Me and My Jimmy Choos are off to China !

A chance to wear high heels and exercise at the same time ... What more can any man in touch with his feminine side ask for ?????????????
Male runners show clean pair of (high) heels
Men have been racing in 8cm stilettos in a high heeled running festival in China.
The two week long event in Nanning, Guangxi province, features races for men, women and couples.
Male racers must wear heels at least 8cm high while women have to wear 10cm stilettos as they are more used to wearing high heels.
A spokesman for the organisers told Wuzhou Daily that many of male runners had found it "exciting" to run in shoes they did not normally get the chance to wear.
"Their technique was quite amazing, as despite wearing high heels there were no sprained or twisted ankles," he said.
Participants, who were aged between 18 and 55, had to run back and forth along a 20 metre long track while jumping over hurdles.
The winner of each category won a present worth the equivalent of £100, plus shopping vouchers.
get out heero,,,,,
ur closet is too
don't worry honey,
i can let you wear my
ysl cage sandals.
lol brit.. better stick to your nikes and adidas huh?:-)
You're right.. took me ages (and a few twisted ankles) to get used to them..
oh oh, i think you'll gonna hurt not only your toes but also your back. those stilettos are WMDs, i tell ya.
Trio is right.. You have to learn to walk before you can run.. In stileottos that is ..
Aisha.. Good Idea.. Perhaps we could have a "walk against Catagelophobia" Or , please suggest a worthwhile cause..
That's the science behind it..But hw long before it comes naturally without having tothink so much before each step?? lol...abe
the article pushed me to google it:) here what I get;
Steps for Walking Effortlessly in Stilettos
Beginners should start with a safer shoe, involving a sturdier stiletto, and straps to hold in the ankle and the foot, advises Morton. Slingbacks and mules should be left to the advanced stiletto wearer as there is little more than luck holding them on. Bare feet grip your shoes better than when you are wearing hosiery, as the flesh of the foot is in direct contact with the shoe.
Carefully place each foot in a shoe somewhat like a ballerina, by pointing your toes and arching your feet, and sliding into the heel.
You will feel the balance of your weight shifting from foot to leg, with calf muscles feeling taught and ankles feeling tight. Morton equates this with the “biting point” of a car, just as you are ready to take off the handbrake.
As you begin to stand, you will feel your thighs, stomach muscles and butt clench. Gently sway from side to side, with your feet hip-distance apart.
With your weight now firmly on the tips and balls of your heels, Morton also suggests circling the room with your hands on each of your butt cheeks, to test the angle of your wiggle! Presumably, this is something that should be done alone, unless you want to treat your partner or friends to a really good laugh!
After getting the feel of the shoe and your balance, you are ready to start walking properly. Lift up your right foot, clench your toes, first landing the weight on the ball of your foot, and then spreading it onto the heel.
When you land on your first foot, make sure you land on the heel first (not toe) but then instantly move your weight forward. Wait until your foot has been repositioned before lifting the other.
To perfect that runway walk, imagine that with each step you are doing a figure of 8. Walk straight and tall, with tiny steps, as if you are on a tightrope — allowing your hips to move first.
Attitudes are more important than facts...
Stilettothon? Now thats a new one...!! i doubt i culd find some that wuld carry my weight!!!abe
It would be a good idea to have this stilettothon & tie it in with something worthwhile for a good cause.... !
And thank you for making it obvious of the Union Jack f(l)ag. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Aye Aye can I wear my brass knuckle bars with shiny heels that I knicked of the lorry last week?
They don't have to be designer shoes.. just high heels.. I will be submitting a request to the Mods for forming the group.. Then we'll take it from there..
I'm not risking my Roberto Cavalis , unless we're walking on marble..
poor shoes:-( to have to carry all those weight. hehehhee...
ouch! looks painful... all that's missing is some dress and make-up and voila! lol
their legs before wearing those shoes...hehehehehe
Welcome sister.. The more the merrier..
I've put your name down already..
Will let you know when the next "Stilettothon" is to take place..
brit, im green with envy, can't wait, lol
Last meeting of the QLSG (Qatar Living Stilettos Group)..
You can join us next time...
No one took pictures of the race?
Just asking ;-P
hi notfromhere
ur idea is hilarious and im interested to join, lol
but that's just impossible
Brit, don't go to China. Can't you just organize one here in Doha for all the QL guys?? I want to watch!
Think posture, think exercise, think freedom...
when was the contest?
coming there first week of June.
i'm just too-many-minutes-too late:(
OMG, ruin a pair of Manolo Blahniks? I don't think so!
The fact that there were "no sprained or twisted ankles" tells me that this is NOT the first time these guys have raced around in their Choos!