10 times a day ...
same as what they do to you. OR . give those nos to police and be in peace ....
Most common are the calls from net chat software where the number isn't displayed..
**** Aal Izz Well****
Out of my knowledge it is not possible from a normal caller to withhold his number from the regular service (QTEL & Voda)...
Furthermore, 90% of such calls are from the people or if I may say idiots are those who know you well and know very well your reach... idea behind could be anything ranging from just harassing for fun or doing the litmus test of you and or to find your breaking point (if you are a female)
How someone can hide the number is, either the caller is associated to a discrete organization and he misusing the tools or the caller is influential or hanging out with influential and with or without consent he is using the privileged phone etc. Mostly unknown number are seen from the net chat software ...
In either case you are the judge as this your patience someone is taking for a ride...
I hope everyone realizes that his fun could be a gun to others...
However, as a precaution one should always be very careful to discharge personal information etc.
AbuSaif - I had one caller (maybe more but don't remember as don't bother to note any except for the 1st idiot) whose number did not appear in the screen. He kept calling and texting me, telling me to meet him somewhere. I passed my phone to a guy friend, who calmly said that we'd be reporting him to the police. His wife, who works at Qtel took down the details to check out at work later.
But my point is - the caller's number did not appear - so difficult to report. How do these people do this? I think it was like a call centre number or something...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Abu Saif Nice info didnt know that
That was a great info, thanks Abusaif. This would be useful for many including myself.
Significances of the prayers.
Fajar – increases the complexion or noor,
Zohar – increases Income,
Asar – Improves health,
Maghrib – good future 4 u r children,
Esha – peaceful sleep.
Don't switch off, as deprives the real callers to find you offline should there be any..
Type this....*21*122# and press the green/send and you will be forwarded to either the voicemail (voda) or txt box qtel (by default)
For the caller he finds you power off, your requirement achieved.
For you/receiver, you will get txt message/s stating the mobile number of the caller instantly...
Then it is your will to return the call immediately to the real family/friend and ignore others...plus the stream of txt messages will be helpful in case you are forced to register a police complain
Now to return your phone to normal state dial #21# and press send. (Btw: This is applicable for both QTEL & Voda)
Hope this helps..
I would give the phone to hubby to answer, when they hear a man's voice, they'll hopefully be put off. Either that, or scream down the phone like a banshee, that would be much more fun!
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
marycatherine said "...Now he knows you're female and he may spread your number around. "
Yeah. Happens very often. I learned my lesson the first time. Stupid idiot called and when he heard a female voice, asked me what my name was and tried to chat...then there were a number of other crank calls - at that time.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Abusaif, actually called back to confirm just that. When the guy at other end said it was a mistake, I said fine and thought this is it...but it continues. That is whats bothering me. And now the new numbers being added....I do not want to report anyone unless I am sure that the intention was wrong. Lets see once I turn my cell again after few days. If it continues, will think if I should take some action. For now, switched it off and staying calm.
Courtesy of the mobile and service cost reduced drastically, everyone has more than one mobile and most of the new users don't know how to use the mobiles even, they keep redialing the last call not knowing where they are dialing and how to get rid of this situation...
Further when you say that 3-4 new numbers explains it well...one novice dialed to his contact and found you and he is not sure, he dials again and again finds you....still confused he shares your number with associates mates thinking his mobile is limited version and or has problem to dial wrong connections....eventually all four failed to reach the right guy...this seems unbelievable but it has happened couple of time specially from the delivery people...
However, you are the judge as you established a vocal contact and better know from the tone.
In case your judgment suggests that someone is really bothering you on purpose, you have all the right to register a complain to your local police station.
All the best
seems some men are so desperate they will randomly call numbers til they hear a female voice. Go to your nearest Q-tel office and report the number as harassing you. they will take care of it right away and block that number from calling you again. (happened to my teenage daughter and Q-tel did a good job and took it very seriously).
lol drmana.. Let's hope so :P
**** Aal Izz Well****
It must be ur bad luck going on rizk bro..better luck next time and bring ur BELA soon at home..
Whyteknight, may be its a girl on the other side or else ...he he he
whyteknight i think its a guy whose givin miss callz to you.
Now dont ask me, How i know ? :(
Why do I get so many missed calls.. I aint no girl... Sometimes in the middle of the night too.. Most of the times local numbers not from exotic places like Morocco or senegal :-/
**** Aal Izz Well****
Soniya i called her again...she picked up and told " Wrong Number " ...:(
Snessy no worries, atleast i will get ur mobile number...:) i can also start giving ur prank calls...:)...kiddin...!
Nope, Its a song asking a girl to smile:-). He is a professional in missed calls it seems.
which song... "friendship takes exam"...:D
... BAADSHAH ...
just hand it over to the police...they will take care of it.
LOL Rizks, I don't have much on mine, I believe you can transfer it, your problem is then solved ;-)
rezymalik, when the call is on hold, you can't hear them nor can they hear you!
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
rizk bro, try calling ur BELA who must be missing u a lot..I heard last time that u fought with her and she left for her MAYKA..its very bad..call her again...
Rezymalik, actually that number did have a song set as caller tune:-)
rizks, i pm you and give all Qtel Directory #'s... :)
... BAADSHAH ...
snessy, you have a brilliant mind... whatif he starts to sing a song...:D
snessy can u pm me ur mobile number, i have too much of credit in my phone which is still not used....lol
Hey people, you are making me scared now. It seems I am better off without ever using that sim
"made a mistake trying to call his friend", LOL this is a classic excuse.. yeah right, he made a mistake, "6 times"... :P
these people are just bored and have got nothing better to do but bother other people.. just ignore, but it really is annoying when they do it repeatedly,..
if that happens to me, i'll call them up and introduce myself as the police department.. :P
mind giving me your numbers plz
have too many around me asking me for numbers :D
just inform the police or..your hubby...and take a step against thm..its..very..dangerous..to..keep up these things going on.......
If they let the phone ring for long enough, always answer it and don't say anything. When they're being charged for the calls, they'll suddenly stop. I usually answer the phone and then put them on hold :-)
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
buddy, i have recd.miss calls from AUSTRAILIA, SINGAPORE, SAUDI and can u all believe even from IRAQ..lolzzz....
But i never bothered to call them back..They will stop calling atumomatically one day if no one replies from other end..
Never call unknown numbers back - now he knows you're female and he may spread your number around. If you must KNOW - then get a male acquaintance to make the call. Even then you may encourage calls from weirdos.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Hmmm.... they sure managed to piss me up. :-( I am sure I would not turn my cell on for a week or more now.
u two (pajju bro n rizk bro) r really gr88...lolzzz
oh.. 221 is from senegal... you are right..
... BAADSHAH ...
My guess is that he was initially dialing the number by accident, but when he got a woman he decided to keep trying his luck and handed the number over to a few of their friends, probably all hoping they'll get lucky. It happened to my mother.
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
Morocco go search.
First Sorry...
Second Hello...
Third Can i do Friendsheep with you...
this is the tactics of these perverts !!
Got this info from my dear Pajju, who is expert in it :)
212 is call from senegal...
& Darude... your PR is too much... (public relation)...:D
... BAADSHAH ...
But I did call back Rizks, he said sorry and that it was dialed by mistake. Now, why would anyone searching for friendship or anything at all reply that?
i think it could be scam to trap you, as nowaday's discussions around...
... BAADSHAH ...
Just ignore like i am
i mostly get calls from +212 or +963 or +973 or +964
i think (whoever it is ) just dial the number thinkin if a gal pics up he shall ask for FriendSheep....lol
warn them of police... ofcourse they will stop...!!
... BAADSHAH ...
But the question is, how did he(whoever this is) get this number??:-(
yes it happensI got many calls from an international number...+92.. called like 10 times a day...just one ring...
never bothered to call back...
the other day hubby also got many miss calls from some local number..and he was really annoyed..
Significances of the prayers.
Fajar – increases the complexion or noor,
Zohar – increases Income,
Asar – Improves health,
Maghrib – good future 4 u r children,
Esha – peaceful sleep.
itz ok for me.
Call the person again and ask him whether he wants to experience his rest of the life behind the BARS ? :)