Mills & Boon 'can damage love lives'

Mills & Boon novels can lead to relationship breakdown by giving women a rose-tinted view of love, a new report says.
Psychologist Susan Quilliam says romantic fiction can cause marital breakdown, adulterous affairs and unwanted pregnancies, reports the Daily Telegraph.
In an article in the British Medical Journal, she says some women struggle to distinguish between romantic fiction and real life.
Women who read romance novels could "suspend rationality" in favour of romanticism, including "not using protection with a new man because she wants to be swept up by the moment".
"What we see in our consulting rooms is more likely to be informed by Mills & Boon than by the Family Planning Association," she said.
"Above all, we teach that sex may be wonderful and relationships loving, but neither are ever perfect and idealising them is the short way to heartbreak.
"A Mills & Boon spokesman said: "At Mills & Boon, we publish romantic fiction, not sexual health manuals.
"Romantic fiction is about escaping from everyday life, and is not a guide to reality, and our readers are intelligent enough to understand the difference."
Once I got a spiderman's costume for my little son, then 6 years old. He thought the attire made all the difference, he donned the clothing and jumped down from a high table-top thinking he could start flying..!!
Static printed materials, the kind we use to enjoy has been almost proven to be no more than an entertainment for children. Agree we didn't have any adverse effect.However the kind of gadgets at children's disposal today might and is turning out to be a problem according to this blog post.
For most adults, this type of book is "escapism" from the mundane reality of life.
As for children, I grew up on comic books and cartoons.. Don't think it did me any harm..
You have to be pretty thick to believe guys in real life will be like the characters. Just as not every woman looks like a barbie doll not every guy is prince charming.
What about children watching cartoon movies, fairy tales, driving in the fastest lane on video games, firing at any number of 'enemies' they find on their way to the hidden treasure etc. etc. Your thought on the affected gullible young minds?
+ or -'s. Did it take this long to realise this?
...wonder what your qualification has got to do with Mills & Boon.
The fact is that these books are popular .. According to figures, every four seconds, a Mills & Boon book is bought somewhere in the world.
I remember a line from a M&B book Tinkerbell was allegedly seen reading recently .. "...that arrogant appendage he made no apologies for"
Need I say more :O)
this M&B in existence?
can i join
They live in hostels and have sheep races? :/
Nearly all products and services are marketed taking advantage of human gullibility...hope or stretched imagination to be someone out of the ordinary.
This is a popular with those girls who live lonely in hostels with music playes,ipods and libraries.There always goes a sheep race in between the girls.Far from families in school hostels or working girls hosetel life is so miserable on weekends or long holidays that girls find themselves trapped in the hands of these cheap gimmicks of novels or music or freaking out with the useless things.And than happens the brainwashing syndrome of these novels...I know well I have faced these times too.. :(
Reading these books makes women believe in "the impossible" and gives them false expectations..
guess so :(
men suffer a lot due to these stories.. :(girls reading such stories and then thinking of prince only,why the authors don't write something real and a complete story?
And so does watching bollywood movies :-)
Almost every 2nd hero is multinillionaire and goodlooking and good in everything to win the grl's heart.So when the real life comes maximum girls feels shattered.One of my hosteler friend got married to a business tycoon jsut becasue she was ultimate beautiful and later on she discovered that they were not as rich as they pretended.She is now divorced with one daughter and live alone in Dehradoon India with her parents.I feel so bad for her.