McCain suspends campaign - lies to Letterman
John McCain just can't cock up enough these days it seems.
McCain was scheduled to appear on David Letterman's tonight show, but at the last minute called Dave and told him he had to cancel because he now needed to fly to Washington and help solve the economic crisis. He even said he was dashing to the airport.
Dave was pissed and didn't even hide it.
But that was nothing until it transpired that McCain had not gone anywhere, and was in fact at the same precise time (during the live airing of the show) conducting an interview with Katie Couric just down the road!
I've been watching David Letterman for many years, but I have not once seen him lose it as he did this time. He even cut to a live feed of McCain sitting with Katie Couric and asked him "hey John, do you need a ride to the airport?".
Never mind the air-headedness of suspending your campaign to 'focus' on an issue - surely a President needs to be able to multi-task?!! - how about the danger of looking like he's taking cover at a time when his poll numbers are in the toilet?? Worse still... did nobody tell him that lying about where you are (to DAVID LETTERMAN), and then appearing live on TV somewhere else might not do his integrity credentials any good? I mean, even a child see this and validly ask the question, 'why did he lie?' such is the blatant and basic puerility of his deceit.
I'd like to see how his campaign handle this one!
What an idiot.
WOW Letterman skewers McCain....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Dave Letterman is about the best interview after John Stewart.... I hope he gets McBush on and rips him apart like he did to Bill O'reilly!!
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin