Miniskirt Promo Attracts Visitors

Is this wrong ? Is it any different to venues in Qatar allowing women to enter for free and men to pay!
can you think of simular schemes we could try in Qatar :O)
Women in miniskirts no longer than 39 cm are entitled to half-priced tickets at The Guilin Merryland Resort in Guangxi, China.
"The stipulation aims to encourage female visitors to showcase their beauty in summer," Li Wenxing, deputy manager of the park, told Shanghai Daily.
Don't you wear lipstick under your kilt on a lucky day? :-))
I wondered when we'd get that one the noo :O)
Colt45, nothing is worn under my kilt, it's all in perfect working order!
It is very natural for women to show their beauty- part of their life but in which way?
Morality cannot be measured in economic terms while miniskirts can. I wonder why these moral folks are fascinated about something that makes no economic sense. (let's wonder)
Simple, it's all about demand and supply...
That is one of the ironies in mordern business ethics that is being guided by profit alone..that creeps into life too modetately..who can be blamed that for..?
Willing to pay double the amount to enter that resort...
Ni hawwwww... here i come Mr. Li Wenxing
I was just trying to understand why women complain of being seen as sex objects , yet are willing to take advantage of such promotions :O(
Hi Brit,
So you are in search of a place that charges the men and promotion for the women of display ?
Another good reason to visit China. Sex sells.
What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt? :-(
IMO it is demeaning men cos the idea is by making it free for a few women one gets loads of men in.
I can wear my kilt .. It's a form of Lungi ..
A subtle form of prostitution.
How about we have lungi night at the Irish? All those in lungi's get a free drink :-) and I'm talking about the blue/ green checkered lungi Rizsks is normally seen in :-)
I agree with brit, this type of promotion demeans women and make them a showcase item.
I agree with brit, this type of promotion demeans women and make them a showcase item instead of human being.
Brit .. probably we are feeling that way... those girls there may just think its a great offer for not doing anything different...
It's called the 'survival of the fittest', brit!
But, if as you say, women themselves go along with this - then can we call it exploitation or demeaning ?
No Way..I am not with Risks in this
yes ofcourse I think those people are trying to exploit their so called fashion sense. yes it will indeed degrade women in general.
Will you be joining Rizks and promoting this trend here :o)
As a side note, do you think that this type of promotion demeans women ?
ok now thats interesting! imagine doing this in qatar heheheh
I miss my Shanghai Job surrounded by Chinese Dolls :)
Just got back from China, most of the girls are wearing shorts/mini skirts not more than 20 cms long..Especially in Shanghai..I think everyone will qualify for the discount..
I asked my tour guide if its bcos of summer or is that the normal here..she said in winter we just wear a stockings under that… they think its not fashionable to wear anything longer than 15-20 but I didn’t find it vulgar because they are petite and not much to expose..:)
rizks dont forget ur inner wear@#$@#$#@
Lifting my lungi up to 39cms and heading towards The Guilin Merryland Resort....:)
N/A here in qatar